MovieChat Forums > Volodymyr Zelenskyy Discussion > If you wonder where the russian shills/b...

If you wonder where the russian shills/bots are coming from:


And who sponsors pro-war tax-money-wasting warmonger shillbots like yourself?


Supporting Putin in any way automatically makes you as pro-war as a person can be.


Who supports Putin?
No wonder people are so clueless about this event
when the media fails to inform and refers to Russia as
Putin. Then there are all the other hundreds of ways we
subliminally demonize Russia and Putin in our media.

There is no question about it that Russia blundered the
handling of this. But there is also not question when you
study Ukraine's history that the West wanted this war and
kept provoking Russia.

Both sides are wrong, but I think it is Russia's backyard,
and they have a reason to be there and be concerned about
what goes on there.

Because the US is essentially butting in there in such a way
as to affect the entire world, in addition to the destruction in
Ukraine and Russia, and the US by negotiating could have stopped
the military actions, though that was eventually going to happen
because Ukraine kept increasing the artillery shots into the Donbas
as documented in the OSCE's reports.

This is the US acting baldly belligerent and warlike in a very reckless
way, hurting everyone except Military Defense Contractors by
gambling with nuclear war - off our own territory. If I lived in any
other country I would be massively angry and scared at the US.

But there are also reasons this happened that will appear like the
growth of the Roman Empire in the ancient world, generally looked
back in by us as a progressive thing. But pretending that the US
is trying to bring about a Pax Americana just cannot be supported
by the facts.

We did nothing to faciliate democracy in Ukraine. Virtually everything
the US has done in Ukraine has been gangster military style, just like
the Nazi Nationalist who we co-opted.

The facts and the truth are cold and objective, they are not supporting


'both sides'


That's misleading in that it tends to create a false equivalency about this issue.
Just exactly what the Right-wing always does ... smoking, climate change, or any other issue they dislike - call into question any dishonest way they can.

So, to be honest, it is not really both sides when one side swamps the other side.


It’s like in a rape case: they try to justify the rape with stupid shit like “she did something, she wear provocative clothes, it’s ‘both sides’ fault” …


You are not “cold and objective”. You only list the “bad things” that Ukraine (or US) allegedly did.

You totally ignore that the increase of activity in Donbas was a direct result of increased presence of Russian military, as an example.

You are the perfect example of a pro-Putin shill.


Yeah. People dont often understand that nazi russia spend enormous money on bot farms to push its agenda.

And we can see their work here. But some people are real and are just empty headed Tucker-The-Idiot republican watchers. Which is just sad. I used to laugh and resent when lefties called Trump voters nazies. Its seemed too much and political play. But now Im not so sure as there really are famous republican bloggers and even few politicians who openly support nazi russia and root for it, constantly attacking Ukraine and try to justify nazi russia’s "reasons" to invade Ukraine and commit genocide.


Putin is most successful finding support among MAGA and the right-wing. He even convinced UK voters to stupidly vote for Brexit. I'll never understand how people can be so gullible to the point that they would support Putin over Pres Biden.


Putin convinced people in my city to vote for a public bus line with a $6M annual budget even though the median household has two cars. So, I believe you on the Brexit thing. The guy can do anything.


Putin convinced me to try a brand new hair gel and I'm loving it!


Because of Putin’s influence, I bought a paddle boat.


I love "Nazi Russia." Look up the Azov Battalion if you want to find out where the Nazis are. Russia is run by a former KGB agent -- a commie. You guys throw around terms you don't even understand.

Also, see the totalitarian moves that Zelenskyy has made to solidify his power. This, after starting with Party apparatchiks just like the Russians. The latter I know because an apparatchik tried to move in on a church one of our missionaries had started. He wanted to be on the "board," so he could dictate what was taught and how the parishioners worshipped. No -- he was allowed to attending the gospel meetings like anyone else.


You can be a communists and nazi ate the same time you know ))) Just like you can be thief and murderer at the same time too. If you behave like nazi - you are nazi. I dont think that mane people even know what communism looked like in USSR. Communists always said and proclaimed one thing and did the opposite.

What the hell is "apparatchiks " I dont even understand. Translate to English that whole paragraph please.


You really don't understand the basic terminology of the subject, do you?

"Communists always said and proclaimed one thing and did the opposite." All dictators do that, fascist or communist. Teachers don't teach that anymore?

"If you behave like nazi - you are nazi." You mean like centralizing power, outlawing religious groups, or outlawing all political parties but one's own? Sorta like what Hitler did in Nazi Germany? You don't know Zelenskyy has done this?

You're on the internet. You must know about the New Media. You aren't shackled to the MSM anymore. You can actually do your own research and think for yourself. Don't be an NPC.


Good God. Dear republicans that consume nazi russian propaganda from republican sites. Juts stop embarrassing yourself. You look as ridiculous as North Korea people who were told their country has won football world cup. And they were celebrating. Remember thats old rumor? Thats you. )))

russian propaganda lies to you. When your republican sites retell that to you - you consume heir lies. Do you know fun fact? Their propaganda tells russian people from the TV and news sites that Europe is freezing to death without russian gas. )) And is gonna run back any moment and beg to sell them gas again. They shoot commercials where british people eat their hampster at dinner and women pack their things and relocate to men in russia, because "its warm there" only to find out that man has his house full of models who relocated before. Despite its being +15 C in Europe. But russians truly believe that.

