MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How much do you like Trump

How much do you like Trump

on a scale of 1-10. please post your rating.

My rating would be an 8. I love him that much.


I'm not American, but I'll give you my perspective. Trump is a joke of a man. That said, I prefer him x10 to the other physcopaths. His foreign policy is leaving other nations alone, and focusing on the USA. He is the one who has a good chance of stopping ww3, or at least postpone it. I think it's sad that the two options for the American people (and the world) are a reality soap star or a senile lefty war-monger, but given that choice, I'd pick the Trump. 4/10.


I'd say a 6. I like that he's standing up for America and Republican voters for a change, and finally tore the mask off that the elites had been wearing for years, but I have issues with his past, and some of the serious mistakes he made while in office, such as not realizing that all the "Republicans" he put on his staff were traitors that were working for the Uniparty and not for America. And yeah, he's not the most attractive president we've ever had, but last time I checked, the realm of politics isn't supposed to be a beauty contest. And there are plenty of politicians in the field who are uglier than him, both inside and out.


10/10 but I would give him 11 if I could. He's the best president ever and no one will take that away from him.
