MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Gorgeous looking girlfriend

Gorgeous looking girlfriend

Well done Kyle, she is a fine looking woman


and im sure he was landing quality tail before all this. All she sees is dollar signs.


No, that dorky kid was probably a virgin before all this. But yeah, he's getting plenty of pussy now.

He should be in prison getting the big black dick. But this is Amerika. No Justice. No Peace.


You are right there is no justice! Rittenhouse should never have been arrested and subjected to a criminal trial! What a farce!


Yeah right. Take a rifle to a riot and see what happens to you. You may need high school boys with guns to protect your sorry ass from angry BLM protestors, but I'll just call the cops.

This kid never learned his lesson. I guarantee you in 10 years he'll be in the news again for either killing somebody else or being shot down by cops. Watch.


cops were ordered to sit back and let the town burn. This kid is a hero who killed a child molester, woman beater, and shot some other type of criminal. he is a Murican hero!'


Really? So he knew these men's life history before he shot them? Are you accusing Rittenhouse of premeditated murder?


ur the one makes these statements bud. Kyle was just a poor kid trying to do good and he did more good in those couple minutes than most cops do in there whole career. Our government is run by pedos and protects them in court and in jail. That pedo thought he was invincible after getting let back on the streets after his sex crimes. Turns out he wasnt when his brains were splatter all on the ground of Kenosha 🤣👍🤠


You should be in prison getting the big black dick.


Uh, I haven't killed anybody.


That doesn't make you less innocent than someone that killed in self defense.

Do you know what self defense means?

You are less innocent due to the bullshit that you spew and you deserve the big black dick. I even think that you like the big black dick. And it's nothing wrong with it ...


A skateboard!!! The hero of that story was Anthony Huber who tried to disarm a mass shooter with a skateboard. Brave man, Huber. In any other city but Kenosha Wisconsin his murderer would have been sent to prison.

And stop with the rape threats, creep.


Not a good hill to die on, bub.


I stand up for what's right.


That's patently false.


This has been debated a death. But I just don't think white power boys have any place at a civil rights march with a rifle. Whether or not he intended in the beginning to kill anybody, Rittenhouse was reckless. Huber had obviously seen, like all of us, all the other mass shootings in the news.

Sorry, I see Huber, the man armed with only as a skateboard, as the real hero here.


That's because you are a leftist lunatic.


That's funny. Leftists call me a Trumper.


More likely "comrade".


you can see whatever you want.

But regardless of what you see the reality is different. So get better glasses. Or a betted brain.

ANYONE can be ANYWHERE with a rifle if its legal. And gives NO ONE the right to attack him.
And he has the right to defend himself if attacked. Period.

KR didn't attack the pedophile, the pedophile attacked KR. THAT IS A FACT, whatever your mushy brain sees ...

Ain't it funny how leftists love and support pedophiles that attack and abuse boys???


Anthony Huber was not a pedophile. I love how idiots on message boards try to libel innocent men.

He was the hero who tried to knock the rifle out of Rittenhouse's hands.

Huber had a few misdemeanors, nothing involving children. Huber's murder is what started the shooting by Rittenhouse. Get your facts straight.



"Huber had spent time in prison twice, first for violating probation after strangling his brother and again for kicking his sister, the Post reported."

Still less innocent than KR. pedophile or not.

Rittenhouse was already running away, there was NO reason to attack him. That is a fact.

And hero for trying to knock the rifle out of Rittenhouse hands with a hit to the head, right. Plus: hero for attacking a boy who was a threat to nobody and was just running away ... good job.


The video shows Huber hit Rittenhouse in the arm, not the head.

Judge these men by what they did that night. Rittenhouse had been filmed once beating up a little high school girl. Is that heroic? Neither Huber or Rittenhouse have perfect backgrounds. So?

I don't want half cocked teenagers roaming the streets with rifles. Sorry, I'm just sane like that.


“I don't want half cocked teenagers roaming the streets with rifles. Sorry, I'm just sane like that.“

Nobody cares what you wants, what’s important is the law. And the law is not with you. Period.


Bullshit. A kid walks down the street in almost city with a loaded rifle over his shoulder, the cops are allover his ass. Where do you live, Afghanistan?

I also can find no ethical or legal justification for shooting an unarmed man.


