MovieChat Forums > Bernie Sanders Discussion > If Bernie wins, I am going on Welfare AS...

If Bernie wins, I am going on Welfare ASAP.

It's gonna be great! Never have to work again, lots of free stuff. Let some other shmuck pay for it all. Socialism is the way of the future!


You should take advantage of free education first, as welfare doesn't work like that.


Totally, If he wins I’ll never have to work again. I’m quitting my job as soon as he wins


Oh make sure you don't use any current social programs or socially funded goods.

so stop driving on the roads. never call the police or firemen. Start testing and inspecting your own air, water and food. you don't need the military now so go fight your own wars.

oh wait another cuckservative who loves social programs that help him and doesn't know the difference between communism/socialism and a mixed market economy with social programs.

awww another one who didn't even do grade 11 politics I see lol


Vladimir Lenin said the goal of socialism is communism.



What are the populations of those countries?



what's next? the racist "well our country is too "ethnically diverse". the aka "we have black people who ruin everything" arguement

If you really think this...doesn't that make you the racist?


tats the two most common arguments by right wingers. first its "well our countries bigger!" then the second one is normally couched in euphemisms like "we have a more diverse population". but all you guys really mean is "black people ruin everything"


Idiotic strawman! That's libertarian, not liberal. I mean true liberal, not fucking marxism!


Why wouldn't you work if working is better for you?

If you do that then you'll simply be in the company of other pieces of shit like yourselves.

The socialists will be out working for ourselves and our communities.


You can work at a cash register for $15 an hour, which is insanely good too.
