MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > When the clear eyes of history look back...

When the clear eyes of history look back at our era...

...two things will leap off the page:

1.) The NObama administration conducted the most comprehensive & corrupt political spying operation in American history.
2.) The Fake News mainstream media desperately tried to cover it up.


The eyes of history will never ever be clear. Today's libs are all the proof one needs to see that the human mind is programmable according to the input. Honest history simply does not exist and likely never will.


It's like Countess Bathory: Did she really bathe in the blood of murdered virgins, as "history" suggests, or was she slandered to the masses by her political opponents, who imprisoned her in her own castle for the last three years of her life?


I would think all the Trumptwats would be thanking him, because without an Obama presidency we never would have had to deal with the Orange Emperor of Dumbassery...


It will show a strong and patriotic country up until the year 2001.

Osama bombed the world trade center and Obama Hussein took over as commander in chief.

Then began a systematic break down of the moral fabric of the country.

The allowance of theft, the push to not intervene when someone is stealing.
The soft on crime movement.

The lowering of standards every where.

Sharp decline, people have become slobs.

90s, it was stay healthy, get fit, watch out for STDs, don't sit too close to television, screen time is bad.

Today the complete opposite, zero talk about screen Time, embrace your unhealthy weight, hygiene has went down the tubes


NObama & his transvestite 'wife' sold themselves on "hope and change" and the only thing they delivered on was the latter, albeit “fundamentally changing America” for the moral worse, as you detail. Remember his executive order to allow mentally ill men to use the women's bathroom?

For his third term in office -- behind his puppet Biden -- we literally have a freak show of people in charge. The once-great America is the laughing stock of the world.
