MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Shouldn't the stars of the movies give a...

Shouldn't the stars of the movies give away all the wealth they gained?

After all she's a monster and they've profited, some massively, from her work.

Creativity from the mind of a hateful evil bigot. Why would they want to retain any of that filthy blood money?


I still don't get what Rowling is supposed to have done that's bad. I never really looked into it.

But regarding what you've said, it's like saying that all actors who played Hitler or any Nazi should give away their wealth, too.

Newsflash, TerraFirma69: they're ACTORS simply doing a job, playing fictional parts. Who cares if their characters were written by someone "dubious" or "a monster" in your eyes?


You may have missed the sarcasm. I have no problem with her, but some of the self righteous twats she made very rich and famous seem to think she's the devil. They were great friends with her, but as soon as she started saying politically incorrect things they turned on her. Didn't turn on all the money they made directly due to her tho did they?


Oh right, I see. I'm not too sure what's going on between them all. But if she's showing signs of wokeness, then I'm with the actors.


It's the other way around.


The actors, especially Emma Watson, are the ultra-woke ones.

JK Rowling just says that a woman has a vagina... She's being cancelled for it.


Well, she's right. There's conflict within LGBT+ circles, as a gay man I know hates transsexuals as well.


You don't need to hate transsexuals (I don't think JK Rowling hates tanssexuals), you just have to accept the science and human nature.


Most gay men don't hate transsexuals. We just don't think that a "transwoman" is the same as a biological woman.


Why should wealthy and successful actors give away all the money they earned from being in J.K. Rowling movies? Those movies have brought joy to millions of people all over the world.

She is not woke. I don't know if you know yet but wokism is dying. It will soon be dead.

Speaking of wealth check this out-

Wow! She has done very well. Good for her!


I know she isn't woke. Why did you think I thought that?


Because your thread is woke. Which means you are woke.

From a commercial standpoint she is an enormously successful author. Harry Potter movies alone have generated fabulous sums of money for many people.

Now those who acted in films based on her books should "give away all their wealth"? Why on Earth would you have such a preposterous notion?

Ha ha, jealous much?


You appear to have missed the point. It's all sarcasm.


you thought you were clever there, eh?


What do you mean?


gotcha moment


What do you mean?


you're one dumb mf. do I need to explain this too?


I would appreciate it.


Nah. But all the people who keep making threads in this board should get a life.


Shouldn't the people taking time to complain about those threads get one too?


So, if the person who started the company you used to work for, and you made a lot of money from the product you sold working for said company, came out on twitter and said something which you disagreed with, and you said on twitter that you disagreed, would you give away all the wealth you made?


No I wouldn't. But then, I'm not a rabid virtue signaller like the actors I'm referencing.


a better solution would be for an audit on all the monies derived from her IPs & then instead of the actors, crews, etc return the foul finances, JK Rowling would have to donate an equal amount to gay and or transexual charities,
after she says sorry then she can continue amassing great wealth from all of her IPs


Why should she be forced to donate to gay or transexual charities? That makes no sense at all.


because she said some mean things about them


Yes I'm sure the actors would be much happier with that arrangement. That way they get to keep all the filthy lucre they gained from the creativity of a demon.

Side note, I'm not aware JK has had any issues with gays.


i believe most transsexuals are gay depending on how their sex change goes,
but either way according to the rules LGBTQIA is all inclusive & if you are rude to one then you're rude to all


There's plenty of gays not on board with the transgender stuff. I think the time has gone where they all want to be lumped in together, so many are unlikely to take offense at people on the 'only two genders' side of things.


Yes, and Elliot and Gretchen should give Walt his money he got from the creation of Brain Matter!!!


Gretchen is an ultra-bitch
