MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why did Democrats vote by mail while Rep...

Why did Democrats vote by mail while Republicans voted in person?

I'm not exactly saying that both groups did these things exclusively, some Ds would've voted on the day for example, I'm sure, but Liz Cheney mentioned this in her summing up of the Jan. 6th Committee findings this morning.

But if both sides mostly voted by the methods I describe, why was that? I can only imagine after what Cheney said, Democrats will be less inclined to use mail-in voting when they could be there in person like the Republicans. In either case, it was ripe ground for Trump to claim fraud, as mail-in votes take time to be counted and could be days later, as we heard all this back in the election itself.


Trump encouraged his voters to vote in person as he was afraid their mail in votes would be "mysteriously" lost. you know your vote counts when you are the person who puts it in the machine.

several States changed voting laws a few days before the election which allowed people to mail in votes after the election was over. this is the scam Trump was talking about as well as other republicans. the majority of votes for Biden were counted up to 48 hours later and after the polling stations were closed, votes were still counted but no one was there to verify what was going on.

for 2 years prior to the election, the dems led a propaganda strategy saying that Trump was going to cheat and win again. remember them complaining about removing ballot boxes and slowing the mail down?

also millions of pre-paid mail in ballots were sent out to people who didn't request them. how do we know those ballots were sent out and not filled out by democrat pollsters?

to date, the 2020 election has not been Federally investigated for fraud and chicanery. we are just supposed to believe it was fair and honest, even though Hillary said not to concede the election under any circumstances and Joe said he would lose by chicanery.

the 2020 election had more red flags than 2016 yet it didnt warrant a investigation. dems got what they wanted so there was no way they were going to investigate themselves.


"to date, the 2020 election has not been Federally investigated for fraud and chicanery."
I thought it had been.

In any event, maybe Dems should take a leaf out of the Reps book and vote side-by-side with them next time?


several State Judges have ruled on it, citing lack of information or no fraud. but no investigation like there was in 2017.

2024 is going to be insane, whoever wins will be accused of cheating and fraud. and if Trump does win, it will be the end of the World! lol


It could very well be the end of the world. Trump could pull a Hitler and dismantle the whole democratic process as soon as he becomes President (for life), set up concentration camps for his many enemies and generally do all the nasty stuff Hitler did. Is that really so far-fetched?


Yes, it is.


He certainly was well on his way to dismantle the democratic process.


Whatever drugs you're taking, I hope you brought enough for the whole class!


people with TDS cant think straight and just say stupid things. all they know is Trump bad. not one anti-Trumper will post or talk about biden, all they do is complain about Trump, even though its 17 months since he was forced out.


I'm not even a Trump supporter, but I wish they'd move on. The country is dying. We can't afford this tit-for-tat nonsense any longer.


I feel the same way. its a constant quest to destroy each other and its not good for our Country.


So much "irony" in this reply.

Does jowilli2 have anything to add?


They should give everyone the day off on voting day, a lot of the working class doesn't have a chance to get to the poles before they close. That may in part answer your question as well. Democrats tend to work a lot more of the jobs that they can't just abandon in the middle of the day to go and vote.


Dementia Donnie's disciples are mostly hanging around in their trailer parks collecting food stamps and welfare so they have no problem getting out to vote in person at any time of the day.


I tend to think that the Republicans are the power and wealth crowd, I mean of course there is the poor evangelicals that make up the Republicans, but it is mostly made up of people in better positions who can take some time off work to vote and secure their wealth.


have you ever got a good look at the zombies who go to Dementia Donnie's rallies?


I know, I know but Republicans are the anti government help crowd.


I'm mostly conservative and I have never met any conservative who didn't want to help out people who were in need. Most conservatives just don't want people taking advantage of that help. There are A LOT of people who take advantage of government assistance.


Trump did not vote in person, why was he not afraid that his vote would be lost?

No states allowed the counting of ballots that were mailed in after the election was over. Of the states that allow mailed in ballots (all 50 of them), they did not count them unless they are post marked on election day or earlier.

It is not unusual to be counting votes for days after the election ends as the mail can take several days to deliver the ballots to the voting center and it takes time to certify the vote in each county.

What is a pre-paid ballot? Is it like the ones I get in WA that does not require postage on the envelope when I return it? This is standard. There are procedures in place to verify who filled out the ballot. In WA, they compare the signature on the ballot sleeve (not the actual ballot) to the signature provided during registration.

Trump could have ordered an investigation (he claims he could anyway), but did not do so. Trump knows there was no significant fraud.


you have no idea what you are talking about and do zero research. I research almost everything before I post facts.

here ya go:

State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification. After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day.