"Bullshit. A kid walks down the street in almost city with a loaded rifle over his shoulder, the cops are allover his ass."

Bullshit. As you saw in the video KR went THROUGH the cops and went home, with a rifle in his hands. THAT IS THE LAW.

"I also can find no ethical or legal justification for shooting an unarmed man." - the man was not unarmed, a skateboard can be considered a weapon.

And the legal justification: he attacked KR, NOT the other way around. Self Defense IS a good a legal (as we've seen) and ethical justification.

You are zero when it comes to the law. And the law has spoken.

"From a legal standpoint, the jurors were asked to decide whether Mr. Rittenhouse was reasonable in his belief that shooting three men — two fatally — was necessary to save himself from death or serious injury."


The midget was unarmed. He was shot first.

Sorry, no justification for a kid with a rifle to shoot an unarmed man, even if he was a pedo dwarf.

All Huber knew is that there was a crazed lunatic with a rifle. He used what he had to try and stop him - his skateboard. Huber risked his own life to save others.

I guess you think OJ Simpson was innocent too?


The justification is there: he was defending himself.

Here is the actual logic: There is no justification for a pedo to attack a boy.

"All Huber knew is that there was a crazed lunatic with a rifle."
it doesn't matter. What matters is how KR was thinking about it, if he thought he has in danger his actions are justifiable and legal.


Uh, the first killed was the pedophile. Thats what started everything. There is earlier video of Rosenberg threatening the group that Kyle was with. He was gunning for them. He actually said in the earlier video "shoot me nigga". He got what he wanted.


He even shouted at KR "If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—- kill you!" .


"And stop with the rape threats, creep."

You started with those, creep. Are you that brain dead that you forgot?

BTW, I'm neither black neither in prison.


Huh? I didn't threaten you, fool.


Idiot, I didn't threaten you either idiot.

I can't put you in prison. I'm not in prison and I'm not black so I don't see how you can say that I did threaten you. Well, with your (lack of) logic maybe ...


Assom, I think you need to take a sedative and lie down. 🤣


I think you should follow your advice.


Anothony Huber was a woman beating retard who brought a skateboard to a gun fight. according to darwinism our race will move forward and evolve without him better than with him so there really is nothing of importance lost...


Uh, no, Huber brought a skateboard to a march.


he should of stayed marching then 🤣, but the violent retard (woman beater) who has been getting away with violence his whole life due to our weak pussy ass court system thought he could get away with it once more. Like Jesus said, live by the sword die by the sword. This dumbass thought he could bash in the head of a guy with an AR-15 with his skateboard?!? Darwinism at its finest. We dont need idiots like that dumbing down our population with there useless genes, it is for the best he is 6 feet under for our evolutions sake. What was Kyle too do? let himself be knocked unconscious and killed by a mob of violent communists that have nothing to lose?!? Even if Kyle wasnt killed by the mob he would have been fucked up and had brain damage for life. This is Murica where u have the right to protect yourself in violent situations. Huber was so confident and full of his own shit he brought a skateboard to a gunfight, simple as that. Good riddance to this woman beating retard we are going to he a more successful race and progress into the future now without him polluting our gene pool


His trial is a rare example of justice and peace being served. He did the right thing but was put at risk for having done it. Only because he was fortunate enough that so many cameras were filming in his vicinity was he able to prove beyond any doubt that he acted in a legal and ethical manner. The kid is a national hero now, and it's well deserved.


LOL! He's a national pariah, but go on with your wish casting.


His actions definitely anger a small contingent of far-left activist types, but the vast majority of Americans seem to support his actions. I'm a very middle of the road guy politically, with some opinions on both sides of the fence, and I can find zero fault with what he did.


I'm not far left. I detest Joe Biden and like some of Trump's ideas.

To me it's about rule of law. Since when do we allow high school kids to carry rifles to protests? If Rittenhouse had stayed home no one would be dead.

It was a standard BLM protest. That's why we have police to keep order.

I believe Anthony Huber believed Rittenhouse was gonna turn this in to the next mass massacre. He was a brave man to try and take down a man with a rifle, with a skateboard.


Kyle didn't just stop three criminals, Kyle saved future victims.


1. The police were NOT keeping order.

2, The important decision point, was not Rittenhouse leaving his house, but the blm rioters attacking.


