MovieChat Forums > Joseph Stalin Discussion > Why didn't Britain and France declare wa...

Why didn't Britain and France declare war after Stalin invaded Poland?



Now that's a good question! 💖​
I would like to expand the question:

Why didn't UK and France declare war after Stalin and Hitler invaded Poland?


Good question.


That's not really an answer. 🧐​


Why didn't the USA?


The USA didn't have an alliance with Poland?


Timetunnel is correct, the U.S. didn't have a reciprocal defense agreement with Poland as England had.

The mood in the U.S. in the late 30s was *extreme* isolationism. FDR ran and was elected on it. The U.S. was not in the mood to fight another European war.

FDR knew the U.S. was going to have to enter the war if the European Allies were going to win it, and he started with Lend/Lease to provide war materiel, but FDR needed a reason to become actively involved, and Pearl Harbor provided it. The mood in the U.S. changed dramatically with the attack on Pearl.


Same way Britain, France and USA didn't declare war to nazi russia when it invaded Ukraine in 2022.

Out of fear that war will come into their own pretty counties. And not wanting to send their own soldiers to die. So they all just hoped to sacrifice Poland and that hitler and stalin would would split it and be satisfied. Only to see that they are not satisfied and it was just the beginning before other invasions.

That's what Ukraine is telling from the first day of russia-Ukraine war. For world not to make "Poland mistakes". And that if Ukraine would fall - russia will start invading next countries and Europe and USA would have to get into war with their own soldiers and territories to be attacked by nazi russians. They very well understand it and send weapons to Ukraine. While small minded idiots like Trump, Musk, some republicans think that if they would sacrifice Ukraine then it would all stop and they can continue their lives. Just like small minded cowards Britain and France did back then.


Ukraine is neither an ally nor a NATO member.


Of course Ukraine is an ally. Would be a better NATO member than the pussy states.


While I don't know exactly who you mean by "pussy states",
I would like the Ukraine as a NATO member too.
But Ukraine isn't yet a NATO member.

And whose ally with which treaty is the Ukraine please?


Ukraine is ally of Europe, USA, NATO, civilization....

USA have the biggest and most loyal ally bordering its biggest enemy - russia. Ally that is killing and annihilating russian army, their weapons, sinking their freaking war ships. No one did more damage to russia than Ukraine.

This is why its so surprising how some republicans and all trumpists keep attacking Ukraine and demand for it to surrender to russia. Same idiots who were always proclaiming themselves patriots and put American flag in their profiles on Twitter. But basically became russia's loyal little bitches.


"Ukraine is ally of Europe, USA, NATO, civilization...."

You confuse ally with buddy.
So, please try to answer my question before:
Whose ally with which treaty is the Ukraine?


Maybe because they would have to fight two very powerful enemies instead of one?
Both countries declared war on Hitler and he was more than enough to deal with.
Having Stalin enter the war against them would have been a real challenge.
Probably more than they could deal with.


"Both countries declared war on Hitler and he was more than enough to deal with."

You're very close to the solution. ♥
Just to 'distract' you a bit:
Yah, UK and France declared war on Germany.
With little consequences at that point...Poland had no chance.
