MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Holy snowballs, 23 pages of hate!

Holy snowballs, 23 pages of hate!

That's up there with the leaders of this board!


first day on the internet? :)


I never bothered to click through to see how many pages she has.


i was just messing with ya. :)

it is a shame to see how people act online. Self included, some days.
deep down, we'd rather spend time slamming a little girl online, than step up an help a neighbor in real life


She's earned it. She's a despicable human being. Imagine condemning people for the Earth coming out of an Ice Age, and then using her influence as Rothschild family member (great granddaughter of banker Lionel Rothschild) to meet with Zelensky for some lame photo op in hopes to garner support (Stealing tax dollars) to continuing to fund (money launder) a war of the energy elites for more power.


It's all a matter of doing something to "feel good" about one's self, due to self-loathing over both privilege and white-guilt. SO pretending to help Mother Earth makes them feel good about themselves. Whatever.

Sad they have to propagate lies and exaggerations. Sure Man has fucked up in the past, but Mother Earth is resilient. Do not take down Capitalism to prop up Mother Earth. She doesn't need our help. Take it slow.

Green energy? Sure, where it makes sense. Eliminate gas-powered cars in 10 years? Stop smoking dope, even if it is legal now.


It's all a matter of doing something to "feel good" about one's self, due to self-loathing over both privilege and white-guilt.

Just as all the Greta hating and general bitching and moaning about 'green stuff' coupled with climate change denial,

deflecting facts and reality cos "I dont wanna" have to change my lifestyle or make any sacrifices. Best just to deny everything and throw a tantrum like a toddler on the floor of a supermarket because he cant have an ice cream.

.... is a matter of doing something to "feel good" about one's self
(and bury head in sand)


Best just to deny everything.

I don't deny man-caused climate change, but we don't need to slam the brakes on the global economy in the name of Going Green. Mother Earth is more resilient than that, just take it slow(er). It's not the Gloom and Doom that Al Gore has falsely predicted his entire life.


What facts? Climate change "science" is as faulty as nutritional "science." CO2 is literally a COOLANT! These scientists you follow and so easily believe immediately fall back on general consensus in the community. You don't need consensus on facts! If one person debunks the b.s., it's debunked! None of these midwits bring up sunspot cycles or atmospheric temperatures, or how the Earth has been without polar caps for the majority of its existence. It's always surface temperatures in an increasing growing concrete jungle, and world that is quickly desertificating, from sucking out all the ground water to farm almonds and soy. What the hell do surface temperatures have to do with greenhouse gases that float in the sky near the top of the troposphere. You, Greta the mongoloid, and everyone else who believe this nonsense have zero knowledge of almost basic science, and then have the nerve to point the finger and shame people who know better.


"CO2 is literally a COOLANT! "

what are you basing that on?
that fire extinguisher you let off at school?


Im basing it on reality, and the mere fact that you question it shows how little you know, or even want to know about it (since it's a simple fricken google search to confirm) because you're clearly a slave to bandwagon, majority opinion rules fallacies and that's what we call an NPC. Your brain is not yours. It parrots whatever is said the most, for approval, probably for social media likes. You and every other global warming doomer like Greta Autismo. That's the basis of all your beliefs.

a) is this the most popular opinion
b) will it make me look good/smart by repeating it
c) does it give me the moral high ground because it sounds like I care, even though Im completely clueless and easily duped.


Well , thatnks for the dressing down , i read it thouroughly hoping for sdome elboration on this "coolant" angle , but theres not much there.

"CO2 is literally a COOLANT! " doesent even make sense , for something to be "a coolant" depends on the context the material is used in.
The water in my car radiator is a coolant
The water in my house radiator is a heat conductor .

what do you mean?
Do you mean the co2 in the atmosphere is cooling the atmosphere down?


still havent mastered the complex skill of google search huh? There's no hope for ya'
That's my source. Go check it. you might need a tutorial. Try this -


if you *really* want to be condescending re how to use google you need to use a lmgtfy link .
amateur! like this:

Now as i tried to explain earlier "co2 is a coolant" is a ludicrous nonsencical proposition without referring the the system that it is being used to cool .

This discussion is about global warming , so I'm going to go ahead and assume that you think co2 in the atmoshpere cools the earth

to which my reply is "What a load of uninformed bullshit , see google link"

If I got that wrong and you are suggesting something else , please elaborate .
I cant do my own googling withou knowing what it is you are suggesting.


If you cant understand that, and if you continue to make statements out of cope and denial, just the save world a lot of trouble and stay out of the man-made global warming discussion. It's not meant for the average joe. Nothing is. That's why the forefathers didnt want people like you to vote.


Your link literally proves my point :

The most important property of carbon dioxide as a coolant is that, when expanded to the atmosphere, a portion of the liquid becomes gas, while the consequent cooling, due to the absorption of the latent heat of vaporization, converts a further portion of the liquid to solid CO2 in the form of 'snow'.

