MovieChat Forums > Catherine Princess of Wales Discussion > Do You Think William Killed Her?

Do You Think William Killed Her?

Let's try out some theories before we get sent to the Tower.

I think he was cheating on her with that Rose Hanbury chick.
She was cheating on him with that Thomas Kingston fellow.
William flew into a drunken rage, shot Kingston, beat Kate into a coma and then she died.

Person closest to the truth wins a month of no puns from samoanjoes or a long awkward hug from Kowalski.

Just goes to show that when you hire PR people, make sure they're good or this is what you get.


If the video is proven to be fake, then that is the only logical explanation. Unexpected confrontation, accident happens.

But we haven't been able to definitely prove the fact the video is fake yet. All we have is a theory.

And it is quite far fetched, because all the hospital records and cancer diagnosis all have to be faked, too many people need to be silenced, I don't know if that is possible.

Let's face it tabloids will get to those medical and hospital records one way or another.


It will be interesting.

No one has seen her in public since December 25th, 2023 - that's a long time for people who are in the spotlight for a living.

This has the all the makings of a really good Colombo episode.

I see that Harry is being tied to Diddy and I wonder if there's an attempt to smear him:


It was Meghan, definitely Meghan.


I'd pay to see that fight on pay per view.

Meghan would clean her clock but I don't think she'd finish her. She'd want to let her live with the shame of defeat.


There's nothing wrong with Meghan that a sealed-off, plain white room cut off from the world wouldn't solve. Narcissists can't stand being alone and ignored.


She isn't dead.


Just curious, what evidence do you base your statement on.


Just go play with a razor. Please.
You fuckwits make this site insufferable.
It's not even funny anymore, it's just so old and dull and boring.
Just do it. And take the other trolls with you.


😳 Slightly weird OTT response...


Some of these Royalists have their turbans wound too tight.


Not a royalist. Just sick and tired of lunatics roaming the internet with their bullshit conspiracy theories.


Get off the internet than.


Right after you did what I told you to do.


So you encourage people to kill themselves?

Why aren't you special.

Remember what kind of person you are when you talk about others.


...says Mr. Conspiracy-Theory.

*slow clap*


Best thing about being a conspiracy theorist - no ...

If you know, you know.


Oh Nooo 😱, It’s another conspiracy theory!!!; we can’t have critical and independent thinkers.
They should accept the "official narrative" as an NPC or else be labeled as "conspiracy theorists." LMAO 🤣


The safe and effective crowd have enough problems with reality and are desperate for something they can call truth.


Conspiracy theorists cause a lot of pain and misery for normal people. Aside from criminals committing physical crimes, they are the cesspit of society and no one needs them and no one should tolerate their bullshit.

See the whole Sandy Hook disaster and what these parents had to go through on top of losing their children, for example.
And all that because some people are wired wrongly in the head, need special attention or think they are the center of the universe.

Sick and tired of thee freaks.


If Catherine was dead, the palace would have told the world.


Why do you assume that?


Why would you assume all the conspiracy theories about her and William are true? Do you not like them? Keep in mind that the largest group of Catherine-haters are from Meghan's camp, a creature that is extremely and bitterly jealous that Catherine has all the things Meghan doesn't, including a soul. Do you consider yourself one of Meghan's Sugars?


Sweet baby Jesus, the feud between those two ladies is real and lives here via proxy.

I just wanna know why you would trust them to tell you anything?

Do they owe you anything?

Are you anything to them other that someone who needs to put them on a pedestal and sing their praises?


There is no feud. There's Catherine living her normal life, and then there's Meghan and her drug-addled ginger lapdog throwing a 4-year-long tantrum in California because the little brat didn't get to become Queen of England and break the internet.

You also didn't answer my question, so I'm not going to entertain any of yours until you do.

And for the record, Catherine earned the love and respect people around the world have for her. She's a very rare person who is the real deal. If you actually read eyewitness accounts of what she was like in person, you'd know that. But you hate the RF because you think they're getting rich off your tax money (despite the facts that I presented to you) so you would rather see a kind, innocent woman dead and the monarchy gone than do the right thing and STFU with the inane conspiracies. Next thing you'll be saying is that they're all a bunch of lizard people hiding in human form and drinking baby's blood to live a long time.

Meghan is so pathetic, loathed, and despised she has to use lies, bots, and money paid to suckers who will believe anything she tells them to get people to stand up for her online. If you knew the things I did about that bitch, you wouldn't like her very much either. Karma's gonna hit her so hard, her twisted head is gonna spin this year.


There are some evidence, so it is not completely baseless:

Also I tried to use: to determine if is fake.

It seems to be refusing to give results.


Don't argue with flat Earthers please...


I think you're right. He doesn't seem very bright, does he? Even when presented with facts to the contrary, he refuses to see reason. He sounds like a flat-earther too.


I don't think this is true either, but there are some evidence, so it is not completely baseless:

Also I tried to use: to determine if is fake.

It seems to be refusing to give results.

Without evidence it is conspiracy theory, with evidence it is just conspiracy, of course at this stage the evidence is still weak.


there was a rumour going round on x that Catherine was LGBTQ. and...yeah...x


There's also a rumor that the entire royal family are reptilian aliens in disguise. Would you like to see some nice beachside property in Iowa I've got to sell you?

