MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The hurt and shock you felt when Hillary...

The hurt and shock you felt when Hillary lost was not Trump's fault and it did not make him a "fascist".

(Nor did any of his actions as president make him that, either)

2016 drove "liberals" so crazy, that you have stooped to the depths of actually stealing the election and you have inserted an incredibly embarrassing dementia patient as president. Why would any sane person want Biden as president?

Hillary lost because the American people got sick of liberals' stupid ideas and "personality". The worst of these ideas, of course, was that Islam is a good thing and that America should have to let bazillions of "refugees" into the country who no-one knows anything about and no-one has ever said why it is Western people's duty to accommodate these people with horrifyingly barbaric religious beliefs.

It was your fault that your mad hag of a candidate got beaten because your stupid policies and opinions are so unappealing to people.

Of course, you could never admit that to yourselves. You're not even capable of realising it even when people like me try their best to spell it out to you in plain words. You've spent the last 4 years stewing in your own insanity and the pandemic gave the cover needed for a mass-scale fraud to happen.

Even with his "crazy tweets", Donald Trump was still the far superior candidate and he probably won by about 5 or 10 million *real*, non-illegal votes.

All the lawsuits were dismissed on technicalities and the judges refused to hear evidence. This includes the Supreme Court's rejection of his challenge. There is a mountain of evidence of voter fraud. They didn't even look, because they were afraid to do the right thing cause they would be socially or professionally lynched by insane "liberal" douchebags who lurk in the corridors of power.

It is self-evident that 81 million Americans would never be excited to vote for a doddering, white-haired old fool who can barely string a sentence together, and has never achieved anything in 50 years in public life.

Only probably about 65 million sad souls would actually bother to vote for that pathetic piece of old garbage Biden, and only because they vote Democrat as a matter of routine/loyalty.

You are all absolutely awful, you are now monsters, not people. I can barely even remember when the last time I actually saw a "liberal" claiming to be on the moral high ground. America is absolutely finished, and so if the rest of the formerly "free" world.


Actually, Hillary lost because she did not win as many Electoral Votes. She did, however, win the popular vote, meaning, more votes were cast for Hillary than for Trump.


So I made a post saying that the entire "free" world was finished, and all you have to say, is a lame post about the electoral college? And you are imagining that you are the first ever person to inform me of the existence of the EC. Right?

Good christ, I bet even your computer hates you, you unbelievable dullard.

Actually, Hillary lost because she did not win as many Electoral Votes.

YES, and these votes are based on a popular vote in each state. So she won the popular vote in 20 states and lost it in 30.

How is that winning the popular vote again, douchebag?

And how is your "ECLLUFRRUTALL CULLRURRTGR" whining relevant in the year 2021, Forrest? please tell us.


You're a moron. The popular vote is the collective vote total of the entire country. Not the number of states won. Seeing as how states vary wildly in population, the number of states won is a completely meaningless statistic.


"You're a moron. The popular vote is the collective vote total of the entire country."

Which is not relevant in the way US presidents are elected. There's NO RULE saying that the popular vote gets you the presidency.. you said "meaningless statistic". No, your worthless terrorist-swooning life is meaningless. At the end of your post there you just made up another totally asinine standard out of nowhere. Apparently Trump's massive victory in the EC should only count if the "states have an equal number of voters..." or something... shut up you unbelievably worthless maggot.


How can you be SO pathetic to be still clinging onto this even 4 years later, and after Trump has been turfed out of office.

You're STILL insisting that the 2016 result be overturned!! holy SH1t you complete little screeching infant.

Do you have anything else to say about anything in the world other than "HIRRLLLRRY WURRN THE PURURPRPR "VFIUIRURURUUTUERE"


There are times I think Trump supporters aren't all dumb, then someone like you reminds me just how unbelievably stupid that demographic can really be. Nobody is trying to overturn anything, seeing as how it wouldn't undo the last 4 years. The only ones that even bring the 2016 election into the conversation are idiots like you.

Now to the ignore list with you troll!


