MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is the "Patriot" actually Person-16 insi...

Is the "Patriot" actually Person-16 inside Mar-A-Lago TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI on Stolen Documents?? πŸ—½πŸ‘

DJT hires ONLY the best PEOPLE.

'Justice Department and FBI investigators obtained "particularly helpful" emails and texts from Molly Michael, a former Trump White House aide who followed him to Mar-a-Lago before leaving the job last year, according to the report.
The report continues:
"The messages "provided investigators with a detailed understanding of the day-to-day activity at Mar-a-Lago at critical moments," according to the Post, and have used the messages to help understand Trump's actions last year.

Investigators are particularly interested in whether Trump may have obstructed government efforts to collect and return all sensitive materials that he took home to Mar-a-Lago, according to the report. Investigators have spent much of their time looking at what happened after Trump's advisers received a subpoena in May demanding the return of all classified documents.

Investigators have found evidence that Trump "looked through the contents of some of the boxes of documents in his home, apparently out of a desire to keep certain things in his possession," sources familiar with the investigation told the Post."
Well Scooby, I think we found the villain!!

Ruh row!!!🀣


His wife or any one of those who has been insulted or marginalized by Trump in the last several years. That would be a long list. :)


Hunter Biden? Hunter Biden is the mole inside TrumpWorld!


It's just another in the long list of Democrat lies, like the Steele dossier, Russian collusion, etc.,etc.,etc. Anyone with even one brain cell knows this.

You may not return to your regularly scheduled leftist, human centipede.

Bon appetit, kiddies.


Not in any way shape form or fashion a Democratic lie, now was it?

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?


Keep eating.


I take that to mean, "No".

No problem-o, and never expected self-reflection to be a hallmark of discussing an issue.


There is no "discussing" with leftists.


Mark Meadows should be arrested and tried for treason. Donald Trump is the best president in American historey.


[–] acelesson (429) an hour ago
Mark Meadows should be arrested and tried for treason. Donald Trump is the best president in American historey.
DJT Jr. should be arrested, he is the mole of Mar-A-Lago.


all I can picture is Consuela from The Family Guy.
I clean.


It was Joe Biden!! Biden is scared that Trump is super popular and is running again so he ordered the FBI to try to find some dirt on him. Joe Biden and his son Hunter are both crooks and belong behind bars.


[–] andreaahr (2186) 2 days ago
It was Joe Biden!!
Nope!! Wrong. The 'Mole-Of-Mar-A-Lago' is inside the compound.
Biden is scared that Trump is super popular and is running again
You meant to type DJT has been, is and always will be scared of President Biden. Thus he tried to Quid-Pro-Quo Ukraine into manufacturing "Dirt" in an effort to weaken" then candidate Joe Biden. That didn't work and DJT got impeached for both his incompetence and his stupidity.
so he ordered the FBI to try to find some dirt on him.
That was DJT attempting to get some group ANY group to just SAY that President Biden is under investigation. It worked for DJT against Hilary Clinton.
Joe Biden and his son Hunter are both crooks and belong behind bars.
Nope. President Biden is not a crook. For that matter neither is Hunter Biden. WOW!! You're actually batting .000. How poor is that for you?


There were videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack and placing the crack in baggies for his customers. That is a minimum of 25 years in prison.


Ahh NorrinRad, Moviechat's resident disinformation expert spreading widely debunked fake news yet again. Do you do it for free? I'd hope you're at least a paid shill for this effort or it's just very sad.


I missed this post. No, I don't work for Moviechat. No, I do not get reimbursed. No, I am not an expert. No, I am not a resident. No, I don't shill. I do chill.

Nothing that I typed was ever debunked and of course is not even Bunk.

How is the delusion going for you?


How is the delusion going for you?

Funny stuff coming from the side who called a glorified pitch invasion/guided tour an INSURRECTION!


INSURRECTION!" Hmmmm, it seems Insurrection doesn't float your boat.

Methinks you're holding out for:
Sedition: is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interest of sedition.

Because sedition is overt, it is typically not considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another.

Does that work better for you?




Looks like you're going to have to recalibrate your NO to INSURRECTION and to Sedition. Both of those something Burgers are going to be a bit salty going down into the gullets of both Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Megs of the Oath Keepers, who will both be well-seasoned, if they ever see the light of day again.

How many years minimum do you think each will serve?



The statutory maximum is 20 to 30 years.


Wow Trump's going to get 20-30 years?


