Tinfoil Hat Time

I'll throw this out into the universe to see how well it ages.

Support for royalty at a low, including for current king and king-in-waiting.

Current's king's horny brother and his puppet escapades, current king's lack of charisma and hated wife and king-in-waiting's blandness ain't driving folks to royalty fan clubs.

King-in-waiting's wife has done her duty and pumped out some heirs.

To galvanize public support for the king-in-waiting, his wife buys the farm (maybe with some royal assistance) and we find ourselves with a new king sans wife but with kids and everyone feels sorry for him and loves the new single dad king.

I've already pitched the idea to Hallmark, so don't bother.



I hate to break it to you, but there are many out there that are fiercely loyal to the Crown, and love Catherine and William far more than Charles and Camilla. Also, Catherine is out of the hospital and doing well, so no need to call it quits on her just yet. People are looking forward to her and William being crowned the new King and Queen of the UK in a few years' time.


We could be in the setting up stage.

You create an incident that could be relied upon later for a future event.

For example, not being particular, you say that someone who drives someone likes to drink and then when their passenger dies in a car accident, you can say it was because they were drunk. Just a random example I pulled from my ass.


People were saying a year ago, during and after Charles's coronation, that he probably won't stay king for long. He's old and has health issues, and the job can be very stressful. People were noting his swollen fingers when he was holding sacred objects, or putting his hand on sacred objects to be blessed with during the ceremony. The prostate thing, however, is unfortunately a common issue for any human male to deal with in his twilight years.

In Catherine's case, she actually is doing very well. She's young, she's healthy, she's an athlete, she has a supportive family and circle of friends to back her up emotionally, and the best healthcare in the world at her fingertips. Whatever caused her to go to the hospital has been resolved, and she's just recovering. In fact, I suspect she recovered far earlier than the news report claimed it would take her, and she was getting bored lying around and "taking it easy."


I was thinking the very same thing about this the other day (minus the 'pitch to Hallmark')
With their 'brand' tainted of late...it seems a little convenient for two royals to require surgery (added to which, Sarah Ferguson's recent diagnosis...possibly pavng to the way to a reconciliation with Andrew...who needs all the "good press" he can get nowadays?)


There have been rumors that KCIII might retire early after the prostate surgery, William and Kate will have to become monarchs early, and a certain red-haired traitor and his whore wife are screwed.


Stop trashing Harry and Megs! However, I wish Kate, Charles, and Fergie the best.


Tell them to stop trashing the Royal Family.


"a certain red-haired traitor and his whore wife"

Well said.


I'm sure this is nothing:


If you're having trouble spotting one oddity (forget the trees), look to one kid's cuff.



She, well, someone, apologized:


"Kensington Palace said it would not release the original unedited photograph."

Hey Royals - your touch up person seems to be lacking, call me, I'm available.


I don't know what you're talking about. The photo looks fine. I checked all the cuffs on their sleeves and they look pretty normal.


You missed it then.

Now check everyone's shoes.

Here's a better picture to use:


I can find 13 anomalies - how many can you find?


One time I replaced grammy's head with a superior smiling version for a photo of the grandparents with FootOfDavros Jnr.

I am pleased to report I managed to release a more realistic looking image than Kensington Palace!


Makes you wonder who they hired - maybe Sloppy McSloppenstein.


Interesting that they go after the RF for touching up a photograph professionally, but when Meghan makes very obviously fake, doctored photos, she gets off scot-free except for people who see her for what she really is; a liar.


Oh my gawd, you Royal fanatics are hilarious.

You know there's some kid going hungry probably within a few baseballs throws of where you live and these folks are eating like kings - literally.


And many of them donate generously to charities trying to feed those hungry children, in addition to helping out in soup kitchens for hours a day, whereas Meghan only shows up for 20 minutes to look good for the camera, and then goes back to her champagne and luxurious five-star bedroom with some rich guy who's not Harry.


I just saw King Chuck handing out some KD at my local food shelter.

I take it back, they're great!

No wait, that's Tony the Tiger.

They're the biggest welfare kings and queens we got.


You know, I met someone online a few years ago that thought the RF's wealth all came from British taxes too. I had to educate them as well.

Fun fact: it doesn't.