No one is "outlawing religious groups" in Ukraine, lol. They are banning nazi russian "church" whose "priests" are KGB agents, store weapons in their facilities and in their "churches" they tell Ukranians to hate their own country and that russia is saint and everyone should do what putin says. It like having in USA in 1943 "German church" that obeys nazi Germany and tells its parishioners that hitler is good and does the right thing" )))) Because that what russian "church" does in Ukraine.

Person I dont know who told you that "outlawing all political parties but one's own" nonsense. There are like 50 parties in Ukraine. The only outlawed is the pro-russian one. You know it would be very ridiculous to have in USA congress in 1944 some "pro nazi Germany" party whose members would obey hitler and praise him )))

But do you know where only one party rules in? You guess it - in your beloved dictatorship nazi russia )))

Honestly It beyond me how can anyone be so stupid and write such nonsense trying to justify their support of fascism and nazi russia.


Prove that the Orthodox Church -- the largest church in Ukraine, according to our missionaries, since they're the "competition," so to speak -- is headed by nothing but Russian agents. You make a lot of statements as if they're fact, but you offer no proof.

I watch GB News, among others. I wouldn't have known Biden is selling gas to Europe now if I wasn't watching that. Curious, but no news shows stateside are letting out that information. We're told heating gas is so expensive here because it's in short supply. Well, true, I suppose, but they don't tell us that the reason it's in short supply is because we blew up the Nordstream pipeline and are now selling our gas to Europe.

No, Zelenskyy didn't just ban one party. He banned all opposition parties.

Where do you come from? You handle English as if it's a second language. You also don't understand that we went a little fascist during WWII ourselves -- interning Americans of Japanese descent and cranking out propaganda that sounds a lot like the stuff you're peddling. Do you work for Zelenskyy? The constant attacks of anyone who disagrees with you as being pro-Putin, plus the broken English is kind of a "tell."


Again - stop reading extreme republican sites or bloggers who just repeat russian propaganda. Only pro-russian party was banned as it would be very idiotic to have some pro-nazi-german party on Congress in USA or in UK during WW2. Party that would swore and be financed by nazi Germany and its members would support war and promote it... Why is it so hard to understand? Do you have pro-Taliban or pro-ISIS party in your Congress? )))

They are not "opposition". Poroshenko Party is opposition. Its a party of former President that was before Zelenskyy. 5 parties were elected to Ukraines version on Congress. 1 - Zelenskyy party. 2 - Poroshenko Party. 3. pro-russian party. And 2 other parties.

They dont tell you that on republican sites? )))) You know noting about Ukraine or russia. You only know selected pieces of information that you have been fed by extreme republican bloggers who chose those pieces from nazi russian propaganda.

But you know where only one party rules and all opposition is in prison? Yes, in your beloved nazi russia )))


Zelenskyy will continue to do glamor photo shoots, go from country to country demanding money, NOT tell Americans he’s shaking down England and most of Europe — implying that America is his last hope, so send billions! — and we’ll be stupid enough to go for it.

We’ve given you enough armaments and money to win your war. If Zelenskyy were serious, he’d be at the negotiating table now. He’s not. He wants more billions. This next Congress isn’t promising, so he just might get them.

But the American people are getting fed up with this. Of course, that’s where folks like you come in. But you’re not doing your job very well. You won’t change anyone’s mind with talk of “nazi russians,” or telling people who are against sending billions to one dictator to fight another dictator they’re pro-Putin or pro-“your beloved nazi russia.” We can be against sending money to Zelenskyy and against Putin all at the same time. You saying life has to be the way you say it is just sounds childish and simple-minded.

In short, Zelenskyy needs more sophisticated propagandists who are better informed, speak English better, and don’t think insults are good argument.


What "negotiating table" do you mean? You mean - to surrender to nazi russia? ))))

No one could "negotiate" with hitler. Because he wanted to conquer the world and occupy countries. No, Poland could not go and "ask to negotiate for peace". Neither could other countries. hitler was stopped only when his army was crushed and he lost the war. putin is exact copy of hitler. He will be stopped when he will die or his army will lose. There is no other option. Thats why Ukraine needs money and weapons.

Anyway - why are you so obsessed with nazi russia and defending its fascism? Like really, why? Do you get payed for it?


Then I guess you don't know that Putin made an offer in public.

I don't like Putin. I don't like Zelenskyy. You're under the impression Zelenskyy is a saint, and I'm not. Your propaganda is that anyone who doesn't agree that Zelenskyy is a saint is some kind of "nazi russian." We have idiots in our country who call people "bigots" and "racists" because they don't agree with them. Small children argue that way. Grown ups know that just because someone calls someone a name doesn't mean they are that. Name-callers say more about themselves than they do the other person.

Now, why are you avoiding my question about where you come from? My guess is my tax dollars pay you to spread propaganda and insult me. Your broken English gives you away. So are you from Kiev? Lutsk? Lviv?

