Worships Satan

They found black T-shirts and Anton Levay's The Satanic Bible in his room and movies like The Exorcist and the Omen. His friends at school say he sacrificed a goat to Satan to become famous. They say he extracted its liver and ate it whole in front of everybody. His best friend says he jacks off to pictures of Hitler and Trump. This guy doesn't sound like much of a hero.


Classic Democrat lemming. Possesses complete ignorance so resorts to lying.

Are you mad your hero’s were killed before they could commit murder?


Thanks for the laugh :D


You're welcome!


That sounds more like something someone named Metatron would be into.



Funny stuff. Typical Liberal projection of their own vices onto the good guys. Even funnier is the truth when you see pictures of Grosskreutz, the blown-off bicep guy, wearing a Satanic mask depicting the goat-demon Baphomet on it.


Grosskreutz looks very much like "The Happy Merchant" meme in that one, except he's howling in agony, and not too happy.


You're a psycho. Go and find help.


That kind of reply is the voice of "FAIL" speaking loud and clear.


He summoned Aiwass as well. Hell of a guy. No, really, a HELL of a guy.


I heard the Master THERION has forbidden Rittenhouse from using any OTO rituals calling him "A snot-nosed backwoods American twerp who listens to too much Led Zeppelin"


Anton LaVey with Rifle Framed Poster Church of Satan

The Church Of Satan @ChurchofSatan
“We stand firmly against gun control measures which would hinder responsible persons or deprive them of the right to defend themselves or their property.”


Of course he would believe that. He was an ex-cop.


It's like Woke modern Left is taking the place of Christian traditionalists. Now, with "I see people worshipping Satan everywhere" included. 😂

The alleged evidence is that he had some movie with demons. Wow. And then the usual "an unknown friend/colleague/somebody told us" used by the media that allows them to make up any story.


It was a joke, dumbass


Then I'm afraid it was a bad joke. It's too close to what mainstream media would do without a second thought.


Have you ever considered working for CNN?
