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Is the "Patriot" actually Person-16 inside Mar-A-Lago TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI on Stolen Documents?? 🗽👍

DJT hires ONLY the best PEOPLE.

'Justice Department and FBI investigators obtained "particularly helpful" emails and texts from Molly Michael, a former Trump White House aide who followed him to Mar-a-Lago before leaving the job last year, according to the report.
The report continues:
"The messages "provided investigators with a detailed understanding of the day-to-day activity at Mar-a-Lago at critical moments," according to the Post, and have used the messages to help understand Trump's actions last year.

Investigators are particularly interested in whether Trump may have obstructed government efforts to collect and return all sensitive materials that he took home to Mar-a-Lago, according to the report. Investigators have spent much of their time looking at what happened after Trump's advisers received a subpoena in May demanding the return of all classified documents.

Investigators have found evidence that Trump "looked through the contents of some of the boxes of documents in his home, apparently out of a desire to keep certain things in his possession," sources familiar with the investigation told the Post."
Well Scooby, I think we found the villain!!

Ruh row!!!🤣


Probably a co-conspirator of Trump who is working with the FBI as part of a deal to avoid prison time.


Stupid is as stupid does and it may have very well been DJT himself. The guy is a pretty dim bulb with a big brain but an empty skull.


Have the walls closed in yet?

Whoops another nothing burger. Shocker. Democrat party/media batting 0.


Your scorecard is off by a few convictions. Play harder.


That nothing burger is going to taste delicious when Trump is not reelected in 2024.


Donald Trump will NOT run. Can't be re-elected if you don't run.

I know it sounds strategically counter-intuitive, but with all of the investigations surrounding him an announcement to run won't insulate him from indictments and further subpoenas. DJT no longer has Presidential-Plot-Armor for the lies and stories that he weaves.

DJT and his sycophants have been unable to indirectly damage President Biden with rumor and innuendo and DJT knows he will lose again so he will NOT run.


Whoops, here comes ANOTHER subpoena!!!

Looks like a homerun to me.


Oh noooooooo, someone else is trying to Score!!

The former Trump-appointed US ambassador to the European Union is calling out his one-time boss in a score-settling new memoir.

The Guardian reports that Gordon Sondland, who was a key witness at President Donald Trump's first impeachment hearings, calls Trump a "d*ck" and a "narcissist" in a new book called "The Envoy: Mastering the Art of Diplomacy with Trump and the World."
DJT must be relieved because Gordon Sondland didn't call DJT the dreaded L word!!

You know, LOSER!!🤣


Walls, Doors, and Windows (though a bit ajar) are indeed keeping DJT in.

No "Burgers" for the Donald today.


Was that who told the FBI where Melania’s panties were kept?

The 47th Trump TDS nothing burger rolls on.

Democrat media/party and their lemmings batting 0.


His Secret Service detail is speaking out and I don't think panties are on the docket:

Fox News's Bret Baier said on Twitter that "multiple" Secret Service agents connected to the former president have been subpoenaed and are "expected to testify before the D.C. grand jury likely on Friday."

"The grand jury appearances are related to the Special Counsel Jack Smith probe into the handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago," Baier tweeted on Monday.

A Fox News report gave no further details about the apparent upcoming testimonies from the Secret Service, other than to say they are scheduled to take place on April 7. Newsweek reached out to the Secret Service via email for comment.

Trump is being investigated over allegations he mishandled sensitive materials retrieved from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida last August, then attempted to obstruct federal attempts to retrieve them."


Whoever it was, they really ARE a TRUE PATRIOT, unlike the MAGAts who infest the USA.


This hasn't aged very well. lol


Based on the latest verdict it seems that this thread has not only been well seasoned but is serving up some piping hot crow for the Oath Keepers to bite down on.

Details at 10:00?


What about Trump? I thought the walls were closing in?


[–] Bubbathegut (10966) 13 minutes ago
What about Trump? I thought the walls were closing in?
You keep bringing up DJT and walls. I know Mexico never paid for that border wall, but it does appear that some of the Proud Boys, some of the Oath Keepers, some MAGA followers, and maybe even you (if you were knowingly GRIFTED by DJT), are indeed paving and paying for the wall that you think is closing in on DJT.