Prince Harry is also said to be bisexual, but in the closet about it, and in the Soho House, he's known as the Prince of Pegging.


James T Kirk still lives there, yes?


And Elvis says hello from his homeworld ;)


That Prince William and his anal sex ideas. Maybe he was off....


Well, this is curious:

"There is a clear editor’s note on the Kate video that states, “This Handout clip was provided by a third-party organization and may not adhere to Getty Images’ editorial policy.” The photo agency doesn’t go into any further detail as to why they added that note to the clip..."


Not just the royal family, BBC, and the media in general, have credibility issues as well. But the media of course are not going to say that.

Saying things like: "any allegations of using AI are 'factually inaccurate'." does not help either. It isn't even a straight denial, so it is not completely false, just inaccurate?


It's even more curious the steady stream of stories coming out but no pictures of her interacting with anyone.

I imagine all the current stories are being fed to the news outlets by the Royal Family.

Imagine, you have cancer, you're famous, a trip to the local cancer ward would raise your points with the public a few notches - but nothing.


Imagine, you have cancer, you're famous, a trip to the local cancer ward would raise your points with the public a few notches - but nothing.

Add to that that when she was being treated for her pre cancer discovery, not one picture was taken of William or the kids going to visit her. Not one.

Can you imagine how many paparazzi would have been desperate to get such a shot?


Yup. When we see her again she'll have been replaced by a "clone". She'll look a little off and not seem quite the same person and they'll all say it was the disease.


Nah, I don't believe that clone stuff.

He probably beat her up, put her into a coma, she died and now we just wait for the sad news that she succumbed to her cancer and if you make issue with anything, you're insensitive blah blah blah.

Sadly I've known people who died from cancer and you know, they were out and about as much as they could until the end.

Right now there's been more pictures of Bigfoot than Kate Middleton since December 25th, 2023.


She apparently took a picture of one of her kids:

She was also credited with taking that picture in the past that turned out to be photoshopped.

Curious there's no picture of her and the kid - it's like here' a picture of the Loch Ness Monster taken by Bigfoot.

Not aware of her being seen in the wild since December 25th, 2023 - if you've seen some picture, post a link.

Looks like a soft attempt to keep her name in the news without actually showing her.


If only this was Blade Runner we could magnify and enhance on one of his eyeballs until the reflection revealed that it was actually William who'd taken the picture!

Actually, someone must be working on that already if they haven't already finished and got it on the twitter...

Seriously though, the longer this goes on with no pubic sightings, the more certain I'm starting to feel that the next thing we get is an announcement that she's passed on to the "other side".


No idea if the newest picture is fake or not but it it is interesting that his hands are semi hidden (AI apparently has trouble with hands) and the background is blurred out.


Funny how you never comment on how fake Meghan Markle's photoshopped images of Harry's kids are. And she's terrible at it too!


I don't think anyone's alleging that she's been murdered by Prince Willy - it's a little bit different.


Fascinating that you didn't say a word about Meghan at all, just deflected back to your urban legend fantasy. You must really hate the royal family a lot.

Interesting. Harry used that name for his brother in his memoir, "Waaaagghhh!" Despite eyewitness documentation of him never using that name when he and his brother were kids, or even prior to knowing Meghan, (he called his brother "Will," actually), he chose to use that name in his whinefest of a book, partially to stick it to the brother he was always jealous of, partially to please Meghan, because she egged him on, and because it's the British insulting slang term for "penis."

Do I smell the sickly sweet odor of a Sugar on you?


I could care less about Megan, Harry, Larry and Moe - I just think it's super duper curious that she goes AWOL and if this was your spouse or mine that went missing for 4 months, family, friends and the police might ask some questions.

As for Willy, it's an insult - I'll insult them all if given the chance.


The only people who don't have access to Catherine are the press and us commoners. Her family, friends, and doctors see her every day. She hasn't disappeared completely from the earth, you know. She's apparently at Windsor Castle getting her cancer treatment.

Judging by how happy William was during a recent public appearance in the last day or so, I'd say his wife's chemo is working :)


Pure speculation about the chemo.

Apparently King Chuck's ain't working:


Um, due to his age, healthy or not, he should be planning his funeral all the same, even if he doesn't die for another 20-30 years (and the plans can be updated and changed at any time before then). His mom did it long before she died, as did his dad, and it's not actually a surprise that he would do it too, now that he's in his 70s. He has to plan ahead for the future. Honestly, the newspapers have never liked Charles and wish he was dead already.


Funny how you never comment on how fake Meghan Markle's photoshopped images of Harry's kids are...

Eh?! How?

He was talking about the mysteriously vanished Kate and how she didn't even appear alongside the kid in the photo she supposedly took. Why would you possibly expect him to comment on Meghan Merkle? She's got absolutely nothing to do with it at all...


Another oddity for the record, a story about Kate and her daughter:

"During a visit to the Vsi Razom Community Hub back in October, her mother, the Princess of Wales revealed how Charlotte manages to uplift her mood with her singing. Watch the sweet video below..."

They're referencing a comment made in October of 2023.

If anyone can shut me up with a current confirmed picture of her, have at it.
