MovieChat Forums > Hunter Biden Discussion > Sex with Crack video coming ...

Sex with Crack video coming ...

The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.


That the headline you want if your on #teamtrump, right?

I don't know how it could benefit it them in the stretch...but the Ukraine story is just boring.

Some kind of deal? With a foreign President? Or Prime Minister? For Oil? For Profit? With Key Players? Money and Deals?

Boil it down to a headline...2 years of nonsense.

Sex and Drugs...and there's even a video?

If that grabs attention at least for 1% of the vote in swing states it could become something.

Although it has nothing to do with Joe Biden...I'd go for it.

What else do you have to lose...but the election?

This wouldn't sway my vote, but there's something to work with here.


How does it have nothing to do with Joe Biden? There are emails that prove Biden was lying when he told everyone he never interacted with the Ukranian government or Burisma for special favors/money involving his crackhead son. That's what this is about, not the crack smoking worthless shitbag son of his.


That's what this is about, not the crack smoking worthless shitbag son of his.

Because nobody gives a shi*. Nobody ever cared. The whole thing was to confusing. Even at it's peak it never went anywhere other than an Impeachment for the President.


And even never went anywhere.

The headline is exactly as is written:

"Sex with crack video coming..."

1. Sensationalist grabbing headline.
2. Questionable characters.
3. Create doubt.
4. Bring the story back full circle.

It's 10 days late to whomever dropped this bomb from the campaign.

It's been almost 50 years since "Watergate" and the only thing most people think of is:

1. Watergate
2. Bugging

It's been over 20 years since the Impeachment of Bill Clinton and the only thing most people think of is:

1. Monica
2. Affair

It's been less than 1 year of the Impeachment of Donald Trump and the only thing most people think of is:

1. Phone call
2. Ukraine

It's 19 days away for any needle to be moved (or threaded)...

It's pick pocket time for campaign managers. Down and dirty and a hail mary.


My post is about a celebrity scandal, not the election! Take you rant to the politics board.
Hunter doesn't deserve to be rich, he should be ridiculed. This story would never be ignored in the UK.



Well said.

I'm done.


What Biden did was illegal, and the Democrats tried to impeach Trump for a phone call looking into this very corruption. Russia Russia Russia is all about covering up democrat crimes.


Well they sold it for two years now and it hasn't stuck.

It's story, right?

We're 19 days away...

Is it a story starting like the Godfather?


Is it a story starting like Endgame?

Nobody cares about the dialogue. It's all special effects.


Whatever way the election goes there will be a lot of trouble.


There will always be protest and riots.

We have a choice:

Elect the worst democratic nominee since 1972?


Elect the worst republican incumbent since 1932?

Yay! Go America!


The headline is exactly as is written:

"Sex with crack video coming..."

1. Sensationalist grabbing headline.
2. Questionable characters.
3. Create doubt.
4. Bring the story back full circle

I guess it could be considered sensationalist, since I don't know if anyone would consider a footjob to be sex. I suppose "footjob with crack video" would be more appropriate?


Wow you look at the world view leverage and how it can affect power
You have no moral issues with this. Crazy.


He's hot, I'd do him.
