MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > voter fraud red flags

voter fraud red flags

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.

The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.

1) Tough, forensic audits are always resisted by the left by going to court to stop it.

2) Signature matching - any attempt to clean this up, is resisted by the left.

3) Secure paper ballots only - violently resisted by the left.

4) Hand counting only (No machines) are resisted by the left going to court to keep machines.

5) Mail in ballots only for the disabled and overseas military, resisted by the left.

6) Any attempt to stop unsecured drop boxes being used , the left scream about it.

7) Any attempt to make voter ID compulsory, is called racist.

8) Massive resistance from the left to cleaning up voter rolls.


Well , none of the lawyers , judges or courts in the country were interested in persuing any that , so I'll just go with their decision - they cant all be part of the secret conspiracy to keep trump out ..... or can they?


of course they are, they all wanted Trump out of the white house. dont you find it odd that no one seemed to care that Trump lost, even the republicans. there was like 2 republicans that feigned outrage that Trump lost. republicans and democrats dont want Trump to be president because he is an outsider and they dont want him exposing the corruption.

republicans and dems are happy now because they can go back to doing nothing and keep forming committees and getting rich and pretend they dont like each other.


they all wanted Trump out of the white house. dont you find it odd that no one seemed to care that Trump lost, even the republicans

I don’t find it odd at all. I voted for Biden, in part, because I wanted Trump out of the White House.

I get that you worship Trump and think he can do no wrong. I suspect you don’t know much about him or his policies and that you likely know very little about Biden, as well. My guess is that you somehow got it in your head that Trump was your savior and that your pride is preventing you from accepting the truth.

The fact is Biden won the 2020 Election because MORE PEOPLE VOTED FOR BIDEN!

No spin, no conspiracy, no fraud, just the simple fact.


[–] Ziggy (1198) 25 minutes ago

The fact is Biden won the 2020 Election because MORE PEOPLE VOTED FOR BIDEN!

No spin, no conspiracy, no fraud, just the simple fact.
Exquisitely stated.

One determining factor of the Biden total vote count was this: "Americans voted in record numbers in last year’s (2020) presidential election, casting nearly 158.4 million ballots. That works out to more than six-in-ten people of voting age and nearly two-thirds of estimated eligible voters, according to a preliminary Pew Research Center analysis.

However you measure it, voter turnout jumped in 2020

Nationwide, presidential election turnout was about 7 percentage points higher than in 2016, regardless of which of three different turnout metrics we looked at: the estimated voting-age population as of July 1, that estimate adjusted to Nov. 1, and the estimated voting-eligible population, which subtracts noncitizens and ineligible felons and adds overseas eligible citizens. Based on these measures, turnout was the highest since at least 1980, the earliest year in our analysis, and possibly much longer."

That means there remain eligible voters to this date who MAY still vote in 2024. My thoughts are that Biden will continue to get the Lion's share of those voters should they actually vote.

Why? DJT, Trumpism, MAGA, don't represent the majority of the will of the eligible voters. 🗽👍🗽


Everything you regurgitated was straight from the MSM rectum.


If you say so. It also happens to be the truth.


According to MSM? hahaha🤣


And election judges and the courts


Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 31 decided on the merits, and of those 31, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 23 of them.


It's been 3 years since Trump lost spectacularly in 2020. Whatever bullshit you come up with doesn't change that fact. It's over! Move on. Unless of course you have proof of your claims. What you are you waiting for, Cletus? Show us!


its been 7 years now, please show us the evidence the 2016 election was hijacked by Russia.


its been 7 years now, please show us the evidence the 2016 election was hijacked by Russia.

Since you can’t prove that Trump didn’t lose in 2020, you try deflecting. You can’t prove 2020 by crying about 2016.


myself and others have already explained multiple times over the course of 3 years how the 2020 election was stolen. everything we post is rejected.


[–] JoWilli (14853) 3 hours ago
myself and others have already explained multiple times over the course of 3 years how the 2020 election was stolen. everything we post is rejected.

1. Your explanations were rejected because they simply are not true. Everything you offered as proof was either simply untrue or mere speculation.

2. You continue to mention 2016, which is irrelevant.


the evidence that says its untrue or speculation is not true.

can you give me a link that says the 2016 election was not hijacked?


[–] JoWilli (14861) 7
can you give me a link that says the 2016 election was not hijacked

I didn’t comment on whether the 2016 election was or was not hijacked. I said it is irrelevant.


can you provide evidence of your claim that there was no chicanery in the 2020 election?


[–] JoWilli (14866) 4 hours ago
can you provide evidence of your claim that there was no chicanery in the 2020 election?

The burden of proof is on the person trying to claim fraud, not the person assuming a fair election.

We assume a fair election unless there is evidence to prove otherwise.


myself and others have already explained multiple times over the course of 3 years how the 2020 election was stolen. everything we post is rejected.


[–] JoWilli (14867) 29 minutes ago

myself and others have already explained multiple times over the course of 3 years how the 2020 election was stolen. everything we post is rejected.

Explaining is not the same thing as offering proof. Every "explanation" that I've read here has been untrue. For example, why did the number of votes Biden received suddenly change overnight? That's not proof, that's an accusation. And the simple answer is, because the mail-in ballots were not counted until after the polls closed. So those numbers were not reported until the next morning.


we explained and offered proof and links to the proof. dems said that elections cant be stolen even though they complained about the 2016 election being stolen.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen?

Oh, before you go on about how I claimed that the 2016 election was stolen show proof where I said that. Trump won fair and square just like Biden did in 2020.


according to you Putin and Trump rigged the 2016 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Nancy and Hillary provided any proof that the 2016 election was stolen?

if Trump won fair and square then why did Nancy say that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election? Nancy said she had cold hard proof. Where is the proof?

Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear.

“There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level,” Clinton said during an interview for the latest episode of The Atlantic’s politics podcast, The Ticket. “We still don’t know what really happened.”

“There’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover,” the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nominee continued. “But you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’ That was a deep sense of unease.”


[–] JoWilli (14868) 16 minutes ago
we explained and offered proof and links to the proof. dems said that elections cant be stolen even though they complained about the 2016 election being stolen.

Good for you. That has nothing to do with the 2020 election.


we explained and offered proof and links to the proof.


[–] JoWilli (14895) 7 hours ago

we explained and offered proof and links to the proof.

I can't speak for every link you ever included, but the ones I clicked on either didn't actually have anything that could be called "proof," or had "proof" based on false or incomplete information.

In other words, a court of law would have thrown out the case.


why would a court of law throw out the case if the proof was real?


[–] JoWilli (14898) an hour ago

why would a court of law throw out the case if the proof was real?

I have not seen you post any links in which the "proof" was real. (That's why I keep putting it in quotations marks.)


how do you know this "proof" isn't real? was there an investigation?


[–] JoWilli (14899) 35 minutes ago

how do you know this "proof" isn't real? was there an investigation?

Election officials looked into the allegations and stated that the allegations were false. So, yes, because that constitutes an investigation.

The fact that you did not like the results of the investigation does not mean that it didn't happen.


election officials were just speculating that there was no chicanery. can you provide proof that election officials "looked" into the election?


[–] JoWilli (14901) 2 hours ago

election officials were just speculating that there was no chicanery. can you provide proof that election officials "looked" into the election?

Just because the election officials were not able to find the evidence that you hoped was there, does not mean that they "were just speculating."

If the election officials said they looked into it and didn't find anything, the burden is on you to prove that "they were just speculating."

You're basically saying, "But I wanted Trump to win! There just HAS to be fraud!"

This is a life skill. You need to be able to accept it when things don't go your way.


what kind of investigation did these officials do? because as I recall, Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. there was or wasnt any chicanery? why didnt Nancy have Mueller investigate again to make sure Joe didnt collude with Russia to steal the election?


[–] JoWilli (14911) an hour ago

what kind of investigation did these officials do? because as I recall, Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. there was or wasnt any chicanery? why didnt Nancy have Mueller investigate again to make sure Joe didnt collude with Russia to steal the election?

Nothing that happened in 2016 will prove that the 2020 election was anything other than a valid election won be President Biden.


Nancy and Joe said that prior to the 2020 election. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances. Why would the speaker of the house say that Trump was going to steal the election again?


