MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > Experienced some kind of blow to the hea...

Experienced some kind of blow to the head and then went to sleep.

I wonder why he did not call anyone or seek medical attention? They said Saget did not have drugs or alcohol in his system.

I hope it was not because he was uninsured or thought he could not afford it - like most of the rest of Americans these days might do and hope for the best.

Now the question is ... how did he hit his head?


i think he died from the mcfranklinvax and this whole hitting head on something bullshit is a diversion from the truth


I think you died a long time ago.


i did when i smoked DMT then was reborn again. i am the real version of being woke not the pc sjw brainwashed version that took over that term


I do too. They said there was no apparent cause of death just hands on heart when they found him. But now say he had multiple fractures to his skull, would have been very obvious upon discovery. Also if someone hits their head that hard, they are not going to go to bed and think everything is fine. Multiple fractures to the skull, the skull is one of the hardest bones in the body, if he hit his head that hard he'd be laying right next to the object he hit it against.


I wonder if he was out of his mind, depressed or even suicidal and made a decision to just lay down and let whatever was going to happen, happen, or someone discover him. Maybe he could barely move ... it just doesn't make sense. They don't seem to be able to find anything with his tissue on it that proves he hit his head on, whatever.


He might have been depressed but I've never heard of a suicide from hitting ones head. He's a little old for the type of aggressive self destructive behavior of hitting ones head against the wall, that type of thing along with cutting is the young mans fix.


I mean in that he just laid down and decided to not make the effort suicidal, not actively banging his head to kill himself.


Maybe he was disoriented and decided to go to sleep and when he got up planned to go to the doctor.


My first thought was that he hit his head on the bedpost, the wall, or something very close to his bed, that might have knocked him out immediately (which is why he didn't call 911), maybe in the middle of his sleep, being unfamiliar with a new bed.


Isnt this how William Holden died?


Holden was as drunk as a skunk and actually thought some kleenex was enough to stop the bleeding.


What a shame.. He starred in one of the greatest movies just a few years earlier in "Network".


He could have slipped in the shower.


I think they said that he may have slipped and fallen over backwards ... but they say they cannot find anything with his hair, blood of tissue on it that indicates what he hit his head on.


Most likely didn't feel any pain or was light enough not to worry about it and went to bed.


'I hope it was not because he was uninsured or thought he could not afford it"

He was part of a union that provides coverage and had a net worth of over $100,000,000.


Have they said if there was any evidence of where he hit his head in the room? Or what he hit it on?


I have not heard anything since.


It would be impossible to call anyone as his wife's hitman bashed him in the head with a blunt object.