"There are times I think"

Sure, yeah. Is it about the same time of day that they put their suncreen and shades on in Greenland?


More people voted for Hillary. That's simply a fact. You can't win your argument with false information, so you decided that the only way to respond to me was to call me a douchebag. That's sad.


"More people voted for Hillary. That's simply a fact. "

And the US presidential system doesn't work on the national popular vote. That's a more important fact... which you are ignoring. Along with most other facts...

How do you know more people in blue states like California wouldnt have voted Trump if it was based on popular vote? Then Republicans in such states wouldnt have thought their vote was "wasted"...


I was responding to your statement:

Hillary lost because the American people got sick of liberals' stupid ideas and "personality"

Your statement implies that more people voted for someone else. They didn't. The rest of your argument is based on this false statement, so the rest of your argument is invalid.



I can see why you'd rather make a seven-century-long nitpick out of that sentence than actually address anything I said.

Oh btw. You pretend that ISISlam is a religion of "peace", therefore everything else you ever say is invalid.


My argument was a "seven-century-long nitpick?" Hmm. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.

I "pretend that ISISlam is a religion of 'peace?'" Do you have me confused with someone else? I don't remember ever saying anything about Islam, much less ISISlam.

Your only argument is insult. It doesn't make you sound intelligent. You might be intelligent, but you don't sound like it.


Is there a special reason why you were being a total jerk to this person? I mean, why can't you get your point across by using your intellect instead of insulting them over and over? It really doesn't help your message, more than that it makes whatever you type seem like the ranting of someone who has totally lost control.


“The ranting of someone who has totally lost control.”

Which they definitely are.


She lost because she ran a poor campaign. She won California by a monstrous margin. Trump won the rest.


She did run a poor campaign. Still, it's inaccurate to say "The American People" got sick of liberals when more people voted for a liberal than Trump.


We are sick of liberals. I used to be a liberal. I am disgusted by liberals now.


Who is "we?" More people in this country voted for a liberal in 2016 and in 2020.


People with common sense.


Ok. Totally disagree, but ok.


When you factor in the biggest cities and biggest states are liberal it's not surprising and also a good reason why we have an electoral college


And winning the popular vote means absolutely nothing, it never did.


It doesn't mean anything in terms of who was elected president. But it does mean that the statement, "the American people got sick of liberals' stupid ideas and 'personality,'" is inaccurate. More people voted for Hillary than Trump, therefore "The American People" voted for a liberal.

I was simply commenting that that statement was incorrect.


If it were the popular vote that mattered Trump would have revamped his campaign strategy and we would have had a completely different scenario so you are in no position to say that unless you are capable of looking into alternate dimensions


This actually is not a matter of opinion or interpretation or alternate dimensions. Hillary received 2.9 million more votes than Trump. You can talk about what might have happened if he had done A or what would have happened if she had done B, but neither of those changes the fact that Hillary received 2.9 million more votes. The only point I made was that saying "The American People" rejected Hillary implies that more people voted for Trump. They didn't. It's simply not true.

I'm not sure what part of this you are having trouble understanding. I didn't argue that Trump lost the election. I simply said more people voted for Hillary.


Unless you can look into alternate realities then you have basis to say that. Both campaigns would have revamped their approach and I’m sure trump would have campaigned far more aggressively in California.


You're kidding, right? I can't say that one candidate had 2.9 million votes than the other? That's like saying that I can't definitively say that humans require oxygen to breath.

It's doesn't matter what might have happened if the circumstances were different. What I stated was a fact, not an opinion.


Actually it does, the two of them were competing for the most electoral votes and Donald Trump won. Had they been competing for the popular vote we have no way of knowing who would have won because that scenario doesn't exist. This really isn't that hard.

In a track meet the two teams compete for the most points and every event is scored the same, however if the 5K was worth more points both teams would revamp their approach and their strategy and things would have turned out differently. Same thing here.


If Team A won the meet, but Team B performed better in the 5K, it's still factual to say Team B performed better in the 5K.

Trump won the election, but Hillary won the popular vote. Those are facts.