LOL! Like all the 'research" you did on Dementia Donnie being impeached but not being impeached?

Ha ha! That is "ironic."


But the actual votes had to be dated on or before election date. Got it.


the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day,


Do you and jowilli2 find that to be "ironic"?


Not votes that were mailed three days after election day.


yes, mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day. they had to be post marked 3 days after the election was over.


They "had" to be postmarked three days after the election? A ballot that is post marked 3 days after the election is lucky to be delivered before six days after the election.

Try another one.


they had to be in the designated ballot box. counting ballots after the election is over is a huge red flag. the majority of dementia Joes votes were counted 24 - 48 hours later.

we call this voter fraud and chicanery.


You always count votes after the election is over. You can't count them before the election is over. The election is over once all the votes have been collected. And then you count them to find the result of that election.


Who's "we"? The four nincompoops inside your head?


yes, you count votes after its over, but people were still able to vote after the election was over. this was a huge red flag. and why did they change the election rules right before the election? thats a huge red flag. its called ballot stuffing. Trump was winning and then magically millions of votes showed up at 3 AM. maybe the federal government should investigate the 2020 election to make sure there was no chicanery.


No they weren't allowed to vote after the election was over. You've made that up in your little mind. Votes mailed on or before the day of the election and arriving after the election is over and the counting has commenced is par for the course. Why should the federal government investigate the normal chronological phenomenon of cause and effect?

They changed the rules to accommodate the large number of postal votes prompted by the pandemic which, although posted before the polls closed and thanks to USPS cuts and restrictions that Trump forced through before the election to try and bottleneck votes coming in, would likely not be received until after the election ended.

It's not magic. It's just what happens when a lot of people need to use a service that the govt willfully mismanages.

Answer me this. Why would someone who wanted to rig the election wait until after the deadline and it looks like their opponent has already won to send in their supposedly fake votes? Why not just send all the fake votes in before the deadline and not worry about your opponent every looking like they are going to win or about any questions about the timing of the vote received? It's like if Lance Armstrong waited until his opponents were a few yards from the finish line before injecting himself with steroids and making up two miles in under ten seconds to take the win.

Your theory is lacking the support of any basic facts. But worst of all, the logic is fucking demented. Like something a drunk person would think they've cleverly deduced.


Jowilli got that information from jowilli2.




wouldnt it just be easier to investigate the 2020 election for fraud and chicanery?

magically, the majority of votes for biden were counted after hours. and somehow biden got 10 million more votes than Obama.

and if Trump cheated then how did he lose? nancy said that Trump was going to cheat again. what happened to all the cheating?

no one openly supports dementia Joe here and everyone still complains about Trump.


Trump tried to get his supporters to violently disrupt the electoral process and people died.


no he didnt, he said to protest a fraudulent election. dems were prepared to do the same thing if Trump won. why did every major democrat city board up their doors and windows? why did Trump have to build a wall around the White House?

one person was shot by an evil police officer. remember when dems were anti-police? oops, defund the police.

Pro-democracy advocates are organizing more than 170 events in anticipation of President Donald Trump illegitimately declaring victory in the Nov. 3 election before all the votes are counted, or potentially refusing to accept the election results.

Protect the Results, a coalition of more than 100 national groups including Indivisible, Stand Up America, 350 Action, and Mijente, released an interactive map on Friday showing events planned for Nov. 4 across the country. Voters can sign up to join a public action or create their own.

"Should Trump declare victory before all the votes are counted or prevent the legitimate counting of votes, we will mobilize in every corner of this country to ensure voters have the last word in November," Sarah Dohl, co-founder of Indivisible, said in a statement.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”

but I’m still worried that they could steal this election. I know that the Russians are still involved. Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security just released a report warning that Russia is a key threat to the election.

what happened to the Russians? what happened to Trump stealing the election? lol


Pelosi vows that Trump ‘will be leaving’ White House ‘whether he knows it yet or not’

Biden predicted that military leaders would make sure that Trump leaves.

“I promise you, I’m absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” Biden said.


Nancy Pelosi: Claims of a rigged election ‘beyond the pale’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said Donald Trump is “not going to the president of the United States” and that claims of a rigged election are highly irresponsible.

Mr. Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, has increasingly warned to followers to watch out for shenanigans at the polls, though his own campaign manager told MSNBC on Wednesday she doesn’t expect there to be widespread voter fraud this cycle.

Nancy said there would be no fraud in the 2016 election. oops!

