MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What will Leftists do when it becomes ob...

What will Leftists do when it becomes obvious that President Trump is NOT actually destroying democracy?

I imagine they will find some excuse to stage major George Floydian-scale riots in an attempt to force his hand into taking decisive action against them, just so they can say "Look! He's a fascist! We told you so!"


That was kind of the whole point of the Summer of Love Riots in 2020. Trump could have invoked the Insurrection Act but if he did they'd say he's a fascist. Jokes on them as those Deep blue cities who tried to provoke Trump are Third World Shitholes now.


Exactly. If a Democrat had been in power, G. Floyd would have been just another anonymous nobody. It was ALLLL about trying to make Trump look bad.

They were indeed a little short-sighted about the consequences though! LOL.


Like most Americans I would never vote for a 34 times convicted felon no matter who they are. Also, those riots happened under Trump's presidency and he didn't even lift a finger to help any of the communities that were effected by those riots.


Why should he have helped them? They refused the National Guard, they wanted to defund the cops, and most egregiously of all, they stood back and allowed the rioters to run amok, burning and looting. Let them solve their own problems they brought upon themselves.

(And until they doctored the laws specifically to get him, those would all have been misdemeanors against Trump.)




Explain exactly why you worship a convicted felon? Why would you support anybody who is a 34 times convicted felon with 3 more trials coming up? Once you realize that Trump is nothing more than a grifter I hope you can cope. But in the meantime hurry! Send Trump your hard earned money so he can refuel his private jet then return to his resort and shit in a gold toilet. Yep! Trump is just like you.


First, I don't worship Trump. I imagine he would be rather hard to like if I knew him personally. I haven't sent him a dime or bought his teddy bear or shoes or action figures. He just gets my vote.

However, Trump is definitely better than the far Leftist cabal who control Old Joe and the Democrats.

Do you get that? As unsavory as Trump is, YOUR team is an INFINITELY worse prospect to approximately HALF of America. That's why people support him. Not out of love or cultish devotion, but out of hatred for what the Democrats are pushing. If Democrats had not taken such a sharp turn to the far left in the Obama years, Trump would never have become necessary in the eyes of Republicans.

Second, the convictions and trials are all a farce that was obviously concocted ONLY to "get" Trump and prevent him from becoming President again. If he were a private citizen, no trials would ever have occurred.

Sorry, but I like the idea of living in a banana republic that uses the courts as a weapon to remove the opposition just about as much I like the idea of living in a commie big brother state that views me as enemy number one because of my race and sex. And that is not at all.


You worship him blindly as a supposed talisman against what you can't abide.

At best you are in complete denial when you see a man who has been in and out of courtrooms his entire adult life and been exposed countless times of presenting a completely phony business empire, and claim that this latest encounter with justice is evidence of a banana republic.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about in relation to the convictions. And you imply that a person running from office should be immune from prosecution.

If it was a banana republic, there would be no trial. And there would be jail time getting served already. No banana republic would allow a former head of state to claim that the election was stolen or entertain dozens of half assed phony lawsuits (which every lawyer involved in has admitted were entirely baseless and without evidence) to try and taint the election result and appeal to his sycophantic servile base. People like you.


You have this image of people who plan to vote for Trump as blind, cultish worshippers. Sorry, that's not the case. I know you have some sort of deep psychological need that that image fulfills, but just no.

Trump just happens to be the only person in 2024 capable and willing to stand up to the Leftists and their plans for America. Haley was no alternative. She's a Schwab patsy from the WEF Young Global Leaders set up to usurp the Republican leadership. I'd honestly prefer 4 more Biden years than a wolf in sheeps' clothing like that. A WEF leader is currently destroying my homeland, Canada.


Who said anything about people who plan to vote Trum?

I'm addressing you and others who post this sycophantic hypocritical nonsense about him.


You obviously only see what you want to see. Whatever fits your comforting delusions.




You call Trump supporters "worshippers" and imply he's a cult leader, yet the Left are the ones who wish to edit scientific and social realities and remake America in their own "Utopian" image where there are no borders and everything's free, and criminals are heroes and cops are villains, where men are women and where white men are the source of all evils...

Yet Trump's the cult leader??? Really?


What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs.

According to the Cult Education Institute, there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by:

Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
Abuse of members
Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
A belief that the leader is right at all times
A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation

Cults are dangerous because they typically rely on deceptive and authoritarian practices to make members dependent on and obedient to the group. Cults often cut members off from other forms of social and financial support and pose both physical and psychological risks to members of the group.

Hopefully when you realize that Trump is just a grifter who tricked you then you can be successfully deprogrammed from his cult.


Sad that you don't realize that list is a much better description of Leftist followers of the Woke movement.


I do realize that you are a complete imbecile and that you worship Trump. That's why I know you are stupid. Seriously, do what you can to leave the Trump cult. You will feel better if you do. But if not then put the Suicide Hotline on speed dial because you're going to need it when the Orange Shitgibbon loses yet again in November.


I feel bad for you, but I don't expect you'll ever wake up from your delusions.