And what the heck is with the "))))" all the time?


What offer?


He offered to go to the negotiating table. You're SO up on the latest! 😉

So you ARE paid by my tax dollars given to Zelenskyy to get on here and post propaganda for ol' Volodymyr? The fact that you're dodging that question speaks volumes.


What "negotiating table"? What did he offer? Tell me.

Honestly I thought you were a russian bot on payrol because its hard to believe that an adult person can be so naive and actually believe all that nonsense you write. 13 years old children can be that naive. Because they are still too young to understand how the world works.

But I looked you up and you have been for many years here on forum and you actually are a very naive and simple minded republican voter.

Ill try to explain to you again that Santa doesnt exist and its your parents putting presents for you despite movies and tv news convince you that its actually Santa )))

"piece offer and negotiations" by putin means Ukraine stops fighting for its territories and people who live there and orders its soldiers to go back home. While nazi russia keeps all the territories she is still occupying. Then uses that time of "peace" to produce more weapons, tank, planes and train their soldiers to attack again in few month or a year. Just like they did for the past 8 years after first "peace negotiations" = minsk agreements. Because russia is a liar and always lies. As USA president told everyone russia will invade and told exact dates - your beloved nazi russia was laughing and telling everyone its rubbish and they dont plan to attack. Then attacked.

At this point even 15 years old teenagers have to understand what nazi russia is and that you cant reason with them just like you couldnt reason with hitler. They can only be destroyed on battlefield.

But I guess there are still some naive and stupid adult republicans that live in fairy tales. Stop embarrassing yourself.


One of the smartest things I ever heard was from a liberal Democrat. "You don't negotiate with your allies. You negotiate with your enemies." Putin offered to negotiate again today, which Zelenskyy dismissed as a "trap." Sounds like the war hawks during the Vietnam War. They were making money off war, too.

I'm not reading any more of your crippled English unless you begin your next post with where you come from. You'll keep dodging that question, though, so I suppose we're though.

Apropos of nothing, back on the old IMDb, there was a certified lunatic from Norway whose English was a bit worse than yours, but who insisted she came from the US. Her writing, and her delusions, were so distinctive that some who ran their own websites had dealt with her before and knew it by the writing style. That's how I found out she came from Norway -- the others told me by her IP address. Anyway, if you try to claim you come from the US no one will believe you. Even your writing has an accent...just like hers did.

I haven't run into you on Twitter, my usual haunt. I'd recognize your distinctive style of writing anywhere. Zelenskyy really needs to hire better propagandists. Name-calling is so childish and is no substitute for real argument.


I have to remind you another famous phrase in USA: "We dont negotiate with terrorists".

nazi russia is literally a terrorist country. And you actually want to negotiate with it. This is equivalent of you proposing to negotiate with bin laden and taliban and give them New York so that they would promise to you not to attack other american cities. Which they wont do of course and settle in New York, rape and murder its citizens. Then start bombing further. Because they are terrorists.

Dear person. Since you obviously still live in fairy tale and have no idea how world works and what is foreign policy and what is putin and nazi russia then I have to remind you again - russia lies. Always. There is not a word that comes of their mouth that is true. They dont want any peace. Its all farce. What they want is to occupy whole Ukraine. And have pause to produce more weapons and gather more soldiers. Its truly amazing that there still are so naive and stupid people that believe in anything nazi russia says. Like do you even remember how Biden kept screaming that nazi russia will invade and gave exact dates but you beloved nazi russia was saying its not true and they dont plan any invasion?


You are such funny person. You truly look like a russian propagandist on payroll. But you did stay for 6 years on this site. And it looks like you are just an ordinary republican voter.

But you write such naive nonsense. Like 13 years child would think. You have no idea how world works and what is happening outside on USA. You read pro-russian republican bloggers who very carefully give you little snippets of information. And put in your head what they and their masters from russia want you to think. Thats why you keep repeating like a parrot about minsk agreements, nato, peace offers. Because this is the only thing that your bloggers put in your head.

Occasionally you’ll turn on real news channels but you dont understand what they are saying and you dismiss it, not even remembering what they say. Then you run again to your republican bloggers who put in your head russian propaganda. You listen to that and start thinking you know foreign policy and what is happening in Ukraine and russia.

You are like a cult member. Nothing can go through to you. You only believe what cult leaders are saying. And it all makes sense to you.


Still won't say where you come from.

Zelenskyy should hire more talented propagandists. You're utterly transparent.


You still didnt say why are you so obsessed with defending nazi russia and trying to justify its reasons to invade a country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, raping women and children and wiping out whole cities.

Like its not some brief discussion on some twitter feed. You spend time to come to this site again and again to not only justify nazi russia but to attack its victim - Ukraine.

Are you from a family of ethnic russians who came to live in USA? Are you an immigrant child? Because many russians salute their hitler and fiercely support him even while living for 30 years in another country.

There was a funny story in russian press about a russian woman who lived in Italy for 30 years and was so angry that everyone didnt understood russia and its reasons and she was so patriotic and proud of her country that she packed her things, sold her house and moved back to russia. Brought her adult daughter and sister also. Found herself a job and was so enthusiastic about living in her beloved country again.... She lasted three months then said she is packing her things and returns to Italy with her daughter because it was better there and she doeesn likt to live in russia anymore. But she supports putin and is proud of him.