Mrs. Pelosi, the only woman to have served as House speaker, flatly predicted that Mr. Trump would lose to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

She said Mrs. Clinton will be an effective president, and the fact that she “happens to be a woman is the icing on the cake.”


We already know you're a loser. There's no need to convince us you're hopeless.


why I am a loser? I am just posting the real news.


"The irony is ironic."


When I said mailed in after the election, I meant post marked after election day. Care to show what links you read in the course of your research? Did the court say the ballots could be mailed in three day late or that they were acceptable if the US mail took three days to deliver them after election day?

Proof of identification is a separate issue than the date ballots were received.

If you don't supply links to support your claims, I'm just going to assume that you made this stuff up like you normally do on this forum.

So why was Trump not voting in person acceptable but it is not good enough for others? What is a pre-paid ballot?


it doesnt matter if I post links or not. people will just say its fake news or that the website is not reputable.

then they call me names.

your mom should have Roe v waded you


You are pro-life yet you wish death on someone you don't even know. You are a hypocrite.


when did I say that?


Are you a Trump supporter and a conservative? If so then you are pro-life.

"your mom should have Roe v waded you"

That's wishing death on someone who you don't know. That makes you a hypocrite.


that was a private message from Leo

he keeps sending me hateful messages

your mom should have Roe v waded you

Discussion with Leodicaprio
you are mentally retarded. you should have been aborted
a day ago

yes you should have been aborted. your mom wanted to. you are a waste of space and no one would miss you
a day ago

I do feel honored that he thinks so highly of me.

I am a Trump supporter and a Independent. I have no problem voting for a democrat. I like Yang and Tulsi. Moderate dems are almost better than republicans these days anyways. I support whomever is the best choice I am given. It was a no brainer between Trump and Biden.

Just because I support Trump doesnt mean I am bad person or stupid, that was the choice I was given and he was the best choice IMO.


Nancy Pelosi Says ‘Morbidly Obese’ Trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine Is ‘Not a Good Idea’
posted 2 years ago by robocat893 (5824)
36 replies | jump to latest
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it’s “not a good idea” for a “morbidly obese” President Donald Trump to be taking the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a preventative treatment for COVID-19 — especially given his age and weight group.

“He’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group — morbidly obese, they say,” Pelosi told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday evening. “I think it’s not a good idea.”

Maybe Trump will drop dead then America's biggest problem will have taken care of itself.

you were saying?


"They" will call you names? Claiming to be a coward is no defense for doing the wrong thing. You won't even stick up for yourself.




Jowilli2 will stick up for him!


"you know your vote counts when you are the person who puts it in the machine."

How could you be more sure it counted than a mail in?


because the ballot is in my hand and not in a 3rd party. you can see the machine counter change as well. and it says vote counted or received or something like that.


And then as soon as you leave the building you no longer know


no, the machine counts your votes, unless someone hacks the machine. but as dems have said. the voting machines are unhackable.


What makes you think a vote can't go missing once you've placed it in the ballot box?


the machine counts your vote. and its possible for a ballot or ballots to go missing. it depends if a democrat is mischievous or not.


So then you agree: you don't know if the vote counts


nope, unless a democrat is in charge of that polling station. polling monitors were asked to leave a lot of places then votes continued to be counted with no oversight.

which is why the 2020 election was never federally investigated. the dems federally investigated Jan 6 but not the election, wonder why?


How does the machine "count your vote"? Why do they have people emptying the boxes and counting the votes if the "machine counts your vote" already?

Try another one.


if you have never seen one then you dont know how they work.


Seen "one"? They're all the same are they?


depends on the State.


So you admit you don't know what you're talking about then.


I do, you asked a question and I answered it. you are just pretending that you dont understand anything.


They're all different in each state but apparently I'm supposed to know what you're talking about if I've only seen one of them.



they might be different but at least you know your vote counts, unless the machine gets hacked by the deep state.


Anyone who thinks the 2020 election was fair then must acknowledge that Biden somehow, with no charisma, hiding in his basement, got the most votes of any candidate in history, and that includes getting over 10 million more African American votes than Obama got. Both of these sound far fetched


All you have is nothing burgers and fake news. You can't handle the fact that Dementia Donnie was so universally hated by clear thinking rational Americans that we turned out in record numbers to vote for the alternative to four more years of chaos and world ridicule.


Exactly, its most ridiculous thing ever. the 2020 election has tons more red flags than the 2016 election, yet no one wants to investigate the last one.


Not to mention, the big tech censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop and the big guy


Ah millsey72 finally drops his fake unsuccessful liberal persona


To answer your question, many D's voted by mail because of the history of polling places being understaffed in poorer precincts, especially black ones, causing absurdly long wait times. That happened not so much in R precincts.

