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Trump donates his salary to Rebuild Military Cemeteries - Media Ignores Story


Of course they, do, the biased bastards!



Well, obviously you've heard of it. I know I heard of it, and in a more respected outlet than "" At the time I thought, as possibly many others have, that they'd need actual proof, what with Trump's track record on such things.


I didn't hear it from the Main Stream Media. They have ignored it.



Fox news (Trump and Trumper news of choice) is mainstream media and they ignored it as well.


Actually, that's where I heard it, so no, Fox didn't ignore it. The other outlets wanted to wait until it was more than the White House announcing...blah, blah, blah. Be it left or what passes for right these days, they're going to toot their own horn, and it's up to the journalists to sort out what's true from what's false. Then it's our job to keep our eyes open and read from as many reputable sources as possible.

Oddly enough, you'll get more news quicker on Twitter -- depending on which reporters you're following -- than you will anywhere else. You don't have to wait until they write up the story for their news outlets. There's a good and bad side to that, of course.


OmG Muh fOX NEwS!!!


He does donate salary... But it's still fake news.


There were two immediate problems with this set of claims. First, President Trump could not possibly donate his entire $400,000 annual salary for 2018 for the purpose of rebuilding military cemeteries, because he has already donated the first quarterโ€™s worth of that salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs for an entirely separate initiative. So he only had three-quarters of his salary left to distribute, a mathematical fact that undermines the credibility of these claims.

Second, the social media posts and articles making this claim were very thinly sourced, to say the least. Neither the viral Facebook post nor meme that we highlighted above cited any source, and the three news articles we mentioned all relied on the two tweets from Charlie Kirk and Mark Simone.

Kirkโ€™s tweet cited no source whatsoever. Simone claimed that the information came from a White House โ€œspending reportโ€ sent to Congress, which he asserted contained the following statement: โ€œInstead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries!โ€

Simone did not include a link to that report in his tweet, and neither he nor Kirk responded to our requests for clarification or documentation.

The White House did send a somewhat related report to Congress a month before these claims emerged online. The White House Officeโ€™s Annual Report to Congress on White House Personnel lists the names, titles and salaries of White House employees, and the 2018 report, published on 29 June, made no mention of President Trumpโ€™s salary, nor his donations from that salary.

More to be posted...


No it's not.



Frog said it, so you know there isn't any spin or mistruthes,lol. He'd NEVER do that.


Furthermore, we did not find the quotation that Simone included in his tweet in any official White House document or report to Congress. We did, however, find it in several online postings from the summer of 2017. As posted to the web site on 25 July 2017, the message typically read as follows:

The Trump administration released their annual report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary and position title of all 377 White House employees. The report also said that Trump decided not to take a dime of his salary, instead he donated it to an amazing cause.

โ€ฆ Itโ€™s what the report said Trump did with this salary that has everyone talking!

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries! AMAZING! Itโ€™s so great to have a President who loves our brave military men and women so much! Oh, and whereโ€™s the media coverage of this? Oh thatโ€™s right, they donโ€™t cover anything good that the President does.

So the claim that Trump donated his entire $400,000 annual salary for rebuilding military cemeteries actually comes from online rumors posted in 2017. This means the vast majority of claims made in July and August 2018 are false on this basis alone, since they stated that Trumpโ€™s donation had happened โ€œtoday.โ€

However, the claim was as false in 2017 as it was in 2018. As we outlined at the beginning of this article, President Trump distributed his 2017 salary in four separate chunks, to four separate projects, none of which involved military cemeteries.


All I wanted to do was comment on something nice President Trump did.

Unfortunately I got jumped on by a bunch of folks with Trump Derangement Syndrome. You people never believe anything good about the President. You automatically reject it as fake news. You folks really do need to get over the fact that he won, and he is the President. And no amount of whining or rejecting any good news about him is going to change that.



