MovieChat Forums > Bernie Sanders Discussion > Bernie is a millionaire !

Bernie is a millionaire !

Good for him. It cracks me up how people want to claim that Bernie is a fake because he has a home, or vacation home, or a car, or a jacket. As long as someone makes their money honestly and legally and pays PROGRESSIVE TAXES ON IT to return something to the country that underwrote it all, I have no problem with capitialism and democratic socialism working side-by-side.

As a Presidential candidate Bernie is releasing all this tax returns in a few days which is a lot more than Dishonest Don has ever done but lie about it.


I agree. No one ever said there's something wrong with making money. Hell, there's nothing wrong with making a Ń•hitload of money, personal success is part of what America is all about! It's only a bad thing if you're ripping off consumers, cheapskating your own employees, trying to monopolize whole industries, and funneling bribes to politicians to change the laws on your behalf so you can get away with murder. Bernie Sanders hardly strikes me as being consumed by the type of King Midas insatiable greed you see with the Koch Brothers or the Sacklers.

If he starts delaying the release of his taxes, and coming up with lame excuses, then I'll question his intentions. But as long as he just wants five days to get his documents in order I don't see why people are getting antsy about it.


I like Bernie, I like much of his politics, and I don't think he's set out to live a hypocritical lifestyle however, in a society where people are homeless, jobless, relying on foodbanks and handouts simply to eat, and poverty is rampant, I do find the idea that anyone can be a millionaire to be utterly unseemly.

I'm not even a socialist (I don't want the government controlling everything), but I think the wealth gap is an absolute travesty and something the state has to do something to control.


screw this old commie bozo


Bozo is a clown, and if anyone in politics is a clown it's not Bernie.
All of Bernie's friends and acquaintances are not facing prison time.
Not to mention there is no one that is a commie at all. Bernie is a
Democratic Socialist, like FDR, the most popular American President
of all time - elected 4 terms.



The real news is that Bernie finally admits to being in the 1%. Now, if he admits to a large carbon footprint, we'll really be getting somewhere.

"I have no problem with capitialism and democratic socialism working side-by-side." It HAS to. The capitalists have to be those "other people" making the money that props up socialism. But, as Maggie Thatcher wisely said, "Eventually you run out of other people's money." If we were to try to pay for his programs, it would bankrupt this country.


He's been in DC almost 30 years. He owns 4 houses. Unless he's a junkie, he should be worth several million now.

His $174,000 income makes him a 2%er. Pretty "rich" for anyone in DC to rip on the 1%ers!


Only 3 houses now! Made big shekles from 2017 book. Releasing tax returns Monday.


Trump releases his tax return every the IRS, the only people who have any business looking at it anyway.