[–] JoWilli (14913) 14 minutes ago

Nancy and Joe said that prior to the 2020 election. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances. Why would the speaker of the house say that Trump was going to steal the election again?

Nancy, Joe and Hillary said a lot of things prior to the election. So did Trump. That's not proof that the election was fraudulent or that any of them did anything illegal.


how do know nothing illegal happened or that Joe colluded with Russia to hijack the election? who was the special counsel in charge of the investigation?


[–] JoWilli (14918) 10 minutes ago

how do know nothing illegal happened or that Joe colluded with Russia to hijack the election? who was the special counsel in charge of the investigation?

How do you know it did?


how do you know it didnt?


[–] JoWilli (14922) an hour ago

how do you know it didnt?

I don't. But the officials in charge have stated (on numerous occasions) that they investigated and their is no fraud. So the burden of proof is on the person not satisfied with their conclusions.

In other words, if the experts and everyone in charge in multiple states says that they have investigated the allegations and have found no evidence to suggest there was anything nefarious going on and you want to challenge that (a serious challenge in a court of law - not just a random post on a message board), then you have to go to them with actual evidence that says otherwise.

And I can promise you that "but Nancy (or Joe or Hillary) said ... " is nowhere near good enough.


who was the special counsel in charge of the investigation? can you send me the link to the results? is it similar to the Mueller report?


[–] JoWilli (14923) 2 hours ago

who was the special counsel in charge of the investigation? can you send me the link to the results? is it similar to the Mueller report?

No idea. Guess you'll just have to look that up yourself.


so you dont have proof of anything? the burden of proof is on you.

for now we will just say the 2020 election was hijacked.


[–] JoWilli (14924) 17 minutes ago

so you dont have proof of anything? the burden of proof is on you.

for now we will just say the 2020 election was hijacked.

So, one thing at a time.

[–] JoWilli (14924) 17 minutes ago

so you dont have proof of anything? the burden of proof is on you.

No. The election officials said there is no evidence of election fraud. If you want to prove otherwise, then you need to prove otherwise.

I have nothing to prove. I'm just repeating what the officials said.

[–] JoWilli (14924) 17 minutes ago

for now we will just say the 2020 election was hijacked.

You can say it as many times as you like (and you have certainly said it many times), but that doesn't make it true.

If you are going to contradict what a person in a position of authority says, then you need to have proof. You need to convince people that there is a reason to investigate further.

Right now the only thing you are saying is, "I don't like your answer."


lets do a quick recap.

Obama mocked Trump for saying that elections could hacked. then Nancy said that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. and Hillary said that Trump stole the election from her. Mueller investigated for 2 years and found nothing. Nancy and Joe then said that Trump was going to steal the election again. then they said the election was fair and honest. then Hillary said that Russia is going to hijack the 2024 election.

it seems like dems are wishy washy on election results only when they lose.


[–] JoWilli (14953) 15 hours ago

lets do a quick recap.

Obama mocked Trump for saying that elections could hacked. then Nancy said that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. and Hillary said that Trump stole the election from her. Mueller investigated for 2 years and found nothing. Nancy and Joe then said that Trump was going to steal the election again. then they said the election was fair and honest. then Hillary said that Russia is going to hijack the 2024 election.

it seems like dems are wishy washy on election results only when they lose.


I mean, even if everything you said is true and there are no other details - no one said anything else, Trump didn't say anything, there are no relevant details that would shed light on the situation - what you just said means nothing.

Nothing you said matters. The election took place. A winner was declared. Election officials were asked to investigate allegations. in EVERY, SINGLE SITUATION and in EVERY, SINGLE STATE election officials reported that NONE OF THE ALLEGATIONS WERE TRUE.

You can "but, but, but ... " all you want, but the bottom line is, there is no evidence (at all) to suggest the allegations are true.

If you have evidence, by all means, come forward with it. But crying that "Nancy said" or "Obama said" or "Biden said" or "Hillary said" is just you crying because your guy lost.


there was no evidence that Trump colluded, in fact, we later found out all the accusations were faked. even so, the election was still investigated. then Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. also dont forget every major democrat city boarded up their doors and windows to get ready for the protests when Trump stole the election again. Trump had to build a wall around the white house to keep himself and his family safe. then miraculously Joe someone wins, but now the dems dont want to investigate and call anyone that questions the election an election denier, when in fact dems said that that the 2016 election was stolen. so in reality dems were the first election deniers. now Hillary is saying that Russia is going to hijack the election again so there is no need for dems to vote because Trump is going to rig every voting machine in america. also dont forget that Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances and when Trump questioned whether or not there was any chicanery going on. dems said to just accept the results and move on. well if the election was not stolen then why not just investigate to make sure? seems like a logical choice to me.


[–] JoWilli (14954) 9 minutes ago
there was no evidence that Trump colluded, in fact, we later found out all the accusations were faked. even so, the election was still investigated. then Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. also dont forget every major democrat city boarded up their doors and windows to get ready for the protests when Trump stole the election again. Trump had to build a wall around the white house to keep himself and his family safe. then miraculously Joe someone wins, but now the dems dont want to investigate and call anyone that questions the election an election denier, when in fact dems said that that the 2016 election was stolen. so in reality dems were the first election deniers. now Hillary is saying that Russia is going to hijack the election again so there is no need for dems to vote because Trump is going to rig every voting machine in america. also dont forget that Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances and when Trump questioned whether or not there was any chicanery going on. dems said to just accept the results and move on. well if the election was not stolen then why not just investigate to make sure? seems like a logical choice to me.

You can go on and on and on … and on about all of this (and clearly you will), but nothing you’ve mentioned changes the fact that more people voted for Biden in 2020.

Sometimes, your guy simply loses.


do you have evidence to prove that more people voted for Joe? dems didnt accept the election results in 2016, then why do I have to accept the election results in 2020?


JoWilli (14976) 2 hours ago

do you have evidence to prove that more people voted for Joe?

Sure do. It's called every election judge in every state that Biden won declaring that Biden won, followed by Congress certifying the election. Sorry, where were you on January 6, 2021?


when will this evidence be released to the public? dems didnt accept the election results in 2016, then why do I have to accept the election results in 2020?


Read much?


yes I do, do you have a link to this evidence you keep talking about?
dems didnt accept the election results in 2016, then why do I have to accept the election results in 2020?


Didn't think so.


so no evidence?

dems didnt accept the election results in 2016, then why do I have to accept the election results in 2020?


And everything you just said proves that Congress did not certify the 2020 election how?


the 2020 election was never investigated. Mueller said that Trump won fair and square.


That's nice.


ur welcum


For … ?




Obama mocked Trump for saying that elections could hacked. then Nancy said that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. and Hillary said that Trump stole the election from her. Mueller investigated for 2 years and found nothing. Nancy and Joe then said that Trump was going to steal the election again. then they said the election was fair and honest. then Hillary said that Russia is going to hijack the 2024 election.

it seems like dems are wishy washy on election results only when they lose


That's what all of the misfit idiot Trump supporters said. "I showed my evidence 3 years ago so you are just too stupid to look it up!" You would think if any one of Trump's barking seals had any proof that the 2020 election was rigged they would be screaming about it from the rooftops by now. What are they waiting for?


myself and dozens of other people provided links to the evidence starting in 2021, you refused to look at the links and then said everything was a conspiracy.


Everything you offered as proof was either simply untrue or mere speculation.

How do you know that it's speculation?


How do you know that it's speculation?

It’s speculation until you provide proof, which you have yet to do.


So you don't know. You could have just said that.

Proof can be falsified and fabricated.


Proof can be falsified and fabricated.

We’ll, if it’s been falsified or fabricated, them it’s not actually proof.

It’s only proof if it’s actually true.


And it’s only true when it fits your narrative.


And it’s only true when it fits your narrative.

Actually, things are true when they are true and false when they are false.

Whether it fits a particular narrative or not has nothing to do with it’s validity.


Except when they are incapable or unwilling to discern and determine what is true or false since their basis of accepting “proof” is based on subjectivity and biasness.

So yes, their "preferred narrative" has much to do with their perception of validity.


No one is denying what you’ve said because it doesn’t fit their narrative. They’re denying it because you refuse to produce evidence. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that someone who refuses to ever back up their claims with actual evidence is most likely full of pooh.