Yeah... I'm delusional because I don't worship your Orange Messiah. You really are a dumbass.


No. You're delusional because you think Joe Biden's far Left controllers and the direction they are steering America in are preferable.

Ask anyone from Venezuela, Cuba, China, the former USSR or North Korea how communist government suited them.


Biden is a communist? Explain why you think that's true. Be specific. Include links to prove your claim.


Biden's not a communist at all and never has been.

He's a greedy old man who has degenerated from from being an opportunist willing to sell out his country, to being a vacant-eyed, slack-jawed marionette, jerked around by the real communists who could never have hoped to win office due to their extremism.


Include links to prove your claim. It's a simple request.


You twats have no problems putting up a statue of George Floyd and he was a far worse criminal than what Trump ever did.


Floyd was a complete piece of shit but it wasn't up to Chauvin to execute him in the street. This issue is dead. I don't care about any statues of Floyd either. Fuck him. You Trump supporters are so stupid that you think Trump's 34 felony convictions with 3 more trials coming up is nothing. Trump is going down. Sorry for you.


They refused? Trump claimed he could send in the National Guard whether the state wants them or not.


Yeah, but then they'd call him "LiTeRaLlY hItLeR"

Anyhow, if what you said is right, he must not be a dictator after all, then, right? I mean if he believed he had the right to send in the guard, but did not actually do it? What kind of a dictator shows that level of restraint?


So when Trump does nothing, he is always right? If Trump was actually the leader of the "law and order" party, then he would have enforced the law with the National Guard.

Those were Americans (including Republicans) who were being threatened in those cities. Why didn't Trump do his duty and protect them?


Well, I'm a little disappointed in him for not doing so, but he gets a pass. At least he wasn't out there kneeling in solidarity with the rioters like all the Democrat leadership were.

Anyway, I'm confident he'll do it during the next phase of Leftist riots. You know... The ones that'll happen when he "becomes fascist dictator and destroys democracy after the election".


You're a goddammed moron. You pretend to be concerned about the cities destroyed by riots. Then you scoff at the idea that Trump could have helped these poor cities. You give pathetic excuses for Trump utterly failing to live up to his "law and order" and resort to whataboutism.

What would you think if Biden said in a press conference today that it would be a good idea to postpone the elections indefinitely?


I'm not really concerned about Liberal cities whose leaders enable riots, no. I am appalled by it, certainly, but obviously, they asked for what happened and did nothing to quell the violence. What concerns me is that this sort of violence could spread to the rest of the country if the Left becomes desperate enough.

If Biden said he was going to postpone elections indefinitely, I honestly think that would trigger armed rebellion. There is nothing happening at this moment that would justify that. We are not currently in the grip of violent nationwide protests as we were in 2020, but such a move would definitely set that off.


But the election was not postponed in 2020. There was no effect on it from protests.

When Trump suggested it back then, it did not trigger and armed rebellion. The lawful election result did trigger violent protest and insurrectionist rioting encouraged by Trump and intended to prevent the handover.

So you are a blatant hypocrite.


So as long as the Democrats disappoint you, then it is okay when Trump also fails?

You're confident that Trump will do what? Disappoint you again?


I'm confident he has learned not to knuckle under to the threats and other bad behavior of the Democrats. Looking back on the Trump years, there were some difficulties, but we can lay full blame for most of them at the feet of the Left and their ridiculous "Resistance".

Other than the riots America was doing very well throughout most of his Presidency. I am sure that this time he will not allow that sort of terroristic influence and will disregard any fears that the Left will label him a fascist for appropriate reactions to their violence.


What was Trump doing when he had his first gun grab? Was he knuckling under? Why was anyone to blame other than Trump?

American was not doing very well during the pandemic he mismanaged. The economy shut down so much that gas prices fell a lot. How is it that you have forgotten that?

So your reasoning for voting for Trump is that he will not f*ck up as badly in 2025 as he did in 2017?


My reasoning is that he will not fuck up as badly and as deliberately as the Democrats and in fact, things will probably improve a great deal. We have a precedent showing that our economy and the global situation were far better under Trump. I'm fully expecting Gaza and Ukraine to be resolved once Trump takes the reins again.

As far as the pandemic, that was an anomaly, (natural or otherwise), that will hopefully not be a factor again. I doubt Hillary would have handled things any better. At least Trump wasn't putting sick elders back into nursing homes to infect and kill the other elders as Democrat NY governor Cuomo did.


But will Trump screw up as badly in 2025 as he did during his first time in office?

How was the economy far better under Trump during the pandemic than it is now? How did you determine that the crappy economy during the pandemic was better than it was now? GNP perhaps?

Trump was actually informed of the possibility of another epidemic by the outgoing administration, but they ignored the warnings. Ignoring the advice of scientists is not an anomaly, it is stupid. If Trump gets back in office, he is likely to be just as stupid.

Trump claimed he could have stopped the governors from killing people by putting them into nursing homes, but he decided to abandon them instead.


