MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Should Trump get muted if he starts lyin...

Should Trump get muted if he starts lying during the debate?

It’s going to be tough for the moderators fact checking Trumps nonsense in real time


Absolutely! Mute the lies!


There should have been some fact checking
Just about everything out of Trumps mouth was a lie


And who fact checks the fact checkers? Oh right, CNN. Bastion of truth and honor.

Biden lied all damned night and he's busy at it again.


Biden was fact checked by CNN and was found to have told nine lies or partial untruths. That does not encompass "all damned night". Trump, OTOH, was fact checked by CNN for 30 lies in the 90 minute debate. That qualifies for lying "all damned night".


Trump lied 30 times in 90 minutes. Thats one lie every 3 minutes.
Btw,I thought YOU would check the facts rather than CNN. It’ll shock the hell out of you!
