MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is...

Daily reminder: Thank God Fat Donnie is out of the White House.

Thank you God.


Thank God Dementia Donnie is out of The WH and President Biden is repairing the damage that The Trump Family Crime Foundation did to The USA.


Thank God that Fat Donnie is not in The WH. But Fat Donnie is like a bad strain of COVID, we need to continually take precautions.


Thank God Dementia Donnie is out of The WH and President Biden is kicking COVID's ass!


Thank God Fat Donnie is out of The WH and we now have a REAL POTUS in Joe Biden!


Thank God that Fat Donnie is out of The WH!


Another day to thank God that Fat Donnie is out and we now have responsible adult presidential leadership in The USA!


Fat Donnie is out of The WH and thank God for that!


Thank God that fat POS, Fat Donnie, is out of The WH! Good riddance!