Don't include me in the Trump Derangement Syndrome excuse. I like the SCOTUS noms, and a few other things, but if they were done by the same fellow who thinks trade wars are good, that he's got "peace in our time" on the Korean peninsula or writes those bizarre tweets, I'll eat my hat. When first asked who he thought would be a good SCOTUS nom, he said he thought his ultra-liberal sister would be just the thing. In short, when Ben Shapiro can say, "Good Trump!" I think it's because someone else in the administration made the call.

Yes, he's President. And I'd rather have a Republican administration in there than Hillary, even if the President is the literal definition of a RINO -- a fellow who spent a lifetime as a liberal, ran for President and lost as an Independent, and settled for being a Republican because his good friend Hillary was destined to be coronated by the Dems no matter who ran against her. Any Republican administration would have come up with the same SCOTUS nominees that Trump did, and almost any one of the people who started the run for the GOP nomination could do exactly as good a job as Trump is doing, with the likely exception of Huckabee and Kasich.

And, of course, anyone who wasn't a Democrat was going to get pummeled by the press. The big boys take a deep breath, pull on their big boy pants and get on with the job. Trump whines and cries like a brat. My guess is something is going to happen in the next two years that is going to so disqualify him that a real Republican will win the next election, and I don't mean the guy who endorsed Cruz but was willing to be Trump's bootlick.

Of course, if by "Trump Derangement Syndrome" you mean someone who doesn't gush for him, well, I guess I'd qualify. I'm more in the Ben Shapiro/Jonah Goldberg school -- they call honest balls and strikes.


I don't include you, but you certainly don't seem to like him. TDS is a disease of the Leftists who attack him and his family (which is disgusting) 24/7.

And Trump doesn't whine, he fights back. He's like U.S. Grant, who was a drunk and a failure in civilian life, but Lincoln said of him "I can't spare this man. He fights." He's the first Republican President in my memory to fight back, and I love him for it. And my guess he will be re-elected in 2020.

And what difference does it make if he was a liberal or conservative in the past? All that matters is what he's doing now, and he's doing a great job MAGA!

I was just trying to counter the 24/7 attacks with a report on something good he did. I didn't expect to be jumped by a whole bunch of folks with TDS.



He was called on whining during the primaries. "And I'll whine right to the White House!" he said. I come from a different era where we wanted Presidents who were strong and didn't whine. He whines, and is proud of it. It's served him well. When liberals whine they're called "snowflakes," and should be. When Trump whines that the media doesn't treat him fairly, he just sounds like he was spending time in an extended "personal Vietnam," not paying attention to the fact that the media has ALWAYS attacked anyone with an R after their name. The others didn't try to pretend as if this was new, different, or on an unprecedented scale -- which Whiny Don does.

But as someone on Twitter pointed out, the media gave him vastly more time during the elections than they did everyone else put together, and they did so because his antics drew the ratings.

"He's the first Republican President in my memory to fight back, and I love him for it." Don't tell me -- you're young.

But I do admit that when he said flatly that a country isn't a country without borders, after eight solid years of people being afraid to say anything like that because it sounded like they wanted to keep brown people out, whereas it's simply a matter of keeping ILLEGALS out, it was refreshing. Sadly, though, he does play to bigots, and to deny that is to ram one's head firmly in the sand. Do you honestly believe he couldn't understand the question because his earpiece was cutting out when he was asked about a man with known KKK ties?

"I was just trying to counter the 24/7 attacks with a report on something good he did." But you weren't paying attention when people pointed out that it was a claim that was, at best, inflated. Trump lies. Trump lies all the time. Trump lies when the truth would serve him better. That's why all his lawyers don't want him to answer questions verbally put to him by Mueller. It's a slam dunk that he'll be dinged on a perjury rap.

PS -- a trade war isn't good.


I withdraw my statement that you didn't have TDS. You obviously do, and this is a waste of my time. Bye.



You need to meet people, as I have, who won't even say they like his SCOTUS nominees because they were named on his watch. They claim to be conservatives, but they won't even cut the man that much slack.