Who is the "Patriot" inside TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI?
posted 4 months ago by NorrinRad (3409)
123 replies | jump to latest
I say it was one of his Secret Service security details. Maybe the guy he choked in the "Beast"?

Your post is about Trump, hows that investigation going?


[–] Bubbathegut (10967) 21 hours ago
Who is the "Patriot" inside TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI?
posted 4 months ago by NorrinRad (3409)

Your post is about Trump, hows that investigation going?
My post is on a DJT board about a Mole in Trumpworld and not DJT himself. Stay focused and pay attention.

The investigation into the "Leaker" or "Mole" never really happened as the DOJ and the FBI already knows the identity of said person or persons. At the time of an actual indictment or charge DJT and his lawyers will be provided with ALL the information because it will be necessary for a trial/hearing.

Inquiring minds wanted to know.

Has your query or question been appropriately answered, or do you need to know how Jeffrey Epstein REALLY died?


Understood, so 4 months later the FBI has nothing.


Maximum 20 to 30 years for two MAGA members. Did you know that Stewart Rhodes was an Insurrectionist and a Seditionist?


Shouldn’t this be posted in the Stewart Rhodes section?

This one is about Trump and all the made up scandals and investigations that have resulted in nothing burgers for 7 years.

Have the walls closed in yet?


[–] Gd5150 (7796) 2 days ago
Shouldn’t this be posted in the Stewart Rhodes section?
No, this is posted in the correct forum, on the correct site, on the correct thread, by the person (me) who created the thread / posting.Elmer Stewart Rhodes III (born 1966) is a disbarred American lawyer and the founder of the Oath Keepers,[1] an American far-right anti-government militia.[2] In November 2022, he was convicted of seditious conspiracy and evidence tampering with regard to the January 6 United States Capitol attack. On the 2nd anniversary, and recognizing his patriotic attempts to turn democracy into a Nothing Burger, it is more than fitting that he be recognized for his ardent support of DJT.
This one is about Trump and all the made up scandals and investigations that have resulted in nothing burgers for 7 years.
Except that the scandals and investigations are not made up now are they? Stewart Rhodes is real, and his words and actions had consequences. Yes, he is not a patriot, and neither is DJT.
Have the walls closed in yet?
For Rhodes? Yes. For DJT? Stay tuned to your local news.


I heard the walls are closing in. lol


[–] Bubbathegut (12919) 3 months ago
I heard the walls are closing in. lol
He will be walking into that wall in just minute when he enters the courthouse later today in NY.


This could be said about 2 dozen “blockbuster” Democrat media accusations that resulted in jack squat.

250 million taxpayer dollars wasted and still batting zero. The Democrat media/party/fbi. Poor lemmings.


Sure it has. Why do you think differently??!!


[–] Bubbathegut (14519) 7 months ago
This hasn't aged very well. lol
Seems Waltine Nauta's cellphone is the "Patriot".

He pleaded "NG".


Another corrupt FBI/Democrat party nothing burger. Batting zero since 2015.

Have the walls closed in yet?


Wonder what happened to the so-called patriot. Hint: there wasn’t one. There was never any evidence or reason for the illegal FBI raid.

But let’s face it. Those of us educated in modern politics have known that all along.

It’s why we knew this would result in the same fail as the other 7 years of Democrat failed investigations.

“The inconvenience of providing evidence”


Gaslighting never works.


Maybe it was Melania Trump?

Speaking with MSNBC host Ali Velshi on Saturday morning, former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen said that his former employer is likely obsessed with finding out who within his inner circle is feeding information to the FBI that led to the agency to request a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago earlier this week.

Along with Florida prosecutor David Aronberg, Cohen believes Trump has a "mole" in his midst who tipped DOJ officials off to the highly-sensitive government documents the former president was illegally hoarding at his Florida resort.

According to Cohen, as far as the former president knows, his wife Melania could be the FBI informant.

"How is he feeling right now because someone in his circle, or somebody around him that may not be a trusted advisor or something, but somebody around him who knows stuff about him is now an informant for the FBI," host Velshi asked. "That much we know, the name's been redacted so we don't know who that is. What happens to Donald Trump when he feels that someone's betraying him?" I'm pretty sure MT signed a pre-nup with DJT so money is off the table but DJT's ego and his loser persona couldn't and won't handle MT divorcing him in public.
