Falsely arrested


Falsely arrested in Atlanta today for bank robbery. Bank of America.


BLM gonna be pissed, everyone involved was black.


This dumb MFer walked into a bank, wearing a hat and mask, wrote a note on his withdraw slip that said he wants the teller to quietly count his money $12k) in the back because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself, and is surprised the teller called the cops? Is he serious? What a strange way to do something people do every day without issue.


Hat and a mask has been pretty common the last couple years if you didn't notice.

I worked as a teller for a year. People writing notes outlining their transactions and giving it to me was pretty normal. He also handed her the withdrawal slip with his account information, his ID, and his debit card. I'm honestly not sure how the teller jumped to robbery here. Especially since the article said she put his info in the computer first, which means she would have seen his bank balance immediately.


"I'm honestly not sure how the teller jumped to robbery here."

I'm honestly not sure about your comprehension, because all of this added together makes her response justified.


^This dumb muthafucka ignored the fact that he gave the teller a FUCKING WITHDRAWAL SLIP WHICH INCLUDED HIS ACCOUNT# AND GAVE HER DUMBASS HIS FUCKING PICTURE ID. Plus he had his debit card and pin. You're obviously too stupid to know that bank patrons that wish to withdraw large sums of cash (12k in this case) commonly request that it be counted out of sight of the lobby.

A customer of a bank that was robbed shortly after withdrawing a large sum sued the bank because they weren't discreet and painted a target on his back. Cooler bears absolutely no responsibility in this shit show.


I've seen a few of you idiots try to float this narrative that criminals just sit in banks waiting for customers to make large withdraws. Laughable.


ya no criminal would ever rob people at a place where they are insanely likely to be walking in with to deposit or just left with a large amount of money.



How often do customers at banks get robbed?


people get robbed at ATMs outside banks all the time. also I am sure it happens sometimes outside banks too.

your assertion was retarded


"also I am sure it happens..."

Speaking of retarded, you think this has merit, LOL. I'm sure it happens, hahahaha!


yes ATM robberies happen all the time.

ohh look



I expect a written apology. man up


Wow, 5 people...


wowww every single robbery isn't reported.

again ATM robberies are common, the FBI doesn't exactly keep stats on ATM vs "they left the bank and got robbed"

Try again clown


When you say something happens "all the time", you kinda have to prove it, or you're going to get mocked. 5 examples isn't proof, bud.

And for fuck's sake, this wasn't an ATM. Enough with the fucking ATMs, you dope.


I said ATM robberies do. I said banks sometimes.

learn to read dumb fuck or go away. awwww two sentences were too difficult for you to understand hahah

ill have to write in simpler language and point form for your shrivelled brain


Are you racist or just stupid?


Was the black teller who called the cops on him racist? What about the black cops who detained him?

Do you people really have no other card to play? Idiot.


"it is okay because the teller was also black!" - racist white people

pretty much not too far away from saying "the confederacy was okay because there were black people who fought for the CSA! Therefore the union were the real bad guys!"

i love it when bank robbers also present their debit card, id, and social security number when robbing the bank. LOL, fucking klansmen

and you really wonder why people are calling you racist? i think you're just suffering from mental illness. it's okay, black people arent scary.


He said he passed her a note because $12K is a lot of money and he didn't want people to know.


Do you find that you generally know how much other customers are taking out of the bank?


No, but I suppose he was scared of being seen with a big stack of money being handed to him.


Is he not getting a big stack of money regardless?


Not saying you're wrong, just saying that's what he said. I'm confused about it too.


Not arrested, momentarily questioned while handcuffed. Police do that. To whites too.

Black and white people get judged when they dress a certain way.

I've worked in retail and been told to keep an eye on both whites and blacks depending on how they're dressed.

If he was dressed in business attire he probably would have been fine.


No such thing as racial profiling in White America 🙃


The woman who called the cops on him was black.


So is Candace Owens.


Black people can't be racist, right? So what's your point?


Ignore him ...

He is the live model for that meme "we have to blame this on white people somehow"


withdrawing while black


From a black teller. Detained by black police.


Imagine if the teller was white. She'd be excoriated. Probably fired, too.


I'm still learning about this story... but wouldn't it have been better if Coogler requested a banker when pulling such a large amount of cash from his account? Well, that's what I would've done anyways.