Rush Limbaugh has gone all in for Trump, but even he won't say he's a conservative. If we still had Andrew Breitbart (my guess is you don't really know how great that man was, or how far from his beliefs is the website that currently degrades his name), my guess is we wouldn't have Trump as President. We'd probably have Cruz, and we'd have just as good of SCOTUS nominees, and the left would be howling louder than ever.

Most of Trump's fans are either young, or really haven't been paying close attention to what he's said. Fox wants you to believe that Trump is disappointed that DACA is back. Trump is on the record as being FOR DACA -- it's his supporters that aren't. And his supporters have invested in Trump all their hopes and dreams.

Don't believe that much in a mere man, especially one in politics. Is he President? Then he's in politics, and don't kid yourself on that score. Trump will break your heart. Politicians always do. Folks laugh and joke and say you folks don't have a limit, and you'd hold your grandmother still so he could shoot her, and you'd tell everyone it was some kind of 489D chess. But there really IS a line he'll cross. You do care about your mothers and grandmothers, and you don't honestly believe he's God. Trump thinks he owns you like Obama owned some of his followers, but the rank and file in what liberals consider "flyover country" aren't owned by anyone.

And deep down, Trump knows that. That's why he wants to bail out the farmers who have crops now they can't sell. Those soybeans, corn and kidney beans in the Midwest aren't a mythical gunning down on Fifth Avenue -- they're whether or not families lose their farms.



MoveManCin2 is the type that wilts under a thrashing.

In this case it was the critique you delivered of Trump from the right of Trump. lol.

He had no answer.


Oh, boo hoo. You forward a spurious report about the Donald, people call it into question, and you call it TDS. That's the popular coinage for the next week or so. Take a reprehensible POTUS who most thinking people despise, hold him up as honorable then complain when people disagree?
Like the other poster says, anyone who doesn't agree with you, you claim has TDS, but it's you who are in the Cult of Trump, totally brain-washed and biased. Trump's a miserable human being. He may stumble into some good moves as POTUS and I won't complain, but he's a creep. There's too much smoke around the guy not to believe there is a fire close by. Our Prez tag line is "you're fired." How inspiring.
Now let's talk about Manifort, Sean Spicer, Stormy Daniels, the first two ex-wives, and all the rest of the revolving door that seems to be Trump World. Examining the POTUS' behavior is Derangement? Well let's fire all the legitimate news media so the Lies can more easily be believed.


As far as attacking DT's family, Repubs opened that door a long time ago. I think they made fun of Jimmy Carter's daughter way-back-when. And with the Obama birther nonsense, the gloves were off, not to mention the ugly hate that still gets thrown Hilary's way. Even well-mannered Dems can't just take all this vitriol w/o fighting back, something you seem to admire.


Some people will be mean as spit no matter what. The thoughtful conservatives started laughing when Carter, in a debate, announced he'd asked his daughter advice on things nuclear. By that time Carter had the perception he was a floundering fool, and asking an eight or nine year old girl about nuclear foreign policy was the living end for many people. Yes, the jokes went on for days, but they were mainly aimed at Carter and his need to get advice from a kid.

I'm far from an Obama fan, but I was sickened by the ridicule that Mrs. Obama got. Attack her for the "All that for a stupid flag!" remark, but "Moochelle"? Really? And the suggestion she was really a man in drag? Sickening!


It's not the unfounded Trump Derangement Syndrome (Rethuglikkans desperate attempt to try and save his reputation) which deflates this posting - it's the fact that it's a prime example of "Fake News". That's something T-rump (and his minions) abhors, so why should we be acknowledging this fake news?


Being angry with Trump for throwing in with dictators while insulting our intelligence agency as well as us Americans who disagree with his throwing in with dictators is not "Trump Derangement Syndrome"--it's called having simple, human, common decency, common sense and possessing a moral center.


So what youโ€™re saying is youโ€™re an advocate of T-rumps fake news and lies but not of truth and fact checking?


