MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is...

Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.

Thank you God.


Thank God that Fat Donnie, that fat tub of shit, is out of The WH and we now have competent presidential leadership!


Thank God that after Dementia Donnie nearly destroyed America's super power status, the fat tub of shit is out of The WH!


Thank God Dementia Donnie is out of The WH and that under President Biden's competent leadership the USA is no longer the laughing stock that Donnie turned us into for four years.


You truly are one broken individual. I chatted with you a few months ago, and recommended that you get professional help. I see you didn't take my advice.


How is your career as a sex-worker working out for you?


See what I mean? You are a psychopath, and you really need help. You should have a job, and maybe try to have a relationship with someone from the opposite sex, but instead you just babble out nonsense all day long on movie chat. You are on this board ALL DAY LONG.


Do you find having anal and oral sex with horny middle aged men to be rewarding as well as lucrative? It seems creepy to me, but I will not judge you.


Every time you type a sentence, you prove my point.


You seem triggered. Has your existence in the seedy underbelly of life as a male prostitute caused your PTSD symptoms? Help is available.

And by the way: thank God for President Biden!!


LOL. Seeing the shit you write is like watching a train wreck. You have been typing this same message for months, and saying the same reply's to people over and over. You really need help.


I suggest you look into the symptoms of syphilis Remember what happened to Al Capone. It would be ironic that he contracted his via intimate contact with female prostitutes, while you were infected as a result of your employment as a male prostitute, but such is life.

And by the way: thank God for President Biden and thank God Dementia Donnie is out of The WH!!


In four years Dementia Donnie turned The USA into the world's laughing stock. Thank God Dementia Donnie and Lobotomy Mike are out of The WH. Thank God for President Biden & the return of America''s superpower status.


Thank God Fat Donnie and Lobotomy Mike are out of The WH and President Biden is restoring greatness to The USA!


Thank God that Fat Donnie is out of The WH and can no longer talk about inviting the taliban to Camp David. Thank God President Biden is killing terrorists instead of inviting them to party with him at Camp David.


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the WH and no longer inviting terrorists to Camp David; thank God we now have a president who is killing terrorists.


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of The WH and President Biden is killing terrorists.