Are you one of those ethnic russians that love their nazi country from a distance and that why you defend it so much? Why dont you just pack your things and move there too?


I told you I wasn’t going to respond to your idiocy until you began your response with where you come from.

You must be ashamed of it.


From your last few posts I get to conclusion that you are out of arguments. You simply don’t know what to answer. Like every victim of aggressive propaganda. Thy can only repeat what propaganda said. But they cant form their own conclusions and opinions and get confused when people argue with them.


Not out of arguments. Just insisting you tell us where you and your broken English come from.

I can wait.


So.... out of arguments then.

You still didnt answer why you are so obsessed with defending nazi russia and make excuses for what it did. You spend a lot of time trying to justify them and attack its victim.

And all your arguments are basically: "Well she shouldn’t have wear that short dress that way rapist would not rape her. Its all her fault. Poor rapist was provoked with that woman looking hot. She should have stay at home her whole life and not ruing life of poor rapist"....


Still ashamed of where you come from, I see.

At least you’re not trying to insult our intelligence by claiming you come from an English-speaking country. You write like Boris and Natasha complaining about moose and skvurrell.


So.... out of arguments then. Gotcha.

You prove my point again.


Why should I be arguing with someone who think russia is nazi. Fascist is not socialist, but you not know this. Why I be arguing with someone who think I am in love with "beloved nazi russia"? You can't even figure out spellcheck, let alone international politics.

Go sniff Zelensky's chair. Then come back and tell more about moose and skvurrell.

PS: Wanna bet he doesn't get the sarcasm?


So.... out of arguments then. Gotcha.

You prove my point again.

Did you ever considered to move back to your birth country to nazi russia? Or was it only your parents who were born there? Anyway it looks like you really love those kind of fascist dictatorship countries. They will give you place to live somewhere in dying villages of Siberia. Maybe even some old broken house. They actually have that kind of program where they welcome back ethnic russians who live in other countries. Their villages are dying because young people move to big cities as there are no jobs in villages. So only old people live there and many empty abandoned houses. So they can let live there ethnic russian who came back. There is no water and gas there, but some have electricity.

You will be happy there as you clearly love that country. And even if you are not ethnic russian - they will still welcome you. As they are obsessed with foreigners who love their nazi ways. And kiss their asses. Good luck.


Go sniff Vlod’s throne. Then come back here and write more incomprehensible projection nonsense à la “moose and skvurrell.”


So.... out of arguments then. Gotcha.

You prove my point again.


I'm not out of arguments. I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't know the difference between fascism and socialism, acts like a paid propagandist -- and a not very knowledgeable one at that -- for Zelenskyy, and is so ashamed of where he comes from he won't say where that is.

But I've told you this. All you can do is repeat lies from your imagination and tell me I'm out of arguments...while you continue to bob and weave, dodging the question of where you come from. Not an English-speaking country. Your "moose and skvurrell" grammar makes that obvious. So, Lutsk? Lviv? Kiev? Where?


You didnt answer why you dont want to move to your homeland country to nazi russia since you love dictatorship and fascist countries.


If I loved fascist countries, I’d move to Ukraine. If I came from Russia (note the capitalization), I’d have English on the “moose and skvurrell” level you exhibit.

This is pointless. Arguing with a child like you is like dealing with someone who taunts, “I’m rubber and you’re glue!” I’m done. I leave the last word to you, which no doubt will be you saying I’ve run out of arguments and that I will now slink back to “nazi russia.” 🙄


It looks more like you are child of russian immigrants. Like you could be born in USA even but daddy and mommy taught you to love nazi russia and made you watch their news. Lots and lots of ethnic russians who live in Europe, USA est still obsessively adore putin and everything it does.
Because otherwise I cant understand how any non-related person can so obsessive defend nazi russia and its inhuman attack on Ukraine. Like what is wrong with you? I assume you also defend hitler and bin laden and in your mind "they had reasons"?


Why don't you stop at this point discussing with this obviously fascist troll?


You're probably right. He's not going to tell me where he's from. He has reason to hide it which means he likely is a fascist troll.


Destinata is one of those people who think that "the one who will say last word won the argument". Which why she keeps answering "to have the last word". Which is just funny. But since she is fascist supporter I’ll keep answering back :) Because its fun.




> Yeah. People dont often understand that nazi russia spend enormous money on bot farms to push its agenda.

That's pretty silly. Russia doesn't have enormous money. They spend less than a tenth of what we spend on their military. Russia is also not Nazi.

Russia doesn't have a thriving economy because the US stangles their economy, as we do for all the countries that want to plot their own course. Russia, Vietnam, Venzuela, Cuba, etc. All over the world.

It was Ukraine's Nazis that took money, weapons and training from America to prepare for war against Russia. The US installed 3 of Ukraine's last 4 Presidents - Yushenko, Poroshenko and Zelensky.