That fact that co2 gets cold when you've let the schools fire extinguisher off due to latent heat of vaporisation DOES NOT mean the co2 in the atmophere is a good thing hepling the planet cool down


So you couldn't understand it LOL

The most important property of carbon dioxide as a coolant is that, when expanded to the atmosphere, a portion of the liquid becomes gas, while the consequent cooling, due to the absorption of the latent heat of vaporization, converts a further portion of the liquid to solid CO2 in the form of ‘snow’. This solid exists, under atmospheric pressure, at—78 deg. C., and under these conditions will sublime directly into gas, with a latent heat absorption from the surroundings of 250 B.T.U. per lb. of solid gasified. It can be seen that, if full use is made of these properties, very high rates of heat removal can be achieved.

You see the words absorption and heat, and you still cant put two and two together LMAO


jesus christ ..
important property of carbon dioxide as a coolant
ie this is when it is used iside a cooling system - not floating around the atmos

when expanded to the atmosphere, a portion of the liquid becomes gas
LIQUID. ie compressed inside a cooling system.

The words "absorption and heat" that you have cherry picked from a random bit of text you found occurs ONLY when co2 goes from a liquid compressed state to gas .

It has fuck all to do with the co2 we are putting in the atmophere.


Sorry, you dont know how endothermic reactions work and you think for "reasons" it's mutually exclusive to a closed cooling system. But yeah, that warm ass CO2 really heats up those cooling systems Einsteiner LMAO


Ok, maybe we're getting too in depth in the chemistry and physics and losing sight of the actual point here.

Are you asserting that Co2 in the atmosphere is cooling it, and is therefore a good thing?


I'm not. Long term data says it.


Isnt that the same thing?
You saw this data , you're repeating the conclusions.
You your basically saying :

"Yes , and there is data to prove it" ?


I guess it would be too much to ask to see this data?
That'll just result in a load of evasive
"Do Your Own Google" type replies yes?

So I googled " the effect of co2 on the environment "
heres the link for you :

You'll notice the top result , FROM NASA , is:
Key Takeaway: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere warms the planet, causing climate change. Human activities have raised the atmosphere's carbon dioxide content by 50% in less than 200 years.

Are you thinking that if you yell words you heard in chemistry class loud enough enough , like "endothermic reactions" that will make you right and NASA wrong?


Ice cores show that CO2 increases follow temperature rises, they don't precipitate them. There have been periods in the past when the CO2 level was much, much higher than it is today, or is even predicted to go by the most dire fools and liars like Gore, and the temperature was cooler. There is no valid scientific evidence that we are experiencing a climate emergency. There is no reason to destroy the economy and our quality of life over the anthropogenic climate change hoax.


liscarket - Right on! The answer is three words: "Climate is Cyclical". I laugh at how "they" renamed it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" after WHOOPS, studies showed that we are no longer warming!

I am adding you to favored user status! Fabulous prizes await!


just saying "hey its been hot before" is pretty dumb and in no way refutes the science!

you have to look at how much change and how fast , at a minimum


There is no valid scientific evidence that we are experiencing a climate emergency.

You'd better tell the 97% of scientists who have looked at the issue and concluded there is.
Perhaps you've seen a youtube or a tiktok that they havent that tells the real story .


God DAMN you Trumptwats are stupid!


In her defense, she was manufactured in the wake of the anti-gun kids in Florida. The money people saw an opportunity to use a child to advance an agenda and they found the perfect pawn in Greta. She's a child and she has autism or something, so that's two defense shields against rational criticism. The perfect grift.


It's hard to like a globalist pawn who's more of a spoiled, retarded brat than an actual social crusader.


She for sure is a pawn. Once the LEFT saw a youngster they could groom and stand behind, they made her the poster child. Al Gore is a proven liar and idiot, and was an easy target as the Climate Change Czar. But who could attack an innocent child?


Did you know that her family is rich? A lot of people kept trying to portray her as an ordinary, middle-class, Swedish girl; but she isn't. Her mom is an opera singer and is the breadwinner in the family, while troll dad gets to stay at home and groom his daughter for "greatness." You would be shocked if you saw her mom. She takes completely after her dad.

Her mom is the reason why she could afford to do that stunt with the sailboat. Mommy paid for all those factories to spew out pollution and mess up the environment so little Greta could sail to the US and not leave any "carbon footprints," and she probably paid those gas-guzzling tugboats to tow the carbon-fiber sailboat back to Sweden when it was no longer useful to the kid.


And after the sailboat ride, she flew home on a jet spewing more crap into the atmosphere in a few hours than my car does in a year. FGT (and believe me, I mean that figuratively).



If you can judge a person by the quality of their enemies, Thunberg is the greatest human being who ever lived!

ALL the assholes hate her, she pushed all their dirtbag buttons, sends them into impotent frothing rages, shows them up for the fragile-egoed snowflakes they are. In short, she is a top-flight asshole detector, which is very useful to the rest of us, here and in real life.


When the oil trolls spend that much time on someone
you know they are doing something right. However,
her recent schmooze session with Volodimir Zelensky
hurt her and was ill thought out.
