MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Assuming Vlad is Still Rational, Could T...

Assuming Vlad is Still Rational, Could This Be His Plan?

Go city by city and flatten as much as he can... then leave, taking the two Donbass provinces with him and dare the world to do something about it. That's got to be his plan... nothing else makes sense.

Looks like I was right except for the "then leave" part. He's not only not leaving, he's likely to expand into Moldova as well.


This is why Trump and his supporters love Putin so much. They would have been praising Hitler as he raped Poland.


"finally a strong conservative leader looking out for his people and putting them first! standing up against the European liberals"


His plan might not be anything more than "start an incursion, see how it goes and what we can get from it".




His plan isn't going to work because it was based on the misconception that Ukraine would roll over.


He did say denazification and DEMILITARIZATION. I think that's why he's saying it's going as planned. Flatten every other city in Ukraine and keep Donbas so nothing is really left in the end for the Ukrainians.


So, keep Donbas which he had anyway. And be permanently cut off from Europe and the entire Western World?


He's KGB. All they do is kill. That is his goal.