Are you concerned that he might?

Stay focused.


The title of your thread is Who is the "Patriot" inside TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI?, you're posting articles from CNN about some alphabet agency lackeys or stooges in a separate case and you're telling me to stay focused


Well by process of elimination you know it isn't Stewart Rhodes.

As to the thread title and the apparent segue to January 6th? The common thread and the larger narrative is and always been those in and around DJT and how their actions impact on him and or are caused by him.

Yes, stay focused.



..and yet it is that one straw that will break DJT's (the camel's) back.

Maybe even your resolve in championing the unchampionable and defending the indefensible.

P.S. It was you who brought in the INSURRECTION tangent.



No I mentioned it in an insult, YOU tried to take it on the tangent but I denied you,
Stay focused.

Please continue


An insult? Why would you be attempting to insult someone anonymously in a conversation, debate, or exchange of ideas?

Here's a thought. Your attempt at an 'insult' showed an extreme lack of focus and self-awareness.

Insult REJECTED! Yes, I did think it was odd for you to go to INSURRECTION but I am pretty adaptable.


Why would I insult? Because I'm petty like that lol


Pettiness? That is an interesting conversational quality and not one that elevates a discussion. πŸ˜‚

A shift to snark-i-ness and outright sarcasm might work wonders for you though.

At least you are self-aware enough to acknowledge your strengths.


Stealing a laptop is a guided tour?


No that was a pitch invasion obviously, haven't you ever seen gangs of hooligans stealing laptops off each other in the terraces before?
Save your faux outrage for someone who might believe the horseshit you guys constantly spew and GTFO


Your concession is noted. Think before speaking next time.


You bring up concession a lot, is that because of the stand you work at that is the only place who will hire a retard like you? Back to the sandpit with you little guy.


Your deflection is noted and dismissed. Keep licking them boots. Take your loss with dignity.


Mate I can literally smell the BO and fedora emanating from the screen every time you post.


Your deflection is again noted and dismissed. I find it funny how boot lickers work. It is fine when their candidate does shady things but when their opponents do it suddenly it is a problem.



Cute as well as amusing. Anything else you want to add? Or we done here?


I'd like to add I do not consider you my equal, you're beneath me and will be treated as such. Try not to dribble too much on the way out.


Your ad hominem is noted and dismissed. I know getting called out for a false claim has upset you. Anytime you need education I am here for you. I have plenty of self help lines I can refer you to. Things will be okay you can do this.


tldr Trump 24 MAGA


Quite cute. I am glad your leader is not a criminal. Oh wait...


Twice now you've called me cute, are you flirting with me? I mean the way you type you could be a hot chick instead of the beta male I pictured, so if you're female how you doin'? And if you're male sorry I'm not gay and tbh if I was I'd probably go for masculine guys not soy filled beta faggots.


Yeah I think you are cute. I find posers who think they are tough to be cute.


Why do you assume I think I am tough? Is it because everyone you encounter is tougher than you? Are you one of those guys who needs a special device to help consume your daily soy drink?

Protip, the word you were looking for is poseur, you're welcome for the lesson.


You are getting cuter by the minute. I love the feistiness. Please continue.





Your concession stand is noted :P


Keep going cutie.




love you.


Ivanka and Jared makes sense. Guardian Opinion:

The Mar-a-Lago search prompts a big question: who snitched?

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump certainly make the most sense when it comes to possible informants. The couple controversially had top-secret security clearance when they were advising Trump in the White House and were very close to the former president’s affairs. The PR-savvy pair have also been distancing themselves from Trump ever since he left the White House. Ivanka Trump has very publicly rejected his big lie that the election was stolen, telling the congressional panel investigating the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 that she doesn’t believe her father’s false claims. Most recently the tabloids have been full of anonymous reports about how Ivanka Trump is trying to stop Trump from running for a second term. Javanka are very clearly out to protect themselves, even if it means handing dear old dad into the feds.


Any informant was probably not in an appeal posture which is probably why DJT and Trumpworld isn't attempting to out the person(s), as demonizing them has no value. It is more politically expedient to go conspiratorial and blame the FBI, DOJ, the Stonecutters, Hillary, Obama:

That way he can Grift from his endless swarm of Giftees.


Probably some member of Mar-a-lago that he bragged to about them.


A Trump lawyer?

Pick one!


Melania the hooker/immigrant.


That's my guess. Melania hated being first lady so she is sabotaging Trump's efforts to be re-elected.