I refuse to provide others that can’t determine the difference between true or false since they are too blinded and brainwashed by their preconceived biasness and preferred narrative.

Anyone with independent thinking should be willing and capable of searching for the truth on their own.

When they insist that others provide it, that is confirmation that the truth is irrelevant to them when it doesn’t fit their narrative.

No amount of evidence will convince a fool that he has been fooled.


That's nice. So why do you refuse to send ex-president Trump your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? I'm sure Trump would appreciate it don't you think?

In reality you have nothing and you have proved this time and time again. Your stupidity and gullibility continues.


The burden of proof is on the person making the claim.


"No amount of proof will ever persuade an idiot"


So why do you refuse to send ex-president Trump your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? I'm sure Trump would appreciate it don't you think?

In reality you have nothing and you have proved this time and time again. Your stupidity and gullibility continues.


Only an idiot would accept your statements at face value without any proof.


I never asked them to accept.

They should seek their own.


I never asked them to accept.

Then what DO you want?


I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but you’re wrong.


If you seek, you will find.

But I know that you will not because the truth is too uncomfortable for you to see or hear.


Quit fucking around and show us proof of your insipid claims. Otherwise you're just another loud mouth who everyone thinks is a complete imbecile.


That sounds like a conspiracy to me.


yeah, show us proof the 2016 election was hijacked.


Apparently you don’t know where you got your information, either. Trump? Thin air? Both are equally likely.


Make an effort and you will find it.


If you look hard enough, you can almost find 1 example (out of 1 million). That doesn't really help prove your case.


An example of what?
You are aware that I’m referring to the 23 of the 92 lawsuits right?

If you make an actual non-biased effort, you will find the information with all the cases explaining everything in details and the status for each case.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


Millions of co-conspirators? Nonsense. A handful of co-conspirators would have sufficed. Biden just needed 45k votes in key states to overcome Trump: "But the margins this year were even tighter in the three states that put Biden over the top in the Electoral College. He won Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin by a total of less than 45,000 votes."

Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? The same reason Biden and Hillary voted for George W. Bush's Iraq war to support the will of the elites. Politicians are tools for the elites.


I voted for Trump because I didnt want Hillary in the WH. I get that you worship Biden and think he can do no wrong. I suspect you don’t know much about him or his policies and that you likely know very little about Trump, as well. My guess is that you somehow got it in your head that Biden was your savior and that your pride is preventing you from accepting the truth.

how do we know that Biden won? was there a official Federal investigation like in 2016?

remember when everyone said that Trump was going to steal the election? Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery and had 600 lawyers and 10,000 volunteers ready to fight against the chicanery.

Nancy said the 2016 election was hijacked, how come I cant say the 2020 election was hijacked?


When you don’t know how to think for yourself or participate in an intelligent conversation, I suppose one option is to just repeat back what the other person said, changing only the names.

This isn’t the first time you resorted to repeating back what I said, changing only the names. I’ll take that as a compliment. You clearly respect and are intimidated by my intelligence and my ability to properly articulate my point.


at least I didnt vote for a Dictator. hope you are enjoying your inflation, wars and 34 trillion national debt.


But I thought you voted for Trump?

Check your facts. Inflation is down.

After Trump’s completely irresponsible presidency, it’s not possible to decrease the national debt. Way too many problems to try to fix.

Disagreeing with Biden’s policies (not that I think you actually know what any of them are) does not make him a dictator.


I did vote for Trump, I voted for freedom and maga.

inflation is not down, its still higher than it was in 2019. its like saying 500,000 new jobs were created but a million jobs were lost.

thats Obamas fault. after 8 years of tax cuts for the rich, it was impossible to lower the debt. Joe said he was going to BBB than Trump. when does this start?

this is a Dictator.
One of the final healthcare actions made by the Trump Administration has been rescinded by the Biden Administration. On December 23, 2020, the Trump Administration finalized a rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action to require that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) make insulin and injectable epinephrine available to certain patients at 340B prices. The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021, and the first opportunity for HHS to impose the requirements of the rule would have been through grants awarded in fiscal year 2022. So, while the rule has been in effect since July, it has yet to be implemented.

a Dictator also forces people to get vaccinated against their will or lose their job. did you forget about that already?


a Dictator also forces people to get vaccinated against their will or lose their job. did you forget about that already?"

I don't know how anyone could possibly forget it and this was the very thing that caused the shortage with the airlines was giving employees 2 options: Take the "Jab" or lose your job and 401K.. Fuck you Biden and anyone who supports this Lemon of a President and THIS time in Nov, you won't have Covid to use to steal the election like you did in 2020


I know, its lunacy and feels like a dream. taking a vaccine was an actual mandate! this has never happened in America ever. could you imagine the outcry if Trump did the same thing?

now the liberal national news is ramping up the covid scare again. they keep showing people on ventilators and saying you are going to die if you dont get the vaccine.


Fuck em!! They can show as many videos as they want and hell, they can even hire actors to pose as victims of it, but in the end, I'm not vaccinated, never will be vaccinated and turned out just fine and no liberal can explain this??


I'm not vaccinated, never will be vaccinated and turned out just fine and no liberal can explain this??

Only about plenty of liberals have explained it to me, you’re just too dumb to understand.

It just means you’re lucky. Not everyone who refuses medical treatment suffers the consequences of their poor decisions.

If a doctor, suggest a certain course of treatment, and you decide against it, you will often be asked to sign an AMA (Against Medical Advice) releasing the doctor from liability. It’s basically saying, the doctor think it’s in your best interest to do one thing, you know what the doctor’s advice is, you’re choosing not to follow it and you’re not going to hold the doctor responsible of something bad happens to you because of it.

Maybe the doctor says. “Hey, you just had surgery. If you don’t stay here overnight, you’re likely to rip your stitches or have internal bleeding or have some other bad thing happened to you.” If you ignore the doctors advice, you’ll need to sign the AMA. You might end up being just fine, but that doesn’t mean your decision wasn’t stupid.

You not taking the Covid vaccine and still not getting Covid, is not proof that the vaccine is useless. It’s just proof that you’re lucky.


I'm not vaccinated, never will be vaccinated and turned out just fine and no liberal can explain this??

I’m sure plenty of liberals have explained it to you, you’re just too dumb to understand.

It just means you’re lucky. Not everyone who refuses medical treatment suffers the consequences of their poor decisions.

If a doctor, suggest a certain course of treatment, and you decide against it, you will often be asked to sign an AMA (Against Medical Advice) releasing the doctor from liability. It’s basically saying, the doctor think it’s in your best interest to do one thing, you know what the doctor’s advice is, you’re choosing not to follow it and you’re not going to hold the doctor responsible of something bad happens to you because of it.

Maybe the doctor says. “Hey, you just had surgery. If you don’t stay here overnight, you’re likely to rip your stitches or have internal bleeding or have some other bad thing happened to you.” If you ignore the doctors advice, you’ll need to sign the AMA. You might end up being just fine, but that doesn’t mean your decision wasn’t stupid.

You not taking the Covid vaccine and still not getting Covid, is not proof that the vaccine is useless. It’s just proof that you’re lucky.


No it proves the vaccine is worthless, especially when you have a President, a Lemon President at that in Joe Biden telling you if you don't take the "Jab" you will die and or lose your employment or BOTH?? I have never seen a man brag about the amount of Boosters he gets and STILL comes down with the common cold, er, I mean Covid, so perhaps you should, oh I don't know?? Lay off the Vaccine for a bit and allow natural immunity to work it's wonders?? Don't be such a liberal dumbass for once in your young adult life


You not taking the Covid vaccine and still not getting Covid, is not proof that the vaccine is useless

hahaha, No, taking the vaccine and still getting covid (flu) means the vaccine is useless.


That's not what vaccines do. No vaccine does that.

Vaccines do not prevent - they significantly lower your chances of contracting, but they do not eliminate.

Vaccines do not cure - they significantly lower the seriousness of the infection. IN other words, if someone who has had the vaccine contracts the virus, they will probably recover much more quickly than an unvaccinated person would.

Vaccines are not 100% - unfortunately, some people will receive the vaccine and not receive any of the benefits. Currently, science has not been able to make any vaccine 100% effective.