Why were mail-ins, as you said

ripe ground for Trump to claim fraud, as mail-in votes take time to be counted and could be days later.
? So they were counted later. So what? Do you think postal workers in those nasty D states were stealing or throwing away R mail-ins?


"So they were counted later. So what?"
I always thought that Trump wanted the FINAL result (or the result in his favour) to be known the day after voting, at the very most. If almost all Republicans were voting in person on voting day, he would've had that. But they had to take account of mail-in votes that would take days to count, and he couldn't tolerate that, claiming fraud and so on.

"nasty D states"
Now you're showing your true Trumpian Republican self. Consider yourself not reported or Ignored at this time.


"nasty D states" was meant to be sarcastic. I am in no way a Trumpian Republican. In fact, I believe he needs to be indicted and hopefully tried for the Jan 6 coup attempt as an example of what we cannot tolerate in if we want the U.S.A to continue to be a "rule of law" country and democratic republic.


Oh, OK :)


lmao two more weeks then he'll DEFINITELY be indicted for telling people to peacefully protest, just wait and see!


Let me bust the windows in your house and when the cops show up you can tell them I was being peaceful.


Voting by mail has existed since the Civil War.

The demonization is a disingenuous attack on a procedure that expands voting.

Clearly there are mail in ballots for all voting groups and neither in person voting or mail-in voting is a help or a hindrance to either side.

The benefit of an accessible voting system is to the benefit of ALL voters.




A lot also has to do with COVID and being in public places. Democrats realized that was a real danger and Republicans thought it was a hoax, or no different than the flu, or a Chinese weapon, or a Fauci weapon, etc.


"A lot also has to do with COVID and being in public places."
Good point, I forgot about COVID being prevalent back then. COVID precautions have all but disappeared in the UK as of today, but there are still a few older people wearing masks here and there, when most of us don't now, including me.


I've also often wondered why republicans sniff glue, do meth, and consider incest to be a normal sex life and democrats don't. Just one of those mysteries in life.


That people are swayed by the idea that voting in person is somehow less susceptible to tampering than voting by mail is precisely the level of stupidity that conservatives want to capitalize on.
Seriously, it's just another version of The Big Lie where if they claim it loud enough for long enough people will begin to believe it. Vote by mail is convenient, smart and inclusive. The silliness that the system can be overwhelmed with fraudulent paper ballots is beyond ridiculous, or that paper ballots are counted differently than in-person votes is laughable.


I agree wholeheartedly, but try telling the Trump supporters that.


then why was the 2016 election investigated and not the 2020? even though the 2020 election had more red flags?

the big lie is something dems made up to trick people into believing they are the righteous ones.


I never want to go back to voting in person. What a waste of time that was!


Because much easier to commit voter fraud vial mail-in than in-person, and the Dems are notorious for commiting voter fraud. It is why dem strongholds need so much time after election day to "count" the vote. All the republican votes are in, so they figure out how many they need, then find names from the voter rolls for those who did not vote and manufacture ballots for them for the preferred candidate. So, a lot of those mail-in dem votes are fraudulent and not real. That is just one way they cheat, They have several approaches.


Fake news.


OK groomer...


Well, that was a thoughtful counterargument to the facts I presented.


You presented a nothing-burger that was disproved long ago. If the clear facts didn't interest you then, nothing that anybody can show you will penetrate your skull now.


It's a demonrat. What did you expect? Arguments? 😂🤣


honestly, you dont even really need dead peoples info to cast a ballot. once a ballot is put through the machine that vote is counted and will never be verified that a real person voted. the recounts will always be the same. what they never do is verify how many people voted vs ballots cast. if you have 10,000 voters and 15,000 votes, then that is a huge problem. the voters to ballots has never been investigated.


Most of Dementia Donnie's millions of voters live in grave yards in red states.


I think we both know how the 2016 election would have gone down without a manufactured viral “pandemic” and standard in person voting…. Instead of voting by mail what should have happened was to have a full week and 24 hours a day if needed of in person voting but then there could be no ballots coming in from Mika’s wherever to close Biden’s gap.


In person voting is not standard in all states. Three states required vote by mail prior to 2016. Eight states require it now.

Which "manufactured" pandemic are you talking about? The one where Trump did not restrict travel to the USA until after thousands of infected people arrived. The one where Trump said it would just go away like a miracle while sitting on his hands?

The GOP will never allow a week of in person voting because it would allow more poor and working class Americans to vote.
