MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is...

Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.

Thank you God.


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of The WH.


Thank you, God, that Fat Donnie couldn't cheat his way to steal another election.


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.


Thank God that fat tub of guts is out of The White House! Thank you, President Biden, for removing that fat piece of shit!


Wow... I think I've found the world's biggest loser and I frequent a lot of forums/message boards, so that's saying a lot. Go check yourself into a psyche ward.


"I think I've found the world's biggest loser"

You are looking in the mirror?


I didn't think people like you believed in a 'god'. Except Obama.


Ha ha! Speaking of believing in God, how about Dementia Donnie and those two Corinthian guys?

“Two Corinthians, right? Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. Where the spirit of the Lord—right?—is, there is liberty!”


I wasn't really speaking of God. I was just curious why Dems were doing it since they mock anyone else who claims to believe in a deity. Except Muslims, of course.


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House. Now it is time to LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.
Now let's LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought immattj was just in love with Ted Cruz, but here he is heaping the scorn of the rejected on his other crush, too. Sorry immattj, Cruz and Trump are both straight.


LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