"During the pandemic, during the pandemic..." LOL. I tell you, if there is ANOTHER pandemic during Trump's next term, it's going to become pret-ty obvious that the last one was indeed a deliberate joint attack by the DNC and China to promote chaos in America and discredit him.


Chances are there is going to be another epidemic of significant proportions in the next several years. Chances are that Trump will ignore it until it kills a lot of Americans. If anyone else is in office, it will not be ignored or assume it will just go away like a miracle.


I guess you better just hope for that, then.




The Liberal mayors of the cities where the worst looting took place. They chose to do nothing to stop the riots that were destroying the livelihoods of many of their citizens..


So the people should be punished because of the failure their mayor (or so you claim)?

Sounds like petty tinpot banana republic shit. (Stalin did similar stuff to areas of the USSR)


Perhaps their current situation will convince them to vote more wisely in the future. That's really the only way they can protect themselves other than moving away.


So you endorse withholding assistance to taxpayers to influence their voting or to make them leave their homes?

That's literally what tinpot dictators do to manipulate demographics.


However tinpot dictators are normally the ones who CAUSE the situations that require assistance to get out of. In this case, leftist rioters and the local leadership are entirely the ones to blame.


"They chose to do nothing "

Stopping a riot isnt as simple as you might think.
How would you have done it? Napalm?


You must have been sleeping on J6.
Because the rest of the world saw insane MAGA boomers losing their shit LIVE ON THEIR TVs!


Yeah... Trump supporters are very stupid because they saw on TV exactly what happened on Jan 6 just like millions of other Americans but they pretend that nothing happened on that day. Stupidity cannot be fixed.


In what world do you live were National Guard units NOT deployed anywhere to control civil unrest in 2020?


Interesting, so is Trump going to concede if he loses or try to get Kamala Harris to throw the certification away?


What do you think he'll do?


Yes, Trump will concede.


So he’s leaving the Constitution alone now?
And project 25 is off the table?


Project 25 is the correct response to the politicalization of the civil sevants by the dems.

If you wanted neutral civil bureaucracy, then you should have left them neutral.


Project 25 is dystopia written by psychopaths.
You’re very radicalized by this insidious agenda


Teh concept of neutral civil servants is based on the comprimise that they would be neutral.

You guys have violated that tradition.

You did realize that eventually we would respond, right?


That’s false, further proving your radicalized


No, it's true. The ideas of a neutra civil service has been around for a long time.

You guys violated that. We have seen it in the ways that the FBI and the justice department has been weaponized against republicans, while giving dems passes.

So, naturally that attack invites a response.

This bit where you start a fight and then whine when you get some back?

It makes you look.... really like a weak and/or bad person.


One thing is certain: When Trump wins soundly in November, it's going to be an awful long 4 years for the Liberals and people on the Left in general and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if someone tries to JFK Trump in those 4 Years?? That's how deranged people act over this one man of all people in Donald Trump.. I simply can't help but to think it's basically fake outrage because this is what the Left & Liberals Narrative involves is fake outrage and we see it on this site to spamming ad nauseum


Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies with 3 more trials coming up. Most Americans hate Trump and they will not vote for that. You are probably one of the stupidist users here and I hope you will be okay in November when Trump loses soundly just like in 2020. You're fucked!


Very good points. I don't think the Left will ever just "grin and bear it" for a Republican President again, unless of course, it's one of those "Republicans" who toe the line and agree with the Dems after a token protest, to preserve the illusion of a two-party system. Their fanatic vision of America as a socialist utopia has no room for a Republican who isn't in on the game with them.

I do think Trump's life could be in serious danger. I'm sure there were several Leftist attempts on him that we never even heard of in his last term. They fear him THAT much.


Nobody is fearing a 34 times convicted felon. I would think that since you claim to be the party of law and order you would reject Trump because he is a criminal. You stupidity and gullibility is astounding.


If the charges were something to be taken seriously, then perhaps. As it is, they are nothing more than a transparent Leftist "Hail Mary" play to remove him from competition because they know their decrepit Biden puppet cannot win fairly. Sadly, for the Democrats, the ploy has actually backfired, causing Trump's popularity to rise.


You couldn't be more wrong. Show me where in the polls that shows Trump's popularity? Biden and Trump are are tied right now. Things will just get worse for Trump when Biden destroys him in the presidential debate.

The big problem is that Trump's only campaign platform is to get revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. Most Americans hate Trump and he will never be president again.


He's going to destroy Trump in the debate? That funny old petrified dude with the frozen grimace and glassy stare?


If I were Trump, I wouldn't even trust the current Secret Service to protect him and instead, would hire someone like Blackwater OPS or SEALS to protect him. Too many traitors in the White House


They do love violence. Possibly the most violent people on earth.


They don't "see" anything. They get their marching orders from MSNPC and just repeat the slogans without thinking about it. Their current thing is trying to destroy democracy by claiming they're saving democracy. Right out of Orwell's playbook...


Nothing at all. They have proven to be highly susceptible to brainwashing and have never been moved by fact, reason, logic or truth.


Exactly. No matter how much he improves things, to the Left, he will always be their "ultimate evil".