What's his salary? Like half a mil a year? Yawn. The bitchass already made tens of millions from the tax cut he passed, which are the same tax cuts the middle class will be paying for in four years while he and the rest of the top percent continue reaping all the rewards. Oh, but he gave half a mil. Wow, what a generous guy.


Trump Derangement Syndrome runs deep with you, lance.



some of us republicans think a trade war is not good and health care is so maybe the D stand for deficit Spending


How, he is right?
83 percent of the cuts went to the rich. Im glad he is donating fantastic, doesnt change these tax cuts only helped the elite of the elite.


That is an absurd statement. He gave EVERYONE a Tax Cut. Why are some people too stupid to realize that? Would you have preferred Crooked Hillary's plan "We are going to raise taxes on the middle class."??

Provide some documentation for that ridiculous claim, or shut up.



Trump Derangement Syndrome is just a stupid tactic for you to avoid the conversation. First you post this tripe nonsense regarding Trump's salary which is pennies to what he's earning outside of the White House (when he's not supposed to due to the emoluments clause), then you whine that you're getting "jumped by folks" with Trump Derangement Syndrome, yet you're the one calling people deranged. Eight years of Obama being called a Kenyan Muslim, socialist, marxist, communist, and you went right along with it. Now we have a complete idiot in the white house, with 60% of the population recognizing it and pointing it out, and all you come back with is they all have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Are you sure the syndrome isn't on you?




Again, all you do is avoid the conversation with meaningless adjectives that hold no bearing on anything resembling an argument. You could try to back up your meager attempt to praise Trump for donating his "salary," but you don't. You could explain the finer details of what that salary is, and the actual value of what he is donating, but you don't. Instead you just look for the easy way out to avoid being exposed as an infantile lamebrain. But you already gave that away with your initial post.



And MovieManCin2's circus act continues...


This is my final warning to you -- and I'm making this one public -- to stop flaming other members.

If you're unable to discuss topics you feel passionately about, without respecting our rules here on MC, which you agreed to abide by, your posting privileges will be suspended.


This goes for anyone else who does the same thing. Flaming is against MovieChat's rules, the complete rules of which can be found at the bottom of every MC page, on the Standards link, and I suggest everyone read and understand them.

The application of our rules has nothing to do with partisanship.




That's a very deep thought there MMC2. Be careful not to sprain your brain.


One Conservative like me is twice as smart as a whole room full of you Libtards. Liberalism is a mental disease.



Yet you argue like a clown. It makes sense though. You like Trump because he's turned the White House into a circus.

Most of the world's population is scratching their heads wondering wtf has happened to the US' executive branch. But not you. Oh no. Instead, you're taking notes, wondering how you can replicate Trump's circus act to make more people scratch their heads wondering wtf is wrong with you.



There's that circus act I was talking about.


Where he's really making his money is with the people willing to stay at his hotels, buy memberships at his clubs, or cut his businesses deals. It's influence-peddling. Of course, he can say he doesn't give the people better deals, or more consideration because of it, but that's difficult to prove either way. And, of course, there's the fact that he spends more time on his golf courses and at his hotels and resorts, where the government has to pay his inflated fees for the Secret Service protection. And, even though nothing matters more to Trump than money, there is the likely exception of fame. He's in the most famous and powerful of positions, and he doesn't have to stay at a cheesy dump that has gold-plated toilets to feed his Midas fixation.


I thought he said he wasn't going to take a salary as President when he went into the Oval Office? Or was that more fake news from him?


First of all, that presidential salary is breadcrumbs to someone like Trump.

Secondly, so what? Our government SHOULD be respecting the military and those who fought and died for this country. What--does he deserve a medal for doing something we're essentially SUPPOSED to be doing as a country?

Third--Meanwhile, he's trying to give his rich elite friends ANOTHER tax break at OUR expense. If he really wants to impress me he'd use his OWN money to give us hardworking Americans a REAL tax cut. THEN he would deserve a medal.


Great post!


