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Taylor endorses Genocide

Was really surprised by this. Do all the Swifties know whats really going on?


I'm sure Trump would stop this genocide in two days. If he'd been actually elected in 2020, the Oct. 7 attack never would have happened. Because Trump is so bad-ass he would have nuked Gaza.

He'd pull Jared off of his 3B pile of KSA/UAE/Qatari dough, and re-install him to re-work the 'peace deal'. He left some 'kinks', but made a lot of 'friends'.

It'll be tremendous. And profitable. Like last time, but this time you've got primo Med shoreline development parcels just hanging out there, once the massed force-marches into the desert are handled. then - casinos, resorts. Think Dubai West, or Monte Carlo East.


I love music, but not pop music, but that's another point.

I have never in my life hear a popular band, singer, etc announce anything about the world that wasn't like some kind of peace and love comment from the 60s.

Most all celebs virtue signal for young consumers and it's part of their business plan.

Taylor, Ozzie, Jack White, or whoever, is not going to say, "You know I thought about it and abortion is sad and gross....1,2,3 BAaaby I love you" and continue with their song.

Fight the power, war is bad, no one should tell you what to do, and so on, are all messages that young consumers of media want to hear. Taylor is not going to say that we need to monitor the size of the population to allow economic advantages for citizens, so we should consider that regarding immigration, because her fans will not understand.


Taylor had to endorse Kamala since she lost the debate.
