MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > APPARENTLY DIED IN HIS SLEEP WITHOUT SUF...


Stop with your retarded "booster shot" conspiracy theories!

Sources familiar with the investigation tell TMZ ... Bob was "tucked in bed" when his body was discovered Sunday at around 4 PM ET. As we reported, the lights were off in his room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Orlando.

We're told Bob had called his wife before going to bed and also tweeted how happy he was to be back on stage.

We're told as the day wore on, from morning to afternoon, his wife became concerned because Bob was supposed to be on a flight returning to L.A., and when she couldn't reach him she called the hotel. That's when security entered his room and discovered his body.

As we reported, although the official cause of death won't be known for 10 to 12 weeks, the operating theory is that he suffered either a stroke or a heart attack.

He had just gotten over COVID, we're told, but people close to him say he seemed fine in the days before he died.


When that happens, I hope it's like anesthesia during surgery, where you are completely unaware of anything, including the unpleasant things that are being done to your body.


It is sad, but at least it was a quiet, dignified way to go. Rest in Peace, Bob.


The theory the shot killed him is just as likely to be true as anything else considering the side effects listed. It is a peaceful way to go in ones sleep. This is the time when we will start to see more and more of those "long term" side effects that people warned about at the beginning. The problem is all the studies were short term and the peer review process was a joke where Pharma controlled the data others saw and also basically graded their own tests.


You belong in the loony bin.


Wow, brilliant.



I made another post about this before, that the graphene oxide forms coagulation and then causes blockades in the arteries, leading to heart failure.

It can be as instant as a few hours, or as long as up to a few years.

Dr. Robert Malone warned people about this exact thing, it's called masking.

The shots are causing clots, and depending on your immune system will determine how long (or short) it may take for organ failure to occur.

More than anything that TMZ article makes it clear it was the shots since he died of heart failure while having no previous reported heart conditions.

As I mentioned in another post, your heart doesn't just magically stop. Usually it's from an onset build-up of blockage, and in this case it's pretty obvious it fits in line with the 287% increase in heart failures reported for 2021, especially in those under 50. What the reports fail to bring out is that it's also affecting those 50+ as well.


it's very possible -


Do you know what other medications he might have taken and what their side effects are? What were his diet and exercise habits? Those have side effects also. Do you know the extent of his family medical history?


I love how we've been told people who have bullets in their heads and cancer are all covid deaths for two years, but when someone dies of a known vaccine side effect, well now we better consider what his diet was before we attribute anything to the vaccine.


I’m saying we should take all things into account. Saying he died from side effects of the vaccine is just as bad as saying someone who died in a car accident, and had covid, died from covid. It’s very much so the same thing.


Booster killed him, so STFU...just like the shot killed Hank Aaron and Marvin Hagler.


"Stop with your retarded "booster shot" conspiracy theories!"

Do you understand that one of the side effects of the vaccines is blood clots?
Do you also understand what a heart attack or stroke is, physiologically speaking?

Of course you don't, you instead call other people retarded, like a monkey in a house of glass... and a big rock in his hand.


Same morons who sign a piece of paper giving up all liability to be able to sue vaccine manufacturers.