1. Fauci the big liar said it was 100% safe and effective.
2. Since it doesn't prevent infection and transmission there is no point in taking it.
3. Survival rate without it is 99.x%; same as flu since covid is a variant of the flu.
4. Do some research on the damage, injuries and death caused by the vax.


Everything you just said is wrong.


Everything you just said is wrong.


Everything you just said is wrong.

Everything you just said is right.


Everything you just said is wrong.


Prices might be higher right now than they were in 2019, but that’s not what inflation means. Inflation means that prices are currently rising.

Inflation is similar to acceleration. If you’re driving on the interstate and a few minutes ago, you were driving through a neighborhood, then you are currently driving at a different speed, but you are not currently accelerating. You accelerated when you first got on the interstate, but you are not currently accelerating.

Inflation is currently lower than it was under Trump, and it is insincere to compare anything to 2019, economically speaking. If you’re going to try to claim that the economy under Trump is better than the economy under Biden, you need to compare apples to apples. Biden doesn’t have the luxury of working in a pre-Covid economy. Thank you Trump for disastrously mishandling Covid.

It’s also incredibly inaccurate to simplify the Covid vaccine to the degree that you have. It’s easy to say that some employees were required to have the vaccine, but it’s not accurate. Many jobs may have “required” the vaccine, but they offered alternatives (usually weekly or twice weekly testing) for those who were unwilling or unable to take the vaccine.

The problem is, the facts get in the way of your argument.


how did Trump mishandle a pandemic that affected the entire World? remember when Trump wanted to ban flights from china and Nancy said it was racist and that we should all hug a chinese person? what about Fauci? it was his job to determine the best course of action. remember when Fauci said 15 days to slow the spread? remember when Trump created Operation Warp Speed and had vaccines ready in 6 months? basically Trump saved your life and billions of lives with the covid vaccine.

inflation went up because Fauci and the World thought it was a good idea to lock everyone in their houses for a year. millions lost their jobs and congress passed trillions in stimulus and paid billions for people not to work for a year. this is all common knowledge.

Dictator Joe proclaimed he was going to BBB better than Trump. its been 3 years so far. also dont forget that DJ has over 50 years of political experience and should be able to make america great again.

if there was an exemption then why were nurses forced out of their job. then everyone complained there wasnt enough nurses.

we both know that if Trump forced people to get the vaccine that there would have been riots.

lastly, dont forget to thank Trump for saving your life.


You really only know bullet points don’t you?


If you can do better, go for it. Otherwise, STFU.


If I can do better at what? Knowing more than just bullet points?


They cant do better. They just mock people for posting facts.


you mean the bullet points that are facts? if anything I said is false, then please let me know...


Wow, I really wish you would learn some critical thinking skills.

A bullet point may not be false, but it doesn't give the complete picture. It's like that Trident commercial, "4 our of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum." That statement can lead you to believe that 80% of all dentists recommend Trident. (because 4 out of 5 is 80%.) But, the commercial does not tell us how many dentist were actually asked the question. Could have been 5, could have been 200, could have been 1,000. We don't know, so we can't actually assume it's 80%.

You have to ask those kids of questions. You have to read the article.


again, if anything I said is false then please let me know.



A bullet point may not be false, but it doesn't give the complete picture.

You don't need critically thinking skills in order to read what I wrote. You just have to read it.


again, if anything I said is false then please let me know.


Why are you incapable of reading my response to your question? Here it is for the 3rd time. Try to read it this time before you respond.

A bullet point may not be false, but it doesn't give the complete picture.

It's not that you necessarily said anything false. I simply said that there is more to it than what you said.


so everything I said is true. thank you for finally agreeing with me.

how did Trump mishandle a pandemic that affected the entire World? remember when Trump wanted to ban flights from china and Nancy said it was racist and that we should all hug a chinese person? what about Fauci? it was his job to determine the best course of action. remember when Fauci said 15 days to slow the spread? remember when Trump created Operation Warp Speed and had vaccines ready in 6 months? basically Trump saved your life and billions of lives with the covid vaccine.

inflation went up because Fauci and the World thought it was a good idea to lock everyone in their houses for a year. millions lost their jobs and congress passed trillions in stimulus and paid billions for people not to work for a year. this is all common knowledge.

Dictator Joe proclaimed he was going to BBB better than Trump. its been 3 years so far. also dont forget that DJ has over 50 years of political experience and should be able to make america great again.

if there was an exemption then why were nurses forced out of their job. then everyone complained there wasnt enough nurses.

we both know that if Trump forced people to get the vaccine that there would have been riots.

lastly, dont forget to thank Trump for saving your life.


You just keep repeating yourself over and over again. No matter how many times I point things out that contradict your statement, you just ignore what I've said and repeat the narrative you wish was true.

Oh my gosh! You are exactly as stupid as Trump!!!

When he doesn't like the facts, he just lies louder and shouts "Wrong!" Of course anyone who's intelligent or educated recognizes immediately what he's doing.

No wonder he "loves the poorly educated." They are the only ones dumb enough to fall for his tricks.


you havent contradicted anything. I keep posting the facts and then you say its not true and then cant repudiate anything I say.

how did Trump mishandle a pandemic that affected the entire World?

again, if anything I said is false then please let me know.


I've already answered these questions a few times. Why don't you respond to what I said?

If you don't like my answer, and you don't know how to intelligently disagree , I guess the only thing left to do is repeat the questions and pretend you didn't notice my response.


how did Trump mishandle a pandemic that affected the entire World?

please elaborate with at least 500 words, this should be easy since you are a professor.


how did Trump mishandle a pandemic that affected the entire World?

He didn't follow the "infectious disease" (that could turn into a pandemic if not handled quickly and effectively) playbook left for him by previous administrations (that successfully handled H1N1, Sars, Zika, Ebola).

He mocked the advice of the health experts and refused to follow it.


you mean "infectious"

I dont remember ever having lockdowns or mask mandates or vaccine mandates during H1N1, Sars, Zika, Ebola.

again, Trump was trying to keep people from panicking because the news said that if you got closer than 6 feet away from someone that you would get covid and die.


I dont remember ever having lockdowns or mask mandates or vaccine mandates during H1N1, Sars, Zika, Ebola.

That's because Trump wasn't in charge, someone competent was. When the administration deals with things immediately and correctly, they don't turn into pandemics.

Trump tried to bury his head in the sand and pretend Covid was no big deal. If he had been honest and actually dealt with it, it wouldn't have lasted as long or turned into as much of a crisis.

Trump was trying to keep people from panicking because the news said that if you got closer than 6 feet away from someone that you would get covid and die.

You give him too much credit. The only reason he tried to minimize Covid was because he feared it would make him look bad.

the news said that if you got closer than 6 feet away from someone that you would get covid and die.

Your are being disingenuous. If you actually heard someone say that, you should have been mature enough to simply shake your head and sigh and move on with your day.

The recommendation was to keep a safe distance in order to minimize the spread. I doubt anyone actually suggested you would "get covid and die."


I give Trump all the credit, he basically saved your life. I assume you thank Trump daily?


I give Trump all the credit, he basically saved your life. I assume you thank Trump daily?

You can assume whatever you want, but I prefer to live in reality. Trump is clueless and selfish. I'm thankful that he is no longer president.


did you take the Trump vaccine?


No, I took the Pfizer Vaccine :-)


Trump bought that, lol

Trump Purchases Additional 100 Million Doses of COVID-19 Investigational Vaccine From Pfizer



Trump bought that, lol

Trump Purchases Additional 100 Million Doses of COVID-19 Investigational Vaccine From Pfizer


Good for him. But he didn't create it.

Intelligent people are able to understand the difference.


wow, thats groundbreaking...

did you thank Trump today for buying the Pfizer vaccine?


did you thank Trump today for buying the Pfizer vaccine?

Why, did you thank previous Presidents for everything they did? Did you criticize Trump for everything he screwed up or didn't do?


why would I criticize Trump? I voted for him.


why would I criticize Trump? I voted for him.

You wouldn't, but a smarter person would.


Intelligent people don’t expect anyone to be above criticism.


Intelligent people don’t expect anyone to be above criticism.


So you admit you're not intelligent.


So you admit you're not intelligent.


so you admit your not intelligent.


so you admit your not intelligent.

Oh, dear God, I'm dealing with a 7 year old.

I know you are, but what am I?