The OSCE verified that it was artillery fire from the Ukrainian side of the Donbas that was increasing in severity daily just before the Russian invasion, or Special Military Operation as they called it. Russia called it that for a reason. Like we called started calling our interference in different countries a Police Action from the Korean war on.

I don't see how you can call a country that is at war with its own people a democracy. Ukraine was actively ethnic cleansing the Donbas and genociding ethnic Russians, with US backing and direction.


Funny that he doesn’t respond to you. Possibly because you have more facts and specifics at your command.


Russia doesn't have enormous money.

Joke of the year. LOL

They literally do. Dont you know what an enormous amount on money they receive each month for gas and oil?

Russia is literally nazi. They copy step by step everything nazi Germany did.

Russia doesn't have a thriving economy because it is corrupt country and their oligarchs and putins officials take all money to themselves instead of doing something for their country and people. Did you see how many russian billionaires there is? Where do you think money came from?

Venzuela and Cuba are extremely poor because their people allowed idiots and dictators to rule their country.

I wont even comment of that nonsense about "US installed 3 of Ukraine's last 4 Presidents". That straight from nazi russian propaganda books. LOL. This is literally what they are feeding their brainless people. And you are one of those russians I assume?

What are your excuses for hitler and WW2? Was that a "special operation" for you too? "He had reasons? He was pushed? Poland and other European countries were doing ethnic cleansing and were shooting at Germany"? LOL. Stop embarrassing yourself, russian troll. putin is poor mans hitler and he and his crazy nazi country will be destroyed. And there would be no one to pay you money.


I don't agree with everything Mr. Quarantino said, but your response, "Venzuela and Cuba are extremely poor because their people allowed idiots and dictators to rule their country," is hilarious. You mean UNLIKE PUTIN? 😂 Putin probably isn't an idiot -- although Biden tried to get us to believe he was by trying to sell us the moronic story that Putin blew up his own pipeline -- but do you honestly think Putin isn't a dictator?

You destroy what little credibility you have with your "nazi russia" nonsense. Calling everyone a "russian" or "nazi" that you disagree with doesn't help you any, either. I guess someone who's having to justify the country with the Azov Battalion figures projection is the best defense. But if everyone's a Nazi Russian, then your fascist socialist (🤪) accusation becomes even more meaningless than it already is.


The problem with emori and other empty-headed supporters of the status quo lies is that you have to really scrape the bottom of the barrel these days to find people so clueless and uninformed to offer some of the old lies.

Russia lost 25 million Russians to the Nazis. It is like the Holocaust for Jews, every Russian family was decimated by one third ... and they will never forget. Not to mention all during the war Russia's supposed Allies, Britain and America held off to let Russia get destroyed before they began their second front invasion of the European mainland - and them immediately after the war began their Cold War against the Russians.

Russia was cruel in grabbing Eastern Europe and the Iron Curtain, but after what they had been through it's understandable. Horrible, but understandable. Russian needed a buffer zone because they had been attacked so many times from the West before and they were not going to let it happen again.

The American beef with Russia is that we want their resources, and we do not want them competing economically with us in Europe. We've been plotting against them since the end of WWII.

The bottom line is that the US was aiding Ukrainian Nazis, promoting them into the Ukrainian military and government because we know they would work towards ethnic cleansing and genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbas, and that would cause Russia to react, eventually militarily. There are experts after experts and all kinds of research papers that show this.

This was is worse than and more of a lie than Vietnam, but only because the US is not directly involved ( yet ) do we know hear about this in the news media.

Ukraine is pushing 15 and 16 year old boys into military service. Do we care about that when we play it up as being patriotism?


Russia lost 25 million Russians to the Nazis

You are confusing here russia and USSR. USSR was a Union that ruled by russians who occupied other countries. First - no one knows total losses. Second - loses are for USSR, not russia. There were 15 countries in USSR and each of them had soldiers fighting nazi Germany.

Out of all the "republics" of USSR Ukraine took the hardest hit and most loses comparing to its total population and territory as basically whole Ukraine was occupied. I guess they didnt tell you that on your republican pro-russian sites.

Estimates of the number of casualties in different works differ significantly, ranging from 5 million to 7 million dead citizens of the then Soviet Ukraine.

Later, human military losses were determined at 2.5 million people and 5.5 million — dead prisoners of war and civilians. In relation to the total losses of the USSR, this amounts to 40-44%. Taking into account secondary demographic losses (deaths from diseases and hunger, deportees, emigrants, losses due to natural population growth), the losses will amount to approximately 14.5 million people.

Almost 700 cities (40% of all cities of the Soviet Union destroyed by war) and 28,000 villages were also destroyed. The estimate of material losses amounted to 285 billion rubles (in 1941 prices) - more than 40% of the total loss of the USSR.

Every fifth Ukrainian died in the war. Only 3% of the total number of enlisted men in the summer of 1941 survived.


Russia/USSR ... if you are confused it does not bear on the validity of my argument. Russia has been invaded periodically and perpetually through history, and virtually all Russians lost many friends and relatives in WWII.

> Out of all the "republics" of USSR Ukraine took the hardest hit and most loses comparing to its total population and territory as basically whole Ukraine was occupied.

Doesn't make any difference to what I said.