How brave was Huber when he beat up his little brother and held a knife to his grandmother's throat?


A standard BLM protest = innocent people being beaten and killed, and businesses being looted and burned to the ground. Rittenhouse was there to clean up from the previous night's riot, and to try to protect a business from being attacked. He was attacked, unprovoked, as multiple videos incontrovertibly prove, by individuals with lifelong histories of pedophilia and crime, and still waited until there was no recourse other than to shoot. Anthony Huber, whom you mentioned, had spent twice been to prison, first for violating probation after strangling his brother and a second time for assaulting his sister. While we can't know his motivation, I highly doubt he was acting in a brave and heroic manner. Rather, he was attempting to harm or kill Rittenhouse, either out of political rage or pure sadism.

I also believe in the rule of law, and Rittenhouse followed the law to a T. Nothing he did was illegal. When all is said and done, the only people who were killed, or in the case of Gaige Grosskreutz wounded, fully deserved everything that happened to them, and if we're being honest and pragmatic, the world is probably better off without them in it.


"I believe Anthony Huber believed Rittenhouse was gonna turn this in to the next mass massacre. He was a brave man to try and take down a man with a rifle, with a skateboard."

Rittenhouse was already running away when Huber attacked him. A mass murderer doesn't run away.

A skateboard can still inflict damage or even lead to death.


Huber was after the gun. That's why he hit Rittenhouse in the shoulder, not the head. Huber was basically a good man and he didn't want to kill the crazy panicky kid, just disarm him.


Onan, you sound like you wish "Jo-Jo" was still alive to molest more entire families of pre-teen boys.


If you kill a bunch of people you're bound to get a few perverts in there too. That's not what this is about.

I dunno who's Jo-Jo. I do know Anthony Huber, the hero of this story, was guilty of misdemeanors. He was not a pedophile.


Jo-Jo was the bald manlet who was seen repeatedly shouting "Shoot me, nigga! Shoot me!" h ere's his backstory: "Rosenbaum was raised in Texas and Arizona, according to The Washington Post. The paper reported that Rosenbaum said he was molested by a stepfather and had spent most of his adult life in prison starting at age 18 for sexual conduct with five preteen boys."

Huber was no hero. He was a useless druggie who assaulted members of his family and did prison time for it. He was also an idiot, judging by the way he died. Only the totally clueless consider him a hero.


Would you stop a mass shooter with a skateboard? It was a heroic act whether you agree with him or not. Not everyone has a stellar background. But Huber stepped up that night.

I don't care about the midget pedo. But are you trying to tell me that Rittenhouse went there to shoot pedos? He had no idea of "Jo-Jo's" crimes. Did he? That guy could have been anybody.


Huber didn't try to stop any mass shooter. He was part of a lawless mob trying to kill a law-abiding citizen who was attempting to protect a neighborhood and its businesses from said mob.

And yes, Jo-jo could have been anyone, as long as anyone was a profanity-spouting deranged and agressive lunatic.


Rittenhouse had just killed an unarmed man. That's not "law-abiding". That's why Huber tried to knock the gun out of his hands.


" That's not "law-abiding"."

Actually it is. To the T. Read the laws ;)


OBVIOUSLY if he hadn't been abiding by the law when he killed the pedo IN SELF DEFENCE then Rittenhouse would be in prison now. He's not, so he was acting WITHIN THE LAW.



"Gorgeous looking girlfriend" would be this guy's prison nickname if there were any justice in the world.


Hahaha. Xanthas, I like you.


Not looking to get into an overly personal argument as these threads tend to lead to but I beg to differ and feel that justice was served. From an objective standpoint, Kyle had good intentions although exhibited extremely poor judgment. In my opinion he had no business being there with a loaded gun, that being said, he didn’t shoot anyone out of malicious intent, the kid, albeit an extremely stupid one, was shooting at people who were shown through video footage as trying to do great harm to him. Stupid is as stupid does, and as far as I’m concerned everyone involved in this, those who were shot, killed as well Kyle himself were/are extremely stupid people, doing extremely stupid things and shit happened. Bad shit happened. But Kyle isn’t a murderer, he was exonerated by a jury, who had the evidence presented to them, and heard an objective telling of both sides of what played out that night.


Don't confuse the leftists with facts!


Killing Antifa vermin definitely attracts the fine ladies.