1. Trump is rich and I am not.

2. Obuma won the Nobel Peace Prize for what?

3. The tax cuts were for everyone.

4. This is why TDS exists.




With as nonsensical a post as that, what are you trying to prove?


That you people are not only mean and vicious and full of hate, but that you're also stupid. Liberalism is a mental disease.



Except four bullet points of non sequiturs doesn't do that. It's apparently incoherent except to devoted members of the trumptard cult that you ascribe.

Nah. Stupid is what you reveal by refusal to recognize the fake news with which you started this thread as pointed out by multiple posters from the left AND THE RIGHT.

What's "mean and vicious and full of hate" is you above after saying "TDS is a disease of the Leftists who attack him" (not that anyone on the left cares) but then turning around and branding your fellow conservative Destinata as TDS when he legitimately critiqued Trump from the right.

Your blind hero worship, low IQ, and fragile snowflake psyche leaves you poorly equipped to debate the topic you started, so you cop out by labeling anyone who disagrees with you TDS, doesn't matter if they're liberal or conservative. Except logic dictates it must be YOU addled with TDS since it can't just be everyone who doesn't blindly agree with you. You know it's true. ๐Ÿ˜Ž



LOOOOL! Seriously are you 14? That's an insult to 14 year olds I'm sure because you actually sound like you're about 8. You just make it too easy when you get triggered. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


That you say this betrays how biased you are. Your are so consumed with Hate, the very concept of Liberalism sends you into paroxysms of Hate.
A Hater You Are and A Hater You'll Be. Get used to it, that's Who You Are.
Let the rest of us good people alone and not have to listen to your ugly ideological diatribes.



Four bullet points that make no sense. I'm not sure what to say, but I know something should be said.
Breathtaking in it's utter ridiculousness. If I were in college and I wrote something along these lines, I should get an F for Failure. Just spouting anything to see if it gets traction. Doesn't deserve to be be looked at.


It's because the dumb asses on the Left give him no credit for ever doing anything good. They're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Hey Einstein, he DID use his own money in this case. And if you missed it, he gave EVERYONE a tax cut. Are you too stupid to realize that? Or do you just listen to your leaders and parrot what they say?



Just hold up a mirror and read your own post back at yourself. Then you might figure it out and learn something.


Bite me.



What tax cut? I'm a middle class career man. Where is my tax cut? Funny how all the boomers I have for coworkers (all middle class Trumpers, by the way) ALSO told me they didn't notice any tax cut. Funny how EVERYONE I KNOW has the same answer for me: "I didn't receive any tax cut. I don't know what those people online are talking about".

Where is this tax cut? The rich certainly received one.

PS: Maybe Cheeto would receive more recognition for those few good things he's done if maybe, just maybe, he wasn't a nasty, bullying, disrespectful ass hole. You know--just a thought. He treats people like garbage. Why should people treat a man who treats people like garbage well? Hm?


Sorry dteam6, but I cannot respond to that. I had my wrist slapped, and pee pee whacked (poetry there) by Mod 3
for "flaming other posters", so I have to be a good little boy, and stick to generic, non offensive topics.

So how's the weather there? We had rain here earlier, but it's stopped, and it's a lovely 82.



LOL! For once, you made me laugh and that's surprisingly witty. Shame you're a Trump supporter because you have more wit and humor in that one post than Trump has in his entire body.

Weather calls for a 100% chance of Donnie Jr. being indicted followed by Tweetstorms.


0% chance of any of that happening imho, but dream on. Thanks, and shame that you're a Lib.



Tweetstorms are happening every day, last I checked. And I wouldn't be so quick to write Donnie Jr. off a safe. Trump is sweating and every single person who was speculated to receive an indictment (most recently Roger Stone) has had it happen. There's a good chance.

PS: I'm not even a lib. Libs hate me as much as republicans do. :)


PS I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. And there's no chance.