Only a small portion of British taxpayer money ever goes towards the BRF. It's a small stipend they pay the monarch who's on the throne at the time. Most of it goes to parliament and public services.

There's a very old tradition that dates back centuries in the past, where British monarchs and their immediate relatives actually get the bulk of their wealth from owning land and property, and collecting rent from people using it. When people pay rent on such property, it's called "paying to the Crown," and taxes are paid separately to the civilian govt. You basically have a royal landlord instead of a commoner one you pay to, should you work or live on such property.

One of the richest counties in England is Cornwall (and no, they don't grow corn there), and it's where a very large portion of the RF's rental money comes from. They get over a million pounds in rent from that place every year, whereas the British Govt. gets far more in comparison. Investing in stocks and art also prevents the RF from going poor overnight.

Oh, one last thing. The RF don't get paid to do charity work or to appear at diplomatic functions. Just wanted you to know that.


In Canada, we pay when those twats come a visiting.

Welfare bums with fancy titles but hey, if you like'em, that's your business.


Canada's part of the Commonwealth. You guys had several opportunities to break away, and yet each time you chose to stay. Is there some benefit of remaining aligned with England that stops you from going independent?


Yeah, the police and army.


By the way, by your logic, are all landlords welfare kings and queens? Last time I heard they weren't.


My landlord doesn't think he's magical and descended from God.


But you have indicated that all people who collect rent are welfare kings and queens, despite all the facts I have presented to prove otherwise. Are landlords and landladies welfare kings and queens or not?


I said the Royal Family are welfare kings and queens.

I know what's happening with Chuck and Kate is making your eyes water and it's difficult to read but do try harder to read my posts.

As to why you're reading them at all, I can only assume you're bored.

May I interest you in the fine musical stylings of Mr. Donny Benét?



I'm not crying over them. I know they're well taken care of and they will be back to normal in the near future. To be fair, I could care less about Charles. He's a cowardly, wimpy little shit that was coddled by the Queen for years. The same applies to his brother Andrew, who wouldn't have gotten into the mess he did if he wasn't protected by a rich, powerful family. I did notice after Diana died, that Charles tried being a better dad to his sons, so perhaps something good did come out of that relationship.

I've always liked Catherine, but I'm not nuts about her. She has all the traits one could ask for a future Queen of England, and she and her husband genuinely love each other. You all would know that if you read in on their history together. There's no evidence to suggest Catherine is a gold-digging user, and many people who know her say that she's as kind as she is beautiful. Do you know how rare it is for a modern royal to actually be married to someone they genuinely love? William chose very well, which shows he's a vast improvement on previous generations of Windsors. I don't agree with all his politics, and yeah, his bald head bothers me.

Plus, the RF have learned some lessons on how to treat outsiders after what happened to Diana. It shows they aren't as stupid as some people would think, and that their education did kinda pay off.

So to have a horrible monster like Meghan come in and try to cause a lot of trouble (including being bitterly jealous of Catherine, treating her SIL like shit, and bullying her kids as well as stalking them and trying to break up Will and Catherine's marriage with fake affair rumors) has led me to becoming defensive of the RF, particularly Catherine.

I get very angry when I see injustices going on, particularly when a bully comes in and gets away with shit, just because people are too afraid to give them the ass-whoopings they so richly deserve. Nothing would please me more than to see Meghan Markle dead and gone from this world, and back to hell where she belongs.

Now, would you like to go around again? Or do you admit defeat? Because you are wavering in this discussion, and I can do this all day.


Yeah, I'm not reading that.


Kooky Conspiracy Sub-Plot Time:

Okay so we got the Royal Family gearing up to Lady Die Kate so William's transition plays out like a Hallmark movie.

But plot twist, the powers the really run the world, have no use for such folks since they remind people of the concept of King and country and they're aiming for a one world government type of thing, so they do their best to get rid of them (maybe with cancer) and discredit them (maybe with clearly faked photos and the like).

If I fall out of a window, you'll know I was on to something.

Or that I'm clumsy which I am, but if I do fall out of a window, think crazy thoughts in my honour : )


Du bist wirklich das Letzte.

But hey, I'll give it to you that you made a big part bringing MovieChat down, congrats.
Let's change the name into Filmboards II.
And you'll stay in parkVerbot. 🚗​🚫​
