MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 88.7% of Americans want Trump back as th...

88.7% of Americans want Trump back as the Real President

We have approximately 245 days until President Trump is President again.

Rejoice for the Trump shall return!


That's not 78% of Americans who want Trump back instead it's 78% of Republicans. That's a shocker!

78% Of Republicans Want To See Trump Run For President In 2024, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Americans Now Split On Border Wall As Opposition Softens

Plus that poll is over a year old.


They're the only real Americans, the Dems are America-hating disgusting commie swine so why care what they want?


If he truly does win, I'd get out the popcorn to watch the left scream at the sky again. The purge in Washington would be glorious.


Did you ever mention where you got this statistic? It sounds absurd considering the highest rating he ever recieved as president was 49% which is the lowest high approval ranking of any president.


Sure Jan



Lol, thats good. That def applies to the Biden Regime.


2017 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2018 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2019 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2020 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2021 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2022 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2023 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2024 "The walls are closing in" ... We got him now.
2025 Good Morning Mr President


The latest insiders are reporting it’s 92% consensus now.


If you believe like I do that all politicians are at least partially crooks and also see how the democrats are attacking Trump, then you really have to believe that he is a real danger to them. I'd vote for him no matter what but even if I hated him I'd have to vote for him just because of the lengths that democrat have gone to get him..