All of it is irrelevant to this situation where nazi russia invaded Ukraine. I dont even know why did you bring this up. As if involvement of russians in WW2 gives then right to become nazies themselves and attack other countries and spares them from responsibility for that. LOL.

But since we are talking about it. Do you even know that USSR (russia) and nazi Germany were allies in WW2?

Read "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact"

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.

In addition to the publicly-announced stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included the Secret Protocol, which defined the borders of Soviet and German spheres of influence across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. Soon after the pact, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September.

After the invasions, the new border between the two countries was confirmed by the supplementary protocol of the German–Soviet Frontier Treaty. In March 1940, parts of the Karelia and Salla regions, in Finland, were annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. That was followed by the Soviet annexation of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertsa region). Concern for ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians had been used as pretexts for the Soviets' invasion of Poland. Stalin's invasion of Bukovina


russia literally is AGGRESSOR and has been starting wars and invaded other countries for centuries.

USSR (russia) and nazi Germany were allies and lovey-dovey friends because stalin wanted to share Europe with his dear ally hitler. Only hitler was fooling him and didnt want to share any power with anyone. stalin didnt believe that Germany will invade USSR up until the moment they did. AND ONLY AFTER that russians were suddenly: "OMG, nazies are like baaad". If hitler would not invade - russians would be "dear allies" with nazies for decades. And Britain and USA would not be able to fight them both.

Its hilarious how pro-russian republicans dont understand that and act as if russia cant be nazies because they "fought nazies". Everyone fought nazies.

And watch how in 1939 when russians invaded Poland - they used they same fake "ethnic reason". As many aggressors do that - they lie and pretend they "were forced" to invade and occupy countries. Just like nazi russia does now.


Honestly I cant even tell if you are just a simple empty headed nazi republican of you are ethnic russian whose parents emigrated to USA and that is why you are obsessed with defending nazi russia. Because you constantly watch russian propaganda, maybe even in original form on russian news sites since you may know the language if you are child of russian emigrants.

Its truly mesmerizing to see an american to repeat word for word goebbels russian propaganda. Like literally this is what they feed their zombie people.

But I loved you passage about: "russia was cruel in grabbing Eastern Europe but reasons....". That was hilarious.

Its the same as you would say: "Well hitler was cruel in attacking Europe but understandable. He was attacked so many times from the West before and he was not going to let it happen again. Everyone wanted to grab German resources, he had do defend himself". :) LOL

The way supporters of nazi russia will always try to justify every horrible thing it does is amazing.


> Its the same as you would say: "Well hitler was cruel in attacking Europe but understandable.

In the mind of an insane clown, I guess , that would seem the same.

There are facts, and there is propaganda on both sides. What dishonest people do it is call everyone from one side or the other propaganda.

There is a lot more propaganda and disinformation in the West coming from the West. Furthermore if you look to the past American propaganda has lied us into every major war we've been in and has created a huge military industrial over-government that doesn't care to inform or listen to Americans' opinions.

I should not even respond to such a clueless obvious troll such as you, and I will not in future, except perhaps if you challenge facts with facts that you can back up.


There is propaganda and there are facts.

FACTS ARE: nazi russia attacked and invaded Ukraine. Its occupied Ukraine’s territory and cities. It stole and looted homes of Ukraine people, stole money from Ukraine’s banks, robbed all stores. Its soldiers raped Ukranian women and children. Many Ukranians were forcibly deported to nazi russa.

Ukraine did none of that to russia. Its didnt invade russia and didnt occupy its cities.

Why is it so hard to understand? Its truly beyond me how can anyone support nazi russia and everything it did and try to justify it. What is wrong with you?


> There is propaganda and there are facts.

And you cannot deal with facts. When you make stuff up it's not facts.


LOL. Dude, did you live for the past year in your russian propaganda echo chamber and you dont know any of that?

Often I really cant tell if I’m talking to nazi russian troll on payroll or its simple minded republican voter from USA. As its truly hard to believe that person may live in USA and be American yet be so stupid and not understand what is happening in the world because they locked themselves in russian propaganda echo chamber and view world from the nazi russian propaganda point on view.

Like I assume you know that nazi russians truly believe that Europe if freezing to death without their gas despite its being so hot in Europe. Like +15 C. But propaganda is telling it to them every day and they believe. They also believe that British people eat hamsters out of hunger and Germans cut of all the trees in their parks to burn them to get warm.... I assume you believe it too and those are your "facts" :)


The best reply to emori's nonsense is to inform yourself.
Even a liar or propagandist cannot alter FACTS, and facts are what is
being discussion in this public library forum on the Ukraine war.

Almost every major fact that bears on the Ukraine situation is brought
to light in this talk, with audience participation - as it should be in the


No one is opening your nazi propagandist links. LOL

Edit: Ok out of curiosity I opened your link and went to see who those two clowns are. There are two most common types among nazzi russia apologists and defenders among foreigners.

1. On direct payrol from russia. Do it for money.

2. Crazy local conspiracy theorists who hate American government no matter who is in charge and always try to prove that USA is doing something baaaadd. That way they always support everyone who USA is against. And are always on the side of Cuba, Venezuela, Taliban, Isis, Bin Laden, North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Belarus and other dictatorship and terrorist regimes.
And always try to prove they they are the victims.