The Presidential salary is nothing compared to what he's making off Mar-A-Lago's fees that were inflated as soon as he became President, since he knew it would be the "Southern White House," would have to put up a lot of government personnel when he traveled there nearly every weekend, and would be a magnet for high-rollers who wanted to perhaps have access to the President's ear. And that's just Mar-A-Lago. He's making a lot of money from his position. I'd like to see that investigated and put a stop to.

But when it comes to the real money-makers like the Koch brothers or Jeff Bezos, when those big boys get together, Trump doesn't even rate being the guy they send out for coffee. He's no where near their league. Someone once said that Trump was a poor man's idea of a rich man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man. I'll add that he's a newbie to politic's idea of a conservative.


I love that: "Poor man's idea of a rich man" and "stupid man's idea of a smart man". Both true.

Trump acts like trailer trash. No wonder he appeals to trailer trash so much.


TDS stinks.


Yeah, people tend to hate a leader who tells the world that he believes a dictator over his own intelligence agencies--that anyone who doesn't like his praises of said dictator are called, from his own mouth: "Trump Deranged".

Yeah, who would have thought people might be inclined to hate a leader who insults, belittles, undercuts and cons his own people?

What a mystery!


It is a mystery! When Obuma wanted to be a dictator the left stood up and cheered. How is it possible to have 2 dictators?


That's an easy question to answer: Obama, stupid as he was, didn't want to be a dictator. You're nuts and this is a nonsensical post from you which, given your posting history, isn't out of the ordinary.


The right wingers said he wanted to be a dictator so therefore he wanted to be a dictator.


I think you have Hate on your Brain and it leaks into your Posts. Go ahead and Hate away while the Rational Adults among us have a normal convo.


Whateva new sock account.


That's typical Trumper MO, really: hatred, stupidity, bigotry and extremism.


Fascinating. You just described the American Left, the largest Hate Group in the world!



You believe everything you say, and you are like Timothy McVeigh -- so blind with hate you can't see what's really going on around you. Hate on, hater. Do what you do best. Hate, hate, then hate some more.


You are a fool. Yes, I hate the Left, but I'm totally justified, and just giving you Lefties a taste of your own medicine. You've been hating and attacking America and the Right for 50 years. Nine years ago we decided enough was enough, and now we're fighting back. Fighting fire with fire. So continue to sprout your hypocrisy, Hater and Libtard.



The largest hate group in the world?

Let me give you a word of advice that you won't take: subtlety is ALWAYS the best way to go if you're going to troll a forum. You might just want to learn that.


Oh darn. Once again I would love to respond to your lovely and thoughtful post, but my wrist and pee pee still hurt from my last encounter with our benevolent overlord Mod 3, so I cannot. Sorry.

Any news on that weather?



LOLOLOL!!! WTF?! calls for a 100% chance of Tweetstorms followed by a 90% chance of Trump impeachment followed by an 80% chance of covfefe.


Covfefe. One of those wonderful typos which plague our civilization.



Listen to the pot calling the kettle black. The American Left is the largest and most vicious Hate Group in the world! And there's nothing rational about a bunch of brain dead Libtards getting together. That's concentrated stupidity!



You are your own Black Hole of Stupidity. Your forces of Stupidity drawn in other random Stupidities creating one big Black Hole of Stupidity -- and that's what you call Home. Enjoy the Comfort Zone, hater.


Listen to the pot calling the kettle black. You Lefties are an INSULT to stupidity. Enjoy you hatred and stupidity, you hypocritical moron.



Bye Felicia. Have a really miserable life.



Again, how is Trump donating $400k a big deal when he makes vastly more than that on his properties and investments around the world? Why is it that you avoid the conversation and switch to insulting the entire left just because a few people disagree with you on a message board? You make it obviously clear that you're just here to incite hatred. In no reality can you play the victim here.


Trump supporter logic: Anyone that disagrees with them are hate filled liberals.


Amen. The American Left is the largest Hate Group in the World.



This is when full blown TDS started.


Okay, but while you're at it, why don't you tell them to stop flaming me first, Mr. Mod????