Team A however would have put more guys in the 5K had the 5K been the race that mattered the most. You can't say that for a fact because those were not the rules before the race began. You cannot see into alternate dimensions so you can't say with any degree of certainty that she still would have won the popular vote.


I never said Hillary would have won the popular vote if the rules were different. I said she DID win the popular vote.


And if the rules were different you are in no position to say that she would have won the popular vote.


Why do you keep telling me that? I never said otherwise.

I'm not saying your point is wrong. I'm saying it's irrelevant.


Then you have no basis to say that Trump would not have won the popular vote had it been the popular vote that mattered.


I didn't say that, either.


Good so it looks like I’m right.


Sure, you just go ahead and pat yourself on the back for telling me over and over again that I was wrong about something I never said.


I will, your concession is accepted


He is a blind Trump worshipper pay him no mind.


Good point!


Not so sure. If the fraud, particularly the suspected fraud through voting machines via algrorithmic manipulation, or nefarious ajudication) is real (and I suspect it is as I have not seen anyone actually debunk any of it, only evidence free claims of "debunked"), then there is no reason to think it wasn't used in 2016 as all the pieces were in place then as well. If that is the case, I think it calls her popular vote victory into question, and the reason she didn't win the election is because they didn't cheat enough in the right places.. Here is a video where Pillowman reports on this evidence, which has been out a while, but the globalist cabal has been suppressing

and if you don't believe me about the cabal, here is a part of the cabal (Time Magazine) talking about it They talk about all the coordination (MSM, Big Tech, elected officials, etc), but obviously left out the actual fraud.

Finally, here is a summary on some more of the old school fraud that went on in 2020. FYI, none of the evidence here has been disupted, only suppressed


Or, it could just be that there really are people in this country that voted for Democrats. Personally, I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would vote for Trump, but I realize it does happen. I would never insist it must be the result of voter fraud just because the candidate I voted for didn't win.


I didn't say that no one voted for democrats, or even Joe Biden, I provided evidence that extensive fraud happened on Biden's behalf. Think about it - the guy didn't campaign. When he did hold "ralllies", only a few dozen people showed up, and he even admitted he didn't have to because , in his own words, they put together the "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the world"

You say that you couldn't envision anyone ever voting from Trump. Here is a video from the Jan 6th Capitol rally that was in the middle of the week. The crowd is in the 100s of thousands and possibly even over one million. No other politician in the world can pull crowds like that. That is evidence to how popular Trump is with the average American.

You have a negative opinion of Trump, and perhaps that is because you only see him through the prism of mainstream media, who as Time magazine admitted, was colluding to take him out. Try learning about the man through alternative sources, or maybe watch some of his speeches unedited and not with MSM commentary. Perhaps that will give you a new perspective on the man.


I disagree, and I’ll just leave it at that.


EC good when you win because of it, but not when you don't ... classic :).


It is what it is. Some years you win. Some years you don't. Life goes on.


It's not even Donald Trump they hate. He's merely a symbol, a mascot, and a lightning rod. It's what he represents that the elites in America hate; which is the American people. They are pissed that so many Americans are not playing along with their BS shit show of destroying the country. Obama's ego in particular received a huge blow when Trump was elected president right after him. He was truly convinced by his cronies that America wanted what he wanted, and then to see the citizens vote for someone he and his handlers hated, who destroyed his stinky legacy faster than swatting a fly, it was a really harsh reality check. It really knocked him off his self-appointed pedestal and made him as pissed as the rest of the Democrati Elite. Small wonder they started seeing the American people as their enemies, and naming everyone who didn't agree with them as a "terrorist."


You don't think that the Trumps are members of the elite?


Your butthurt over Trump's failed one-term as POTUS can be seen from space.


"America is absolutely finished..."

If it means we can all stop listening to your vacuous babble, bring it on sooner than later.

Oh wait! There's an ignore button for that...


OP, you right, but unfortunately you are too smart for the room. You can't convince the idiocracy. We are doomed.


Rank and file (hate that term) Dems are actually Dems but the party is run by pure bred Communists.