So you admit you're not intelligent.


Whatever you have to tell yourself.


Whatever you have to tell yourself.


[–] Ziggy (1264) 5 days ago
It's not that you necessarily said anything false. I simply said that there is more to it than what you said.
Because it becomes a lie and or false by the willful omission of additional "truths" or "facts".

In a court of law there are three things:

1. To Tell the Truth
2. The WHOLE Truth
3. And nothing but the Truth

You will NEVER get such a honor bound conversational contract like that from JoWilli.

How do you know when JoWilli is telling the truth?

"When he/she isn't typing anything"!


One could very well ask this of you when it comes to liberal bullet points?? And this is exactly why the ignore button exists is to shut bullshit like this down


Only cowards and precious snowflakes put users that frighten them on ignore. Enjoy your echo chamber, Goober.


Trump isn’t responsible for the entire world anymore than Biden is. But it’s convenient that you keep trying to say that Biden is responsible for every conflict that exists on the globe.

Trump wanted to ban flights from China and only China. That is racist. In a worldwide pandemic, shouldn’t he want to ban all flights from outside the country?

Inflation was high for many reasons, and I don’t believe I ever tried to say that it wasn’t Covid related. I was simply responding to your accusation that inflation is higher now than it was under Trump, which is not true.

Biden has BBB’d. Inflation is down, unemployment is down. The GNP is significantly higher than it was under Trump. I know, I know the bullet points you like to listen to don’t tell you those details. That doesn’t change the facts.

Nurses weren’t forced out of their jobs. Almost every job that had any kind of vaccine requirement attached to it had the possibility of weekly or twice weekly testing as an alternative. Some people just didn’t want to have to do that either, and some of those people complained very loudly. You have to do more than simply read the headlines. You have to read the entire article. Often times, the title of the article is misleading, at best. If you want to be informed you have to do more work.

Trump tried to convince the country that Covid was no big deal, and that we should ingest bleach! Also, there was no vaccine under Trump. But to answer your question, he would’ve never encouraged people to get the vaccine, because he thought the whole thing was a joke. He bragged about how quickly he recovered from it, but he was given drugs, that the public never had access to until months later.

I honestly don’t know how a sane person can look at all of those examples that you just gave and not know the finer details and not conclude that Trump was a disaster at handling the pandemic.


you say Trump mishandled the pandemic, then say its racist to ban flights from one country then you said that Trump isnt responsible for the pandemic. you need to pick a lane.
if Trump is responsible for everything bad that happens then so is Joe. you cant have it both ways.

if its racist to ban flights, then Joe is also a racist.
11/26/2021 02:06 PM EST
The Biden administration announced plans on Friday to ban travel to the United States from South Africa and seven other countries, just hours after a new coronavirus variant was deemed a highly transmissible virus of concern.

so you would be ok with Trump literally shutting down all entry ports into America? how would this be done? how would you block immigrants on the southern border? remember when Trump wanted to build a wall and dems said it was racist? basically everything from food to fuel and medicine would be blocked from entering America. I guess you would be ok with people starving and kids dying because they didnt get their medicine?

nurses were forced out of jobs...
Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandate
President Biden announced a vaccine mandate for the health care industry.
ByMarlene Lenthang
September 30, 2021, 2:00 PM

would you want Trump to create pandemonium by saying everyone is going to die? thats just dumb.

on Dec. 11, 2020 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the country. The emergency use authorization means that doses of the vaccine—made by Pfizer/BioNTech—can be shipped at any time; certain Americans could be vaccinated as soon as next week.

lets just stick to the facts and the facts only, Trump saved your life and billions of lives around the World.


you say Trump mishandled the pandemic, then say its racist to ban flights from one country then you said that Trump isnt responsible for the pandemic. you need to pick a lane.
if Trump is responsible for everything bad that happens then so is Joe. you cant have it both ways.

Trump did mishandle the pandemic in the US (the only country he was actually the president of). I did not say he was responsible for the pandemic, I said his handling of it was irresponsible. Nothing I said was even remotely close to accusing him of being responsible for every bad thing that happens. That's you drawing ridiculous conclusions.

if its racist to ban flights, then Joe is also a racist.

That's not even remotely what I said, and your next paragraph is nonsense.

nurses were forced out of jobs...
Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandate

That's completely misleading. There were other options (besides the vaccine), like testing. There can be legitimate reasons for not getting the vaccine. One could get tested (regularly) and continue working, provided the test came back negative. It's not that big of a deal, and it's ridiculous to say otherwise.

would you want Trump to create pandemonium by saying everyone is going to die? thats just dumb.

Right, because he only had two choices:
1. Deny there was anything happening
2. Panic

Or, you know, let people know that this situation is serious, but if we work together and listen to the experts in the field, we're going to come through this. We need to work together.


how did Trump mishandle the worldwide pandemic in America?

"Trump wanted to ban flights from China and only China. That is racist."

do you not understand English? if English isnt your primary language then I apologize.

Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandate. President Biden announced a vaccine mandate for the health care industry. Hundreds of health care workers across the country are being fired or suspended in droves for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Sep 30, 2021

Fauci said 15 days to slow the spread, then he said masks are not needed, then he said to wear one mask then he said to wear 2 masks. then DJ mandated that everyone get vaccinated or lose your job, DJ also said if you are vaccinated then you are not going to die.

Trump never denied anything, he was trying to make sure people didnt panic and start hoarding food and medicine. everyone freaked out because they were told toilet paper was made in china. that caused everyone to panic and hoard toilet paper. meat was impossible to find at the store too.

experts? what experts? Birx and Fauci are the experts and they had no idea how to contain the virus. the vaccine neither prevents or cures covid.

instead of blaming Trump, maybe we should work together...


how did Trump mishandle the worldwide pandemic in America?

He didn't. He doesn't have the authority to tell other countries what to do. He mismanaged the US's response to the pandemic.

"Trump wanted to ban flights from China and only China. That is racist." do you not understand English? if English isnt your primary language then I apologize.

Yes, choosing to only ban flights from one country when there were (at the time) at least 20 countries involved, is racist.

Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

What did the mandates say? That's right, they allowed for the option to not get the vaccine and still keep your job. Those options usually included regular Covid testing (Once or twice a week), and may have required the individual to give a reason for refusing the vaccine. But they did have that option.


what could have Trump done other than try to ban the infected from China?

The Biden administration announced plans on Friday to ban travel to the United States from South Africa and seven other countries, just hours after a new coronavirus variant was deemed a highly transmissible virus of concern.

its even more racist to ban people from 8 countries.

hospital workers didn't have the option, also military personal were fired too. why even make it a mandate? what happened to "my body my choice"?


its even more racist to ban people from 8 countries.

It's actually not. Trump says everyone can come but the Chinese (that's racist). Biden says no one can come. Not racist. It might not be necessary or kind, but he's not singling anyone out.

hospital workers didn't have the option, also military personal were fired too. why even make it a mandate?

But the thing is, they did. Reread the articles. (or, read them for the first time)

what happened to "my body my choice"?

I've actually never said that.

When your choice puts others at risk, it's no longer just about you.


haha, oh my! you have gone full troll on me. is this skivvy?


Yep, that's what trolls do. They respond to your statements with truth and wisdom.

This is the 2nd time you said skivvy to me. Is skivvy a person?


"Is skivvy a person?"

It's a Borg.


As in Star Trek?


Guess not, but thanks for trying!




no, you just keep moving the goalpost and changing your answer.

Skavua or skivvy as I like to call him is a professional troll who incites people by constantly asking unrelated questions and asks for evidence but then rejects the evidence and then asks another unrelated question. the cycle continues until the person is infuriated. I am a psychology student at Harvard and I will probably write a paper about you or skivvy.


Wait, are you a psychology student or a lawyer. Because you just told me you were a lawyer, which means you can tell when people are lying.

I don't believe I've ever asked you for evidence or asked unrelated questions.

I did point out that employees who were "required" to get the Covid Vaccine had the option to test instead, but you kept ignoring that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Skavua or skivvy, just Ziggy. This is my one and only account :-)


I am a psychology student, not sure where you got this lawyer stuff from.

nurses were never given the option and a lot of people were so disgusted by Dictator Joe that they resigned because their liberties were being taken away.


I am a psychology student, not sure where you got this lawyer stuff from.

