MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why are the Dems so scared of this man?

Why are the Dems so scared of this man?

Unless they haven't noticed, Trump brings out the Democrat vote better than any of their old, tired, stale offerings. If they're honest, nobody's going to vote FOR Biden. They will vote against Trump. After all, he's literally Hitler. The View and the MSM tells them so.


Scared? more like terrified.

Vote against him? They would jump off the highest cliff if they were told that it was necessary to prevent Trump from destroying the country and/or the world. lol 🤣


Nobody is scared of Trump. It must be uncomfortable for you to watch Trump crash and burn. How will you cope when you finally realize that Trump will never be president again?


You are so scared of Trump that you talk about him everyday.


A lot of Republicans are scared of him as well


RINOs/DID/LID, pretending, impersonating, and impostors.
They can play dress up, make claims, register as one, and misrepresent all they want but at the end of the day, they are still lefties.


I get it. Anyone who disagrees with you or you're frightened of is a lefty.


you are frightened of Joe, but you do love Trump....


You’ve got to be Qanon connected.


It’s a good question considering we had record economic growth, record unemployment, peace a prosperity.

For the lemmings he’s lacks that ever important D in front of his name.

And for the establishment Republicans he’s not a career politician so he’s a threat.

Makes you wonder what he has on them.


I forgot to mention that Tucker answers part of your question in his 3rd episode.
It all started on Feb-16-2016.


Tucker 😂😂😂😂😂


not an american, but i'd be terrified if i were and he had leaked top classified documents to foreign powers. We'll never know if he did. He certainly could and we wouldn't know.


Then we have the other guy, aka "the big guy," who seems to be bought and paid for by China. "Want to fly a spy balloon over our country and check out our missile installations? No problem! I'll even tell people it's a weather balloon!" And when close-ups of the balloon reveal it's got electronics that seem equipped to send info to satellites, hey! Who cares, right? At least he's not Trump!


Biden wanted to apologize to Xi Jinping for shooting down his Chinese Spy Balloon:

In May Joe Biden downplayed the historic national security threat telling reporters it was a “silly balloon” China flew across the continental US.

And this week NBC reported that Joe Biden was going to apologize to China for shooting down their spy balloon after it crossed the entire continental US.

His advisors had to talk him out of it.

A list of the US Military bases in the path of the China Spy Balloon:
** Malstrom Air Force Base – Montana – home of 341st Military Wing
** Ellsworth Air Force Base – South Dakota – home of 28th bomb wing
** Joe Foss Field ANG – South Dakota – home of 114th fighter wing
** Sioux City ANG – Iowa – national gard base
** Offutt Air Force Base -Nebraska – headquarters US strategic command
** Camp Ashland – Nebraska –
** Lincoln ANG – Nebraska
** Whiteman Air Force Base – Missouri – home of B52 bombers
** Fort Leonard Wood – Missouri – Army training installation
** St. Louis Army Human Resources – St. Louis, MO
** Scott Air Force Base – Illinois – home of the Air Mobility Command
** Fort Campbell – Tennessee – home fo Screaming eagles, the 101st Airborne
** Nashville ANG – Tennessee
** Smyrna ANG – Tennessee
** Houston Barracks – Tennessee
** McGhee Tyson ANG – Tennessee
** Pope Air Force Base – North Carolina – Air mobility command
** Fort Bragg – North Carolina – one of the largest military installations in the world
** MCAS New River – North Carolina
** Camp Lejeune – North Carolina – military training facility
** US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon

The Chinese surveillance balloon that the Pentagon found flying over sensitive United States ballistic missile sites may be guided by advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology


The Chinese weather balloon was unguided. There is no way that balloon went where you claim. Of course you provide no proof as usual. Anyway, why would the Chinese send an unguided balloon over the US when they have satellites parked over our country which can read a newspaper from space? You really are stupid.


if Joe Biden works for China, do you mind telling me why the US is trying to enforce the point of view that Taiwan is independent?


If China pushes the point, they'll fold like a house of cards. Meanwhile, they're simply trying to look as though they're standing up to China.


so, in order to APPEAR not to be a chinese asset, Biden will take, on an issue that's EXTREMELY important to china (Taiwan's independence), an unfavorable stance towards them and when it comes to a weather balloon (that was taken down), he's allegedly pro China? Are you paying attention to what you're saying?


The "weather" balloon was allowed to hover over various missile sites on its long, slow traverse of our country -- while the Biden Administration made excuse after excuse for it and for not shooting it down. It was only shot down after it had finally completed its mission.