So those two clowns from your video.

Dan Kovalik: Kovalik's first book, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia, was published in 2017 He was co-author of the book No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using 'Humanitarian' Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests. Kovalik accused the United States of intervention in Colombia saying it has threatened peaceful actors there so it may "make Colombian land secure for massive appropriation and exploitation". Kovalik is a supporter of the Venezuelan government. Kovalik called the Bolivarian Revolution "the most benevolent revolution in history"

Scott Ritter: is a former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq (1991-1998). Critic of US politics. Putin's apologist. Supports Russian aggression against Ukraine, known for his predictions about the "quick collapse of Ukraine" and the "ultimate victory of Russia". Criminal, pedophile.

Ritter is a critic of US foreign policy in the Middle East. Before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Ritter said that Iraq did not have a significant WMD capability, becoming, according to The New York Times, "the most vocal and credible skeptic of the Bush administration's claim that Hussein was harboring weapons mass destruction".

He was repeatedly accused of sexual crimes against minors. Was convicted of unlawful contact with a minor and five other charges in a 2011 trial. He did not admit his guilt. He was released on parole after 2.5 years of imprisonment.


Russia doesn't have the money to waste money on "bot farms" to push its agenda. You are simply being confronted, for the first time, with the opinions of average Americans. This forum doesn't engage in heavy moderation to ensure only regime friendly talking points are displayed. This is one of the sites you can go to do discover the way people really feel.


Dude, russia literally spends millions on bot farms for years. Were you on Mars last few years?


A bit like the Yank CIA and NSA do then.

Having a different opinion does NOT mean someone is a "Nazi"!

That says a lot about America.


Supporting nazies and terrorists makes you a nazi ))))

If you do support nazi russia in any way - you are nazi. Simple as that. If you support hitler - you are nazi. If you support bin laden - you are a terrorist supporter.


And if you support Biden, well, depends...


I saw what you did there. 😉


The Retardo pivot. Impresses the intellectually and morally inferior.


I was just about to post the link to this story. Yes, it's pretty obvious.


like it or not there are plenty of people supporting russia around the globe, of course you can label anyone who's opinion you don't like a russian bot, it's up to you


Well there are many nazies outs there so what can you do. Just isolate them.

All countries that support nazi russia are all either poor sh*tholes who want money from russia or have dictatorship regimes - china, cuba, north korea, venesuela, belarus, iran, syria, zimbabve... And then there is hungary in that lovely company )))


You see there is a strict definition of nazism and calling russian actions in ukraine a nazism is nothing but a populist statement. Do you consider usa a nazi country for the invasion of iraq? Also i think you should consider any country that continues to do business with russia as being supportive, because trade matters and votes in the UN don't


LOL. USA invaded Iraq because it was terrorist country led by terrorist regime. They never occupied its territories to declare them "New Part of USA".

Nazi russia invaded Ukraine because russia is a terrorist country and then declared occupied territories "their own". Nazi russia is terrorist regime that must be destroyed. But its was powerful than Serbia or Iraq and has more weapons so USA and NATO are afraid to do that. All they can do is to give Ukraine weapons and help Ukraine to destroy nazzi russia. And to force sanctions so that nazi russia would have less money.


Grow up here, did the UN label russia as a terrorist state? i know that this term is being tossed around casually in regard to any country that the west doesn't like, but really? a terrorist state? a nazi state? Russia invaded ukraine because it was on the course of becoming nato country. You should ask ukranian leadership why did they pursue a nato membership instead of following minsk agreements.
BTW still trying to figure out what makes a country a terrorist nazi state to you: an occupation? an annexation of another territory?


LOL. I know thinking is not the biggest asset of some righwingers

But did you heard that Finland and Sweden joined NATO after nazi russia invaded Ukraine. Like they are almost done, its 2 countries left that have to give their approval. And Finland has direct borders with russia. Did you see nazi russia invading Finland? ))))

Ukraine would never be allowed to actually join NATO. NATO would always give excuses no to take them in because NATO was afraid of russia. But Ukraine will become NATO member now. As soon as war will be over.

nazi russia makes new "reason for attacking Ukraine" every week. I cant believed that there are still brainless fools who believe it was about NATO )))


well if there never was an intention to take ukraine into nato then usa and nato should have stated that in their response to Putin's security guarantees. Was that hard to do? Unfortunately, all they said was "nato has an open door policy"


What? Dude - nazi russia invaded Ukraine because putin is poor mans hitler and wants to occupy lands and restore some sort of new ussr. Because nazi russians loved when everyone were afraid of them in ussr, that countries feared and respected them.

There can be no ussr 2.0 without Ukraine. So nazi russians always wanted to occupy it again and make it russia and be under russian control.

Stupid belarus doesnt exists as a country anymore. Its basically another russian region at this point. Armenia has been under russian command for many years now. Parts of Moldova has been occupied by russia for many years. And if Ukraine would fall then Moldova would be occupied next and made part of nazi russia immediately. Then Georgia and so on. No one would protect them.