That would be from the posted you edited. Perhaps it was a typo.


going to need some evidence.


Well, since you edited it, I can't give you proof ... which is why you edited it.


haha, you are paranoid.

what is your syllabus?


You have to register for my class in order to see the syllabus.

There's still time. Classes don't start until Tuesday, and two of my classes don't meet for the first time until Wednesday.


haha no you dont. this isnt china. lol

my real job starts soon as well.


Believe me, don't believe me, whatever. I don't require your approval.


evidence please...


As for your (ridiculous) accusations about Fauci,
1. Fauci said 15 days to slow the spread ...
2. Birx and Fauci are the experts and they had no idea how to contain the virus
3. the vaccine neither prevents or cures Covid.

1. The pandemic was unprecedented. No one knew what to do. The 15 days was an educated guess. This was a crisis, and something had to be done. Something had to be tried.

Hospitals and healthcare workers were overwhelmed, understaffed and exhausted. What would you have had them do in order to try to slow the spread?

2. Oh, I think that's a bit harsh saying they had "no idea." They had lots of ideas, but they didn't all work.

This virus caught everyone by surprised. It spread faster and more easily than anything the health care community had encountered before. The experts used their knowledge and experience and it just took time to determine which methods were going to be effective.

3. "the vaccine neither prevents or cures covid"

That's not what vaccines do. No vaccine does that.

Vaccines do not prevent - they significantly lower your chances of contracting, but they do not eliminate.

Vaccines do not cure - they significantly lower the seriousness of the infection. IN other words, if someone who has had the vaccine contracts the virus, they will probably recover much more quickly than an unvaccinated person would.

Vaccines are not 100% - unfortunately, some people will receive the vaccine and not receive any of the benefits. Currently, science has not been able to make any vaccine 100% effective.


unfortunately, some people will receive the vaccine and not receive any of the benefits.

You basically admitted that the vax is useless since there is no factor or baseline to determine what makes those people different enough for a vaccine to not benefit them.

Natural immunity has proven better than vaccines.
No one has died from developing a natural immunity to COVID.

For example, "autophagy fasting" will cure almost anything.
Sunlight also provides at least a dozen essential benefits.


You forgot about using horse medicine and drinking bleach as a cure for COVID-19.


lets back this bus up. you are supposedly a teacher that possibly has a masters or doctorate and you think the facts are ridiculous accusations? lol

whos trolling who now. lol

so let me just get this straight, you are saying this is a (ridiculous) accusation?

Coronavirus: The 15 days of mitigation clearly had an effect, Dr. Anthony Fauci says

I didnt say this, Fauci did.

5th Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
In office
November 2, 1984 – December 31, 2022

its become apparent that you have nothing and therefore you are now trying to back peddle and project false accusations on facts that I have posted. I am just a regular Joe and yet I have outwitted you at every turn and provided facts to back up my claims.


You are expecting science to be perfect and always have the answers. That's not how science works. Things have to be tried and tested. Not every idea is going to be the solution, but if one idea is tried, there will be things that can be learned from that trial. Scientists do learn, and they will come up with solutions.

Just because the virus wasn't eradicated in 15 days doesn't mean that asking people to stay home for 15 days didn't have a positive effect. Just because you don't see a change in 15 days doesn't mean that taking a 15 day pause wasn't a good idea. Maybe taking a pause meant that things didn't get exponentially worse!

Again, critical thinking. You like to play the blame game. You aren't interested in challenging yourself or challenging your previously drawn conclusions.


I know science isnt perfect. and I know that Fauci and all the other scientists arent perfect and had no idea whats going on or how to stop it. even the scientists around the world didnt know what was going on.

15 days was a joke, basically it turned out to be a year.

you are turning into skivvy by constantly moving the goalpost and not acknowledging what you said.


1. The pandemic was unprecedented. No one knew what to do. The 15 days was an educated guess. This was a crisis, and something had to be done. Something had to be tried.

why are you still blaming Trump?


How did that statement blame Trump?


how did it not blame Trump?


It didn't.


so Trump is not to blame for the pandemic?


I never said Trump was to blame for the pandemic. I said he mishandled the pandemic. That's not the same thing.

You do know that, right? That those two sentences mean different things? Here, let me give you an example. I'll try to use small words so that you'll have a better chance of understanding.

If it's raining outside and you get wet because you forgot your umbrella, you handled the rain poorly. You should know that using an umbrella in the rain will keep you from getting wet. That doesn't mean you are to blame for the rain, just that if you had been prepared, your probably wouldn't have gotten wet or at least not as wet as you did.

1. Forgot umbrella = not prepared, mishandled.
2. The rain is your fault.

See, statement 1 and statement 2 don't mean the same thing.


again, I am asking how did Trump mishandle the pandemic? I have asked this 3 times now.

apparently you dont understand how delegation of authority works. Fauci is the head of infectious disease's. it was his responsibility to advise the president.

for a "professor" that was the worst analogy ever.

so its Trumps fault it rained?


so its Trumps fault it rained?

No, that's not what I said. Maybe you need to read it again.


again, I am asking how did Trump mishandle the pandemic? I have asked this 4 times now.


again, I am asking how did Trump mishandle the pandemic? I have asked this 4 times now.

I've also answered this question many times, but here goes. Try to read it this time.

He didn't follow the "infectious disease" (that could turn into a pandemic if not handled quickly and effectively) playbook left for him by previous administrations (that successfully handled H1N1, Sars, Zika, Ebola).

He mocked the advice of the health experts and refused to follow it.


that was Fauci's job, he is the head of the infectious diseases. Trump tried to slow the virus but was called a racist and we were all told to hug a chinese person. also the DOE and FBI said most likely it was a lab leak.


that was Fauci's job

It was Fauci's job to advice Trump, which he did. It was Trump's job to follow that advice, which he did not.


wow are you proving your stupidity....


wow are you proving your stupidity...

By displaying logic? Why yes I am.


wow you are proving your stupidity....


instead of blaming Trump, maybe we should work together...

Instead of blaming Biden, maybe we should work together.


why didnt dems work with Trump?


Because Trump wouldn't allow it.


Trump wouldnt allow the dems to work with him? I dont remember that. as I recall the dems concocted a false narrative to get rid of Trump for all 4 years.


Trump doesn't work with people. He never has. He does what he wants, and he surrounds himself with people who flatter him.

Trump has no desire to do anything for anyone besides himself.


Biden doesnt work with people as well. he orders mandates and doesnt listen to anything the republicans have to say and surrounds himself with handlers who tell him what to do.


There you go again, replacing the name Trump with the name Biden and hoping no one notices.


why is Dictator Joe a Dictator and when is he going to BBB?


why is Dictator Joe a Dictator and when is he going to BBB?

Inflation is down, unemployment is down, Covid is down ...

Was there something more you wanted?


covid is down but now its back again. going to need some evidence for the other 2. this should be easy since you are a professor. lol


covid is down but now its back again. going to need some evidence for the other 2.

Covid is up slightly because of cold & flu season. (duh!)

Going to need evidence that I'm wrong about the other two.


now its cold and flu season? what happened to covid season? lol

maybe people should take their mandatory vaccine and stay at home.


now its cold and flu season? what happened to covid season?

Yes, the winter months have been and currently are considered by doctors and health experts to be cold and flu season. Covid is a strand of the flu, so it falls into that category.


covid is the flu now? when did this happen? I thought it was a bat virus?


on Dec. 11, 2020 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine ...

You know what? You might be right about that one. I don't remember exactly, and I don't really care. I do remember that a verty limited number of vaccines were available to specific groups of people - heath care professionals, first responders, K-12 teachers ... I teach at a university, so I had to wait.

Definitely not enough vaccines for Trump to mandate that anyone take it, so there goes your previous argument.


I am right because I do research before I post something. this is called fact checking...

Trump never mandated anything, but if he did, the dems would start a riot and burn, loot and murder.

I highly doubt you teach at a university. then I am the Dalai Lama...


I highly doubt you teach at a university.

Doubt it all you want. It happens to be true. Classes for the Spring 2024 start on January 16.


need a name and university...


Is there a reason I should care whether you believe me or not?


no, I dont believe you. post it or you are lying.


