MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > Shapiro is right again

Shapiro is right again

Why does anyone care about her and Kelce?


Can't stand Shapiro, but he's 100% spot on here


Ben Shapiro is an idiot. He speaks in stroke and looks at the camera through his eyebrows.

Shapiro alleges she's not married because she makes money from writing songs about the men she's dated. This says more about him than it does about her. If Taylor Swift is like most women, the reason she's not married is more likely that 1) The men she dates do not want to marry her; 2) She doesn't think the men she dates are worthy of her. Maybe the men she dates are not interested in marrying her. Maybe they tend to be rich, famous, and tall. In other words, they have a lot of options, so they were not interested in settling down in their 20s or 30s.

If she does soon marry, people will say that it caused her career to go down. Never mind regression to the mean, or the fact her industry is not especially kind to aging women, or her relatively limited vocal talents (her main ability is as a writer).


She really is a distraction to an NFL Game when they keep panning to the Luxury Box to see what her reaction is.. Somewhere along the line, this will blow up and a song will be written about it and Gen Z will shit on this guy


> Somewhere along the line, this will blow up and a song will be written about it and Gen Z will shit on this guy

Only if he mistreats her.


He's been known to stray. It'll happen at some point, intentional or not


She isn't a distraction. The director of the broadcast is making a decision to show her reactions. Presumably this is because they find that it is good for ratings, otherwise they wouldn't do it.


Don't remember him getting out of shape about Mark Whalberg being shown at Pats games. Or Bradley Cooper with the Eagles on their SB run.


Neither of them have the popularity or massive impact of Swift. They were just run of the mill celebs attending a game. They also weren’t dating any of the Eagles (that we know of).


So it's Swift being famous and popular and having a boyfriend that Shapiro is mad about. No offence, but, that kind of sounds like a stereotypical jealous gay man.


Now that i've found out Swift is on the MAGA "sworn enemies" list (you know like middle school kids make , and Sheldon cooper ) ,

all these hate Threads make sense (not to mention the lengthy articles on right wing echo chamber sites), look who starts them - all the big noises from the politics page


Why does anyone care about Shapiro? Other than his sisters big ol milkers...


both Shaps have considerable fiveheads


They don’t care.

It’s being fed to us by Pfizer/CapitalOne/Experian, 3 of the biggest corporations in the world, who sponsor both Kelce and Swift, and 90% of NFL and tv news.


Shapiro is a muppet.


I think Shapiro does not understand irony when it comes out of his own mouth.

Shapiro cares about Swift; truly, madly and deeply. He whines about her on his show; doing so helps him make money.
