MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donald Trump is proof that America is ra...

Donald Trump is proof that America is racist

Here's a white man convicted of 34 felonies. He influenced the January 6th riots on the Capitol that killed 4 people? He is leading in the polls with voters at this very minute even after lying his ass off during the 2024 presidential debate.

Only a white man could get away with something like that. No other minority would be as popular with voters and have a real shot of becoming the next president of the US.


Problem is folks who will vote for Trump actually believe his lies. Trump has them programmed to believe everything he says is the truth. Sad really.


Not all of them. It can be a matter of which guy would be more competent even though they both suck. I think the ones who idealize Trump are mostly just trolls.


I think you people are still utterly clueless about who the opposition is. You hate people you clearly do not know or understand. Because 'they' told you to.


Really? You're talking about Trump being a liar while responding to a post that itself was littered with lies. The only person who was killed as a direct result of the January 6 riots was a white woman who was unnecessarily shot in the back by a worthless coward black cop named Michael Byrd, whose identity the media shielded for a long while. Byrd was rewarded with a promotion soon after murdering Ashli Babbitt. I often wonder whether posters like the OP really are this dumb or are paid propagandists.


Here's a white man convicted of 34 felonies.

If he was black, he would never have even been charged with those garbage charges much less convicted. Anyone who thinks his being white was a factor is a liar and racist.

He influenced the January 6th riots on the Capitol that killed 4 people?

He didn't influence any riots, only a march. And no one was killed.

Only a white man could get away with something like that.

>Al Sharpton enters chat.


Biden being President is a danger to us all and that was on full display last night.


Which old rich white guy is responsible for more black arrests in the last 40 years?

I'll wait while you Google it.


Wow, let's unpack all those lies.

The 34 felonies are a result of a politically motivated witch hunt. It will not survive appeal.

He discouraged what happened on Jan 6 and it did NOT kill four people. Only one person died that day, it was an unarmed protester shot in the face by capitol police.

Biden lied all night long but you've believed those lies for so long, you're immune to the truth.

Race has nothing to do with it.

You are only a troll.
