MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Why put criminals on an entertainment si...

Why put criminals on an entertainment site?

Leave them on news media platforms.


He killed more people than OJ.


I never had any interest in reading about this hatful, twisted teen. How many people did he kill?


I'm with you, I simply heard a few times, in passing, about the plurality of his kills. That's all I know.


"That's all I know."



Fuck leftists, all of them. They openly admit they don't know shit and yet have their dumb opinions.
It's "ignorance is bliss" on a whole new level.


Yet somehow they've convinced themselves that they're the enlightened ones. Which is comical beyond measure.


I'd agree, but it's honestly more frightening than anything else.
This level of delusion, ignorance and arrogance is extremely dangerous. These people vote, unfortunately.
And that's why the whole western world is falling apart in the end.

They turn a criminal scumbag like Floyd into a literal holy person, create statues, get a golden coffin, collect millions for the "poor family", name streets and places after the guy, create movements, fall on their knees and kiss black people's feet while hating themselves... and someone like Kyle gets demonized when they do not even know the most superficial details about what actually happened.

They go through the world saying "I heard...", never wasting a calorie over a single critical thought in their life and don't realize how incredibly dumb and dangerous they are, all while being convinced to be the paramount of righteousness.

Seriously, fuck these people.



I agree with your rant entirely!


Agreed! They have no idea how dangerous the game they're playing is. Their rhetoric will eventually have consequences.


then you have no concern to post in this thread or even have an opinion on this fine young fellow


He killed 2 people and they were both attacking him at the time. You should learn the facts before you call an innocent man hateful and twisted or a criminal. He worked as a lifeguard and the day of the shootings he had already been cleaning the town up after the previous night's rioting. He was attacked for trying to put out a dumpster fire that rioters had started.


He shouldnt have been there genius, he crossed state lines with an automatic rifle looking for trouble, you stupid brainwashed sheep


Stupid brainwashed sheep? You’re parroting long debunked statements made up by the left. And so what if he crossed state lines?


baaa,baaa. Just like you do. You really are stupid. Go back to banging your sister and having no teeth, hillbilly.


baaa,baaa. Just like you do. You really are stupid. Go back to banging your sister and having no teeth, hillbilly.


baaa,baaa. Just like you do. You really are stupid. Go back to banging your sister and having no teeth, hillbilly.


You’re just embarrassing yourself.


Hahahahahahahaha! Nice try incel


Ive only known one person in life that was the product of incest and trust me it ain't no White Family


There was no legal barrier preventing him from being there.
The protesters there were all criminals.
He didn't cross state lines with an automatic rifle.
The prosecution wasn't able to prove the weapon should not be allowed to be carried over state lines.

Other than your four incorrect implications, you are correct.


Idiot, that gun never crossed any state lines. You’re a fucking lunatic.

And even if he shouldn’t had been there that doesn’t mean that it gives the right to other idiots to attack him and try to kill him.

You’re a fucking imbecile.


Keep telling yourself that. Fucking redneck. Maybe when you use words, know what they mean first, moron. He went there looking for trouble, you fucking piece of magat garbage. Too much Tucker has melted what little brain you had


Who said that? You? Based on what?

He wasn’t looking for trouble you imbecile, he was helping people when he got attacked. But you are too stupid to understand simple facts.

I don’t watch tucker nor fox. Unlike you with the brain burned by CNN. But I’ve seen the videos from that night, Kyle acted in self defense whatever stupid idiots like you think.


Helping hahahahahahahahahahaha. Wow you are stupid ass sheep. I am Canadian, moron. I couldnt care less about your garbage politics, fox or cnn.


You’re a shit.

Tell me again how ignorant and stupid you are by saying “he crossed the state line with a gun”. Fucking imbecile, you have no idea what happened there.

Yes, CNN or something similar had fried your brain.

“ Claim: Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother "drove him across state lines and dropped him off in the middle of a riot armed with an assault rifle" in Kenosha.

Our ruling: False.

Rittenhouse went to the protests with a Wisconsin friend who had purchased the AR-15 for him. There is no evidence that Wendy Rittenhouse drove her son to Kenosha, and no evidence that her son was armed when he left for Kenosha from their home in Antioch.”

Fucking imbecile


"I am Canadian, moron. I couldnt care less about your garbage politics, fox or cnn."

You inserted yourself into it when you posted your ignorance. now when you are being called on it you pretend that you couldn't care less? Then shut the fuck up and stay in Canada.


It a message board, genius. Trust me, I will be staying in Canada. Your country is decaying thanks to people like you.


Yeah because Canada is doing so absolutely fucking amazing with that little peoplekind-dictator of yours you all love so much for taking more and more of your freedom away for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than gaining more control over dummies like you. xD


Imagine being as dumb as Cac1981.
Makes my skin crawl.


Please explain, educated person, what "magat" means.



he crossed state lines with an automatic rifle looking for trouble, you stupid brainwashed sheep

No he didn't you utterly incompetent and brain dead fucking idiot.
You don't have a fucking clue.
get one.