Is there a reason I should care?


its obvious you are lying. I am a psychology student and I can tell when people are lying.




for a professor with a doctorate, you sure have a way with words. lol


I am quite capable of speaking eloquently, and I have proven that many times.

I simply don't care whether you believe me or not, and that disappoints you.

By the way, nice job changing "part time lawyer" to "psychology student." Makes me wonder what you really do.


JoWilli is a Trumptwat troll on moviechat, that's what he does!


He needs to get a life :-)


How do you know when JoWilli is telling the truth?

"When he isn't typing anything"!


Jo Willy believes the bible's version of how the Earth was made.
Including the Earth being made before the sun. lol.


your rain metaphor was terrible. still waiting for proof you are a "professor".

changing what? you are paranoid.


Ziggy is a certified movie chat troll that voted for Biden. He voted for Tyranny.


What makes you think I'm a he? (I'm not.)


Its pretty obvious. People usually don't say they are a Professor.


People usually don't say they are a Professor.

True, people don't usually say they are because there aren't really that many.

There are 8 of us in my department, but in our area there are at least 30 high schools, many of which have 6 or more in each department. That's at least 180 high school teachers vs 8 college professor. And that doesn't include the grade schools and junior highs. There are many, many more K-12 teachers than college professors.

Still, how does that make me a male? Are you saying only females teach at universities? Our department is pretty evenly split, but I haven't looked at the overall statistics of university/college professors.


he also thinks he is a professor. lolz....


Well, "he" is a "she," (meaning, I'm a female) but I don't think that was your point.


oh ok, my bad, I just assume everyone is a dude until told other wise.

are your kids enjoying your classes?


oh ok, my bad, I just assume everyone is a dude until told other wise.

are your kids enjoying your classes?

My "kids" are in high school, so not really. But they do enjoy the social aspect. They might not appreciate being refereed to as "kids," but it was kind of you to ask.


Maybe it was only "terrible" because you didn't understand it.


how could anyone understand that terrible analogy.


Most people are more intelligent than you.


I doubt it and I have common sense. which is lacking these days.


I doubt it and I have common sense. which is lacking these days.

You really don't, which you prove quite often in your posts. As I've stated to you a few times already:

"It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubts."


a flute with no holes is a stick.


How do you know when JoWilli is telling the truth?

"When he isn't typing anything"!


Oh for fuck sake, Biden was a unmitigated disaster at handling the Pandemic by mandating that people HAD to take the Jab or face losing their employment and that was 100% Grade A Bullshit if I've ever saw it just as much as you Liberals beat your hairless chests over the Abortion issue and how it's a woman's right, how it's her body and yada yada yada yada, but when it came to the vaccine, that argument of "My Body and My right" apparently didn't apply now did it?? You see how that works??


You're wrong, confused and an angry MAGA boy.


Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Job: President Biden’s Unconstitutional Mandate
November 2, 2021

President Biden is more concerned about government control than the safety of our workforce or the protection of our individual rights.

On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order requiring all federal employees and contractors be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 22, 2021 and December 8, 2021, respectively. The alternative? Termination.

Not only does this mandate go against our inalienable rights protected in the Constitution, but it ignores the fact that natural immunity also provides protection against infection from the virus. In fact, other countries have adopted policies upholding this as a valid, science-based exemption from vaccine requirements.

Federal employees who have opted not to receive the vaccine because they have natural immunity developed after recovering from the virus do not deserve to be fired. Especially when those same men and women have worked tirelessly to keep our communities safe and healthy before there was a vaccine available. These men and women, who have been on the frontlines since the beginning of the pandemic, risking their families' health and safety to ensure our federal and state projects continued and that our communities remained protected, deserve our respect—not our condemnation.

Forcing our federal workforce to choose between employment and vaccination is truly reprehensible.


Danielle Thornton was in the school pick-up line waiting for her children when she learned she would face a life-changing choice: get the Covid-19 vaccine or lose her job of almost nine years at the bank Citigroup.

She and her husband had watched for months as bosses across the US introduced vaccine mandates, knowing the family might face this moment. Then, in the form of an email on her phone, it arrived.
"We had many, many conversations about it," she says. "But ultimately we decided that our freedom was more important than a pay cheque."
Danielle is one of thousands of people across America opting to lose their job rather than get the Covid-19 jabs.


Hundreds of health care workers across the country are being fired or suspended in droves for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

President Joe Biden announced earlier this month a vaccine mandate for health care facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, impacting some 17 million health care workers in the nation.


The Biden supporters are ok with all that fascism, but if Trump had done the same, the leftoids would have burned the country to the ground.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible. What about Hunter's laptop?


according to you Trump and Russia hijacked an election and no one is the wiser.


oh I know, if Trump had done the same thing there would have been riots, burning, looting and murdering in all 50 states. but its ok when a dem goes full fascist.


No asshole, I'm not wrong and YES, Biden did give people an ultimatum: Take the Jab or lose your employment so fuck off


You left out the part that said ”or test weekly.”


or wear a mask


hospital workers wear masks but they were still fired.


[–] Ziggy (1264) 7 days ago
You left out the part that said ”or test weekly.”

Many of those tests resulted in false positives and some of those test-kits were carcinogenic.


Many of those tests resulted in false positives and some of those test-kits were carcinogenic.

That was proven false more than 2 years ago.


"Fake News" and "Propaganda" can't refute nor disprove truth and facts. Neither can your denialism.


Many of those tests resulted in false positives and some of those test-kits were carcinogenic.

"Fake News" and "Propaganda" can't refute nor disprove truth and facts. Neither can your denialism.

But, you can't prove your statement, so why would I bother trying to prove or disprove it?


You don’t have to prove or disprove anything, you can simply do your own research to verify it, but you didn’t, you replied with a claim that I already knew came from fake news and propaganda that attempted to refute the truth.


You don’t have to prove or disprove anything, you can simply do your own research to verify it, but you didn’t, you replied with a claim that I already knew came from fake news and propaganda that attempted to refute the truth.

Interesting response, given the fact that you began with a false accusation.


And your response was "a regurgitation" based on fake news and propaganda.


And your response was a regurgitation based on fake news and propaganda.

So you admit that you began this conversation with a false claim.


Mine was true, but yours was based on a repeated lie.


Too late, you already agreed that

you began with a false accusation.

When you respond with

And your response …


It was a response to "Interesting response"

Yes, my response was interesting, I agree.


Too late, you already agreed that you made a false claim.


You're always wrong, angry and despicable...., just ask your family if you don't believe me


also dont forget that Trump was a democrat and was loved by the liberal left elite. once he said he was running for President as a republican is when they turned on him.


They probably wouldnt have been too thrilled to have the brainless egotistical moron compulsive liar running on their own side either.
They would have discouraged him from running and proposed someone with a fully developed adult brain go instead.


dems and women still loved Trump when he was a democrat. even Joy Behar wanted Trumps dongle.


Don't forget that even the MSM liked Trump until he started running for President.
No surprise since the DS has been controlling the MSM for decades.


[–] JoWilli (13200) 3 hours ago
also dont forget that Trump was a democrat and was loved by the liberal left elite. once he said he was running for President as a republican is when they turned on him.
How do you know when JoWilli is telling the truth?

"When he isn't typing anything"!

Case in point. JoWilli didn't type this:
"Trump's political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009.

DJT was NEVER loved by something called "The Liberal Elites" and you won't find a single glowing article of DJT written by a so-called liberal with a by-line.

Ask David Pecker of National Enquirer fame just WHO DJT was and wasn't.


Thats a lot of red flags and a lot of chicanery.


Too many red flags to be coincidences, but the anti-Trump brigade will still find excuses and use fact-checkers, lol.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


According to you Trump and the Russians hijacked the 2016 even though no voter or election fraud was found. So how did Trump steal the election? I am still waiting for those cold hard facts. lol


The election was hijacked.


Biden had 30 million legitimate votes.

Today he and the Democrat rectum have roughly 10 million supporters. They are intellectually and financially bankrupt. For sale to the highest bidder.


exactly, the highest bidder seems to be Ukraine.

I would go as high as 35 million but no more. Dictator Joe never left his basement and got more votes than Obama. lol I dont think so...


Many of us despised Obama because we knew him to be a fraud.

An Islamic tranny from Kenya used for his skin color to massively increase government power via “free healthcare for all” that’s lead to a 600% increase in premiums and skyrocketing medical costs. Like we all knew it would.

