MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > The disgusting attacks of right-wingers ...

The disgusting attacks of right-wingers will only help her

being as they are only based on her sex or ethnicity. The only question at this time is will she be elected in 2024 or 2028?


If Harris were a blue man......She'd be useless.
If Harris were a pink tractor.....She'd be useless.
If Harris were a green hand blender....She'd be useless.

The fact that Harris *is* a black woman is irrelevant to the basic fact that she's completely and utterly fucking useless.
And if she weren't black women....she'd likely be unemployed.


If her being brown-ish weren't constantly brought up by her supporters and defenders, would anyone even think of her being non-white? There is little about her that isn't about being just as white as anyone in the D.C. power class.


'If her being brown-ish weren't constantly brought up by her supporters and defenders, would anyone even think of her being non-white? '

great point. your second sentence is structured in a way i can't really grasp what you mean


Sometimes I write too late at night. :-)

No matter if she is part brown, or whatever, she definitely acts as white as anyone else in D.C. So does it matter that she is brown at all? I don't think so.


Exactly. Just another one trying to weaponize race to gaslight gullible dem voters


This pig has had more dicks in her that a urinal at the Rose Bowl.


This disgusting woman will only help right-wingers.

There...I fixed it for you.


Name one good thing she has done as VP.


Because her being Fucking stupid as a Rock has nothing to do w it!


She was hired because of her sex and ethnicity. If you get a job because of your sex and ethnicity, you DESERVE to get attacked on those grounds.