Looks like you're the brainwashed sheep:


God damn you are stupid !! I feel for your family. Point is he crossed state lines. Where he got the gun is irrelevant


He crossed state lines? In the United States of America? Oh, my gosh!


I love crossing state lines. It's so risky!


This guy is Canadian which means he wants to be black and loves Jelly Roll and that's all you really need to know about this Loser.


I see some moron I muted has been commenting. I guarantee they are posting utter nonsense about state lines or some other easily disproven lie

Claim: Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother "drove him across state lines and dropped him off in the middle of a riot armed with an assault rifle" in Kenosha.

Our ruling: False.

Rittenhouse went to the protests with a Wisconsin friend who had purchased the AR-15 for him. There is no evidence that Wendy Rittenhouse drove her son to Kenosha, and no evidence that her son was armed when he left for Kenosha from their home in Antioch.

As much as I hate using Politifact as a fact checking source due to them telling half truths a lot, there it is.


For example Politifact also says this -

Claim: A video shows Rittenhouse "was trying to get away from them" ... fell, and then they violently attacked him."

Our ruling: False.

The statement was made by Trump.

Rittenhouse tripped and fell as a group of people pursued him. But Trump’s claim left out vital context: that Rittenhouse ran away from protesters after, according to prosecutors, he had already shot and killed someone.

This is a half truth that ironically also leaves out vital context ie the person Rittenhouse initially shot and killed was in the process of attacking Rittenhouse at the time he was shot and had also earlier threatened to kill Rittenhouse.

The first man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse on the streets of Kenosha was “hyperaggressive” that night, threatened to kill Rittenhouse and later lunged for his rifle just before the 17-year-old fired, witnesses testified Thursday.




You're a pussy


You're a pussy


Poz free screen here ahhhh no cuk1981 faggotry to deal with for me


Perhaps if you had read anything you'd realize how wrong your assessment is. He's a hero.


I wouldn’t call him a hero. He just happened to be attacked and defended his life.


His actions were pretty heroic. This was the second night of rioting remember and he willingly went into a dangerous situation to help local businesses, he was offering first aid to anyone who needed it, he tried to put out dangerous fires that were started. Add to that the clean up of the town he was engaged in earlier that day, and even his stint as a lifeguard, and you can draw a picture of Kyle that shows he's a pretty decent kid overall.



The only difference is Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman weren't trying to kill OJ. You shills for the left always leave out the important parts.


Leaving out important parts is what they do, just like their mainstream media which conveniently leaves out or excludes important and critical information in order to distort the truth.


Yeah, Kyle Rittenhouse is the criminal. Not the BLM delinquents destroying property and the pedophiles who tried to kill him.


They are both criminals. It's not one or the other, stupid. Stay brainwashed like a good little sheep


They are both criminals. It's not one or the other, stupid. Stay brainwashed like a good little sheep


It was clearly self-defense. You’re digging your own grave, sheep 🐑.


Hahahaha, wow. You are a moron, like beyond stupid. Calling me a sheep is hilarious and quite iroinc given you can't think on your own. You are too dumb to think for yourself so you try to use my insult back on me, except there's in only one sheep here and it's you Cletus. Also nice emoji, cupcake


Try removing your face from Biden’s ass for 5 seconds. All you have to do is watch the video of Rittenhouse being attacked by multiple Democrat party pedophiles. Good shoot.

The real question is why do Democrats love to rape and murder children?


They don't. Why are the right and christians ok with pedophiles?


Why are the left OK with them? Trying to make heroes out of them.


I'm Canadian you goof. Why do republicans have rednecks and no teeth?


You think Canadians can't be described as democratic? You're right judging by the guy you voted in.


Dude better stop calling people pussy before he misgenders somebody and his All Mighty Leader buries him under the jail in his little pussy country.


Moderators, this needs to be moved to the Alec Baldwin thread. Thanks.


He's not a criminal, the people he shot were. He was just a pawn in the govt's schemes. Are you saying you have more sympathy for the monsters he killed?

The kid was hired to help guard a car dealership owned by a black man so that the man's business and property wouldn't get destroyed during the riot. Kyle had no criminal history prior to this event, and everyone who knew him knew he was responsible with guns and followed all the laws in both his state and the state he drove over to help out.


The criminals are the BLM thugs he defended himself against. Kyle did the right thing, those two pedophile BLM scumbags deserved to die.


In addition to being an entertainment site, this is also a news media platform. I can't believe we are still discussing this. A jury of his peers decided Kyle was acting in self-defense. End of story.


I do think IMDB/Moviechat need to change his pic. He was found not guilty. That mugshot is very misleading. And the previous poster makes a good point. It's a little weird that people are still talking about this.


I'm curious to know if you made a similar post on the George Floyd page?


I don't think he should be on it either, I think sites like this should be a fun filled way to escape the downsides of our world for a brief time, but that's me, to each their own.


Wouldn't that be nice...