Despite that, it was possible to see how the politically uneducated could easily fall for his superficial qualities. As is usual with Democrats and their lemmings.

With Biden, the overwhelming lack of support is laughably obvious.


Most of his supporters are unaware that “Obamacare” is a front for a child trafficking ring.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


Most of his supporters are unaware that “Obamacare” is a front for a child trafficking ring.

Wow! You are truly unhinged, seek help...


but with this madness I know I made the right decision to never believe a single word this unhinged idiot posts EVER!

But apparently, you don’t question or doubt the establishment, the government, big pharma, and MSM because you perceive them as authoritative sources incapable of lying, deceiving, or making mistakes like a brainwashed sheep and NPC.

You should never simply accept the words of others without applying common sense, deductive reasoning, intuition, past experience and enough critical/independent thinking to do your own unbiased research outside the main/general narrative.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


"You should never simply accept the words of others without applying common sense, deductive reasoning, intuition, past experience and enough critical/independent thinking to do your own unbiased research outside the main/general narrative."

So you're telling me that you went through this process before coming to the conclusion that '“Obamacare” is a front for a child trafficking ring.'?

I find that exceedingly difficult to believe...


I find that exceedingly difficult to believe...

Good, you should. Do your own unbiased research and investigation.
There was already enough circumstantial evidence and it only required connecting the dots.

Later on it was “confirmed” by other sources considering that Obama also removed 500K pedophiles from background check databases.

Oh, and yes, you will find fact-checkers that deny it based on the carefully chosen words they use, just like they did when they reworded/rephrased the fact that Obama repealed the 1948 Smith–Mundt Act, which then permitted propaganda to be in broadcasting. It no longer said that it had to be credible.

99% of fact-checkers twist and distort the truth and facts.
Fact checkers = Misinformation/Disinformation

We only "needed" Fact Checkers when the truth started getting out.
The more truth is revealed the more “fact checkers” will appear.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


And they still gaslight us for suspecting that there was something fishy going on, to say the least.


nearly all of that is a whole load of nothing burger

things like
"The poll observers being removed. Red flag."
probably means
"A bunch of drunk redneck MAGAs intimidating voters with threats of violence were removed from the area"

I dont know if thats true , but thats just an example of the kind of twisting of reality that i'm pretty sure has gone on here.


There was something fishy going on here & there on both sides. Nothing that would have changed the outcome of the election though.


You willing to go back to pre-covid voting rules?


It wouldn't change anything in my state if they did. Lots of ppl like the convenience of early voting & mail-in voting.


Lots of people find it suspicious.

BUt YOUR take on it, is that it would not change anything?

Ok. In that case, in order to reduce strife and division in this country, just to sooth the fears of the Right then, would you be willing to give us what we want and go back to the pre-covid rules, you know, since it would make us feel better and you believe that it would not change anything?


That could lead to a lot of unnecessary confusion. It may disenfranchise elderly & disabled people. Trump needs those elderly votes.


How very nice of you to be concerned about Trump....

In the real world, if it "wouldn't change anything", then there would be no reason to NOT give us what we want, so that we could be more confident in the voting.

It might not be a concern of YOURS, but it is problem for a lot of people and causing real harm to our democracy.

So, why the resistance? You really are that concerned about Trump getting those votes? How about you get honest with me/us and tell us your real reason for not wanting to go back to the way it was?


It wouldn't make a difference in my state so sure, go back to pre-covid voting there. I can't speak for other states.


Why would it make a difference in other states? You think not getting those elderly votes for TRump might mean Biden wins?

You really are quite a fair minded guy. Wait, ARE you a Trump supporter? Cause you seem REALLY worried that he might not get some old person votes....


Is this really still a thing?

Trump told his fan base to vote in person - so they did- with the knowledge that they would count the mail-in votes afterwards.

The mail-in votes that were being counted were being counted in the middle of the night. That’s the way it has always been done - it wasn’t any different in 2016.

Trump knew this, so he declared a win before he won it….because he had already been talking for years that if he didn’t win it, it was stolen, and he had already indoctrinated enough people into believing it.

Trump is like that kid that’s been caught dead to rights in a lie, but will ALWAYS deny it. He’s like the most obvious liar.


thats because Trump was afraid republican votes would get "lost" or "misplaced" at the democrat precinct. dems voted by mail because they were told that they would get covid and die. even though top democrats said that Trump was slowing down the mail and removing ballot drops, dems still voted by mail.

how many people voted by mail and how many people voted in person? were the ballots counted separately or were they mixed together? there is also video of democrat mules doing ballot dumps and there is video of suitcases of votes being counted after everyone left. there is also video of dems putting up curtains so you couldnt see what they were doing.

we both know that if Trump had won, dems would be screaming from the roof tops that they were right and Trump cheated again.

dems set the precedence of saying that elections can be rigged, hijacked and stolen.


But why would Trump be “afraid” that Republican votes would be “lost or misplaced”? - Because he fucking lost, and knew that he would.

Reagan and Bush Jr. spent 8 years in office without such fears. In fact, Trump is the only president in the history of this country that’s been “afraid” (or self-interested) enough to bitch about it enough to try to keep himself out of jail. Truly embarrassing shit.


no, nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery and Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

different times, dems loved Trump until he said he ran for President as a republican. even Joy Behar wanted Trumps dongle.

Trump exposed the hypocrisy of the government and the deep state cabal wants to keep that a secret.


I'd say that just about sums it up, but good luck convincing anyone on the left of this??


How do you know when JoWilli is telling the truth?

"When he isn't typing anything"!


thanks, I have been trying for years but it falls on deaf ears.


Hehe…when did the word “chicanery” become popular again? I’ve been hearing that word used comedically for decades, so it’s hard for me to take anyone seriously when they use it.

Nancy had an opinion once, and it didn’t change who the president was. Just like Jowilli had an opinion once, and it didn’t change who the president was.

You can hate it, but it is what it is. Trump was President, and then he lost a chance at a 2nd term (just like Bush)….and now he’s running for another term to deflect attention from the deep shit legal problems he’s in.


Joe said chicanery. do you not remember?

Nancy concocted a brilliant lie and spread fake news that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

Trump lost because the election was hijacked and no one cares because the dems and repubs dont like outsiders swimming in their pool of greed and corruption.

if Trump wins, the dems will say the election was stolen again...


"The mail-in votes that were being counted were being counted in the middle of the night. "

So your argument is that in person votes were counted during the day and the mail in ones during the night.

Do I understand that? Do you have a document to attest that?

And still, doesn't explain the spike at that moment and then the trend switching back to how it was before the spike ...

Unless you argue that those mail in ballots were ALL counted in that moment.

Neah, it doesn't make sense.

Example: (from another election) that I would consider a red flag:

We have a trend. Spike. Same trend.


"The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag."

Why is this a red flag?


its a red flag.


How is it red flag?


its a flag thats red...


Anything’s a red flag if you’re stupid enough. The mental gymnastics these delusional cultist morons must face just trying to navigate daily life must be exhausting.


Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona all changed voter laws days before the election, allowing votes postmarked after Nov 3 to be counted. Ironically Trump lost all these States by mail in ballots. There was video of dem workers in Georgia counting votes after hours. Democrat courts threw out challenges made by Trump. Biden claimed he would lose by chicanery and Hillary told him not to concede the election. Dems are now saying this was the most fair and honest election in the past 230 years. This election should be investigated just like the 2016 election was investigated.


Joe Fuhrer Biden and his Nazi Regime:


this should be played everywhere....


They are going to steal it again and there is nothing that you or I can do about it. Trump WILL NOT win in November.


Subsequent 🔺Red Flags:🔺

1) Tough, forensic audits are always resisted by the left by going to court to stop it.

2) Signature matching - any attempt to clean this up, is resisted by the left.

3) Secure paper ballots only - violently resisted by the left.

4) Hand counting only (No machines) are resisted by the left going to court to keep machines.

5) Mail in ballots only for the disabled and overseas military, resisted by the left.

6) Any attempt to stop unsecured drop boxes being used , the left scream about it.

7) Any attempt to make voter ID compulsory, is called racist.

8) Massive resistance from the left to cleaning up voter rolls.


thanks, added to the list.
