MovieChat Forums > Halle Bailey Discussion > Cast as Ariel in the Little Mermaid.

Cast as Ariel in the Little Mermaid.

She better get off social media asap before the Nazis start spamming her.


Walt was a Nazi



Literally no one cares about this.


Ummm…. 🤔


I have no objection to Ariel being black, but I think they should have cast someone more well known.


Ikr? Zendaya was right there.


This gal is a much better choice than Zendaya. She's cute. I hope she nails it.
It's funny how so many redheads in source material turn black in movies.


Kind of disagree with this idea. If producers/casting directors/etc. for so many movies/shows/anything only cast big names, what happens to the smaller ones? We'll create only a tiny sphere of mega stars and never reach out and find newer talent more often.

It's like only hiring your brother or friend for a job and then leaving plenty of potentially able-bodied people with less work opportunities because you fill them with only the "in" people. Is this really a good thing?

I get that people would probably like to see actors they recognize, but this concept is kind of flawed for the reasons mentioned before. You need to scout and find new talent/work more often -- or at least leave the doors open -- rather than only using a few elite actors/celebrities in all roles and block off anyone else. This shuts the door for many would-be actors like it would any other work environment/etc.

Plus I personally have nothing against hiring "no names" for bigger films/productions. If a movie is good, it doesn't really matter to me much if it's Tom Cruise starring in it or Tse Crom. People should consider the movie as a whole -- not merely which actor is in it as a basis for quality overall. Just because a big name is in a movie doesn't make me think I'd like it more than not -- there's a lot more to consider, like the subject, genre and so on.

A good actor doesn't need to be popular, and a popular actor doesn't need to be good either.


I totally agree with this. I don't go to see movies because of who's in them, I go because something about the story interested me.


Exactly. And I'm not saying at all that who is in a movie has no impact -- it obviously does to a variable extent. What matters more is looking past that and seeing it as a whole -- not just "X is in it so I'm seeing it" and nothing else. You are basically paying to see a person to gawk over/etc. than judging a movie more "overall" in that case I think.

While actors do make up a lot of movie time, there are plenty of examples you can find where big name actors have been in flops/profit loss films/etc. This tells you that even the biggest names cannot save every movie -- so it's not something to only go by if you want some preconceived idea of whether a movie is good or not.

If you want to pay to just see or gawk at the actors, that's one thing -- but as far as the entirety of a movie, it's less significant of a measure to just include so and so big names in hopes to make up for a poor script/film execution overall (which has been done).

And I know this a troll breeding ground board so these posts will probably just be swept away anyways.


I think that an actor can have over saturation though. Like Tom Cruise. I don't hate his roles, but it's gotten to a point where they all blend together.

I will say that sometimes an actor will deter my interest in a film. Honestly I have a hard time going to the theatre to pay for a Nicolas Cage movie. That's not to say that I never will, but he isn't a draw for me.


Doesn't matter to me one way or another... I hate all Disney movies equally.

What I'm not sure about yet is whether I'm going to start hating all Marvel and Pixar movies now, too. After the Disney corporation owns them both long enough to start influencing them, I'm thinking I'll hate them, too.


Nazis died decades ago. And, I might add, THE WAR IS OVER. Over 7 F******g decades OVER.


I guess you were in a coma when Charlottesville happened.


So now Robert E. Lee was a nazi XDDDD


No but his statue was surrounded by them with tiki torches shouting “Jews will not replace us.”


Those are technically neo-Nazis.


The shout was 'You will not replace us' aimed to immigrants.

'Jews will not replace us' looks like usual mainstream media news (cough, cough) 'editing'. Sometimes very creative, I have to concede that, though a bit absurd, since Jews are a small community that it's not replacing anybody. However, I wouldn't have thought in rewriting 'you' with 'jews'. Journalist were imaginative there.


You get that bullshit off Stormfront or were you actually there?


What the hell is Stormfront?





She already played a main black female character in Catwoman (2004) and it was dreadful! What more does she want?!?


You're confusing your Halle's!

I read it wrong at first too and thought, isn't she a little OLD to be Ariel?


Why??? Because she is clearly too old for the part?????😮😮😮


She is only 19.


Are there now going to be 2 sets of toys in the Disney store from here on out. 1 Ariel white and 1 Ariel black, that is not gonna be confusing at all to the target audience of young girls, my daughter included in that.

This casting has greater ramifications than just race swapping a role.

As stated above do Disney now stock 2 sets of toys or as i predict under the guise of diversty they will release the new versions and slowly remove the old toys and in essence erase white Ariel.

Might be the pessimist in me but I really hope i am wrong.


Yes there will be two versions of Ariel dolls in the local Wal-Mart... and just like when Mattel had a black and a white Barbie, you'll find the white Ariel selling on the regular toy isle unless it is sold out... the black Ariel will end up on the clearance isle until it gets tossed because it won't sell.
