MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > MAGA supporters brutally beat Jussie Smo...

MAGA supporters brutally beat Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollet, star of the show 'Empire' was brutally attacked outside a Chicago Subway sandwich shop early Monday morning. The two white men beat him up, put his head in a noose, and yelled "This is MAGA country!"

The altercation started when the 36 year old gay black actor - who had just arrived in Chicago from New York - was leaving the sandwich shop around 2 am. Someone yelled out, "Aren't you that f***ot 'Empire' n*****?"

The two white men - wearing ski masks and MAGA hats- approached Smollet and brutally beat him. The actor fought back, but suffered a fractured rib. The two men then put a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, and then yelled "This is MAGA country!" before leaving him. The actor was taken to Northwestern Memorial where he was treated.

Just eight days ago, an anonymous letter was sent to the actor at FOX Studios in Chicago, with "MAGA" written in the top corner for the return address. The letter says, "You will die black f**." in cut-out letters.

Chicago police are investigating these two incidents as a 'hate crime' and checking the neighborhood for surveillance cameras.

"Given the severity of the allegations, we are taking this investigation very seriously and treating it as a possible hate crime," said Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi . "Detectives are currently working to gather video, identify potential witnesses and establish an investigative timeline. The victim is fully cooperating."



This thread makes me laugh. The libtards were all over this, using this hoax to smear Trump supporters and defend Smollett in the face of overwhelming evidence against him. It's what they do: ignore reality just so they can make political points.

Just shows the level of dishonestly they wallow in. And it's still going on in other threads as we speak.


Yeah, this thread proves how disturbed modern liberals are. They present no facts, no logic, and immediately want to lynch people. They are the modern equivalent to the KKK, and the Nazi party. The only thing that prevents them from exterminating people that do not agree with them is the fact that we are all armed. If not for that they'd be lining us up to put us in train cars... It's a sad state of affairs when one side is so full of anger, and hatred that they are completely unaware of how inhuman, and brainwashed that they have become. I pray for their awakening.


This didn't age well




The truth always comes out eventually and people of the future are not going to look highly on the early 21st Left Wing


This is absolutely the truth. It's the equivalent of hippies spitting on drafted Vietnam vets coming home.


So is the OP going to apologize for his fake news post or is he going to run away like a coward?


Well he did delete his account so he chose to run away like a coward.


This thread delivers.



Good decision.