This wasn't that long ago. I'm surprised you forgot.

Our official position on Taiwan has historically been that Taiwan is independent. Allies would wonder if Biden would drop them if China turns against them. You know, important allies, like Japan. This isn't rocket science.

But yes, he'll fold if China looks at him cross-eyed. What? You doubt it???


Thank you for your service!!

You show more patriotism and respect for Law and Order than most responding in this thread.

Critical Thinker!


Simple. Democrats are using Marxist policy to promote globalist one world government. Democrats are the easiest to bribe and control and have been used to to destroy the US and the free American people for the globalist cabal.

Trump is a man of the American people. He wants the United States to remain independent, peaceful, and prosperous, for his family, and the American people.

This goes against everything the Democrat party stands for. They hate the country. They hate the people. They hate its history and traditions. They burn the flag. Attack the constitution. And sell themselves to the highest bidder. Many of the establishment Republicans have done the same.

Trump wealth provides him the ability to be immune to the bribes. He was never sucked into the Epstein island trap. They cannot control him. And that scares the living S out of the communist left, the Democrat party/media, and their brain dead lemmings who’ll proudly eat whatever shit they’re spoonfed.

As Trump said, they’re coming for the free thinking American people, and he’s in their way.


💯 True


I think Tucker was onto something when he pointed out that Trump refused to feed the military-industrial complex. He got us energy independent, so no one could threaten us by holding that over our heads, and he refused to get sucked into any new wars. In fact, he ended ISIS. Folks say he's got this huge ego, and he does. But if I'd chased ISIS leaders into a cave, then dropped an MOAB on it, I'd be strutting all over the place. "Obama was afraid to do anything to them. I took them out with one bomb. One." You have to look it up to find the story.

But Trump has really, really bad judgment when it comes to people, though. He shouldn't have been anywhere near Epstein. The Clintons were his friends, for pity's sake.

And he listens to anyone who flatters him.

He has a strong upside and a strong downside. He will bring us back to energy independence and will keep us out of foreign wars. Those are his two greatest accomplishments. Not bad accomplishments at all.


They’re only coming for him due to the crimes he committed- not us


Why are the Dems so scared of this man?
posted 21 hours ago by Destinata (2191)
15 replies | jump to latest
Unless they haven't noticed, Trump brings out the Democrat vote better than any of their old, tired, stale offerings.
That doesn't sound like Fear of Trump to me.

That sounds like DJT is afraid and angry to being criticized, scrutinized, or held accountable for things he says and does, by ANYONE.


Allow me to fix that for you:

That sounds like Liberals are afraid and angry to being criticized, scrutinized, or held accountable for things they have done and said, by ANYONE.


[–] tvfan (1417) 3 minutes ago
Allow me to fix that for you:

That sounds like Liberals are afraid and angry to being criticized, scrutinized, or held accountable for things they have done and said, by ANYONE.
Your perceptions "sounds like", are very far from reality. Liberals are from NOT being able to take or receive criticism. Where do you think Progressives come from?


That's the part I really don't understand. The most brainwashed Democrat my husband and I know doesn't want to vote for Biden. "The Republicans have a much deeper bench," he said, then named off every RINO in the pack. Only the folks who fill the idiot's chair on The Five are for Biden, and I don't think ALL of them. The rank and file, with normal jobs, aren't doing too well under Biden, and most all can see that he's not really with us anymore. If they take a clip from back when he was VP or earlier, the difference between the Biden of today and the Biden of yore is stark.

So, suffice it to say, not many people are going to vote FOR Biden. They really don't want to vote for Kamala. She's just there as impeachment insurance.

Trump turns out the Democrat vote better than anyone. So why are they doing everything they can to make sure he can't run? If they're smart, they WANT to run against him.

Nothing to say Democrats are above shooting themselves in both feet. But this is stupid.


not many people are going to vote FOR Biden.

Not many people voted for Biden in 2020 either, and yet, we ended up with a rigged and stolen election.

The most brainwashed Democrat my husband and I know doesn't want to vote for Biden.

Brainwashed or not, it is the establishment that decides since they are in control.

Trump is the one that is “not controlled opposition”, the rest are either "RINOs" or "Weak".


they are afraid he will MAGA again.


[–] JoWilli (10986) an hour ago
they are afraid he will MAGA again.
Making Attorneys Get Attorneys!

DJT thanks you for your service.

You wouldn't happen to know where he could find a good attorney? 😎