Story about NATO was always for fools and idiots. It was never about NATO. That why when Finland joined NATO - everyone at russia didnt even notice it.

Small minded idiots dont understated whole picture. World War 2 was not about hitler wanting Poland. Its was just the first country he invaded. Ukraine was just the first country nazi russia invaded. And with courage of Ukrainians and help of the whole world - Ukraine managed to halt it and stop it from going further.


well, you should get your facts straight, first of all Finland and Sweden did not join nato yet. Second, do you have any proof that it is about restoring soviet union? Regarding Georgia, there already was a swift war between Russia and Georgia and after the georgian AF were defeated Russia chose to keep status quo, none of the Georgian territory was annexed. Also if you read Minsk agreements (which basically guaranteed that Ukraine will keep all of it's territory) you'd see that Putin tried hard and waited long enough for Ukraine to implement them. So to it seems to me that your argument is based on assumption. If you read the security guarantees you'll see that it is about nato. But still i feel like i need to reiterate my question, was it hard for the US to guarantee that ukraine would never join nato?


LOL. Dude, stop reading nazi russian propaganda from republican sites. You know nothing about what is happening in russia, Ukraine. Georgia.

You look ridiculous when you try to prove everyone that: "hitler had his reason. He said Poland didnt implement minsk agreements and wanted to join nato, and something-simething more. poor hitler had no choice but to invade Poland yo. And then other countries too. Its aint his fault, yo. He tried hard and waited long enough for them to do what he wanted, whatever that is. But they ditnt so he invaded and occupied them, killing millions. But it ant his fault. its everyone else's fault, they forced him " )))))

I cant believe you can type that with straight face.

No one knows for sure what forced russian hitler to invade Ukraine. They dont know it either. They make up new reason every week for fools who still believe them. Most probably reason is because he is mentally insane and wanted to restore some sort of version on USSR 2.0. since they are obsessed with it in nazi russia. And it was always a tragedy for them when they could no longer occupy all those other countries and order them around.

If Ukraine would fall then other ex-ussr countries would be invaded next. Starting with Moldova and Georgia. Then Armenia, then Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. And NATO would do nothing being too afraid to implement own rules and start all out war with nazi russia being afraid it would bomb more european countries. So they would just watch in horror as nazi russia would cross borders and occupy those small countries in a day.

I cant believe there are still fools that believe in some "minsk agreements, nato scare" and other nonsesne. They literally change their reason every week. ))))


after reading your comments it seems that you have no idea what is happening out there, sorry, i'd stick to the facts (minsk agreements, security guarantees), not to the msm claims that keep changing every month (bring back ussr, restore kiev russia, an insanity etc)


LOL. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

All you "know" is russian propaganda that you read on republican sites. Who, for some weird reason, copypast it and root for nazi russia against their own country. Which makes them traitors.

You live in your own republican-russian echo chamber. And you believe everything that nazi russian priogaganda spits to your ears. Which is just hilarious, really ))) And sad.

Like do you even know that russians hate Americans and would gladly drop bombs on them if there would not be answer back? They would gladly invade Alaska and take it back. Claiming "USA broke minsk agreements" or some nonsense. And you would support it I assume?

How can you support nazi russia? How can you see how they killed hundreds of thousands civilians and wiped out whole cities and bomb Ukraine with 1000 rockets to leave them without electricity so they would froze do death.... Like what is wrong with you? You hate USA so much? Or do you hate just Democrats? So much that you be became traitor of your country.

Or are you American of russian descend? Are your parents russians? Thats why?


No, Joe Biden told Putin that he would put Anthony Blinken on the job of implementing the Minsk Accords, but he did not, and we did not, and in fact Ukrainian shelling of the Donbas went up by 20 times - forcing Russia into action.

Meanwhile Zelensky who also promised to end the war against Donbas shut down all the oppostion media, made laws against Russians, and was working with NATO and the CIA to build up his army to take back Crimea and flatten the Donbas.

With all our lives and taxpayer money, not the US is working with Japan and the Phillipines to "set the stage" for a war on China.

emori is a lying lunatic with comic book ideas.


You are an obvious troll - just stop.


What proves he is a troll is that he doesn't stop, he doesn't listen, he is allergic to facts, will not respond to facts, and makes up fake facts while he insults people with true facts.


And all their supporters are in China!


It just means anything emori says is probably poppycock.


Im 100% pro Russia
Im 100% anti Israel and the US government along with the Ashkenazi owned banking, weapon & energy complex.


Honey than you are fascist and nazi and must be arrested. Not to mention you are racist also.


See now, aren’t you convinced by this persuasive argument by emori? I believe it was Aristotle who first came up with the theory that anyone who disagreed with him should be arrested. And they write books about him today!


Dude - are you new?
Every fucking mainstream news outlet is bought out by the corporations and governments near you. You are getting the narrative your governments wants you to hear and support. And yes, Russia is no doubt playing this game, too.

Your mind is a battlefield. Do be aware that the pervasive narrative is not necessarily the correct one - in fact, it is more likely to be the wrong one. Learn critical thinking skills - analyze information from that angle.



Let me guess: Russia?


no Republikkkan supporters


Same difference.
