MovieChat Forums > Seth Rogen Discussion > Seth Rogen breaks up with James Franco

Seth Rogen breaks up with James Franco

He has spoken out about his professional relationship with frequent co-star and collaborator James Franco, saying that he has no plans to work with him following allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior.
The allegations have affected their personal friendship as well. “I don’t know if I can define that right now during this interview,” Rogen said of their friendship. “I can say it, um, you know, it has changed many things in our relationship and our dynamic.”



It would have been much more interesting if he came out and said.

"Listen, everybody deserves a second chance. The four women who sued him are now millionaires and will never have to work a day in their lives again. I will stand by my good friend and be willing to do a project with him in the future."

Now that would create a buzz, and his agent would have a 💓 attack.


Perhaps he came out and said what he said because he knows Franco and possibly has insight on what he may or may not have done with those women?





For what? Knowing something?


You're right I retract my post.


I'm not a PR person by any means, but that statement would screw Rogan big time. Not only does it minimize what those women may have gone through, but it also places a dollar value on what their trauma is worth. I don't even know or care what Franco is accused of, but I know if I were an actor, I wouldn't say that shit.


It would be hilarious! and put a new spin on things, just might shake up the industry.

I just watched Bugsy(1991) the other day and the main character repeated a saying "Everybody deserves a second chance." It is a interesting line and something that the #metoo brand apparently doesn't believe in.

Putting forth the very IDEA that some women are motivated by the monatary payday is something that I have never heard a talking head brave enough to say....but it is in the back of everyone's mind. (Franco was not charged with any crime, he was sued in civil court for sexually inappropriate behavior)

It would also get some admiration from fans, standing by a friend who has been beaten down.

Of course being bold is a hard thing to do, and this will never happen.


He might be trying to jump a sinking ship. Who knows what really happened.



Putting forth the very IDEA that some women are motivated by the monatary payday is something that I have never heard a talking head brave enough to say....but it is in the back of everyone's mind

Bill Burr has said it, many times lol. But yes I'd def have more respect for Rogen if he stood by his buddy (not defending his poor choices of course). But the same way RDJ had Gibson's back and vice versa


Jay Baruchel must be thrilled!


I understood that reference.


I find making such a statement is bullshit because you are throwing a friend under the bus.


Agreed Blue. This statement makes Rogen look like more of a dick than he already is


Those people don't have friends. They have assets and when an asset isn't profitable it gets dumped.


The Apatow group of actors who appeared together since Freaks and Geeks always seemed close and work together many times.


They'll turn on each other in a heartbeat.


Rogen's a cuck..


Wow, Rogen has no shame.


If my friend told me he killed someone, I'd ask if he needed help burying the body.

Rogen is no friend. Fast becoming a global idiot.


And if your friend was caught with say, kiddie porn, would you stay silent about that too? If your friend raped underage girls, you would be cool with that?
