MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > The disgusting attacks of right-wingers ...

The disgusting attacks of right-wingers will only help her

being as they are only based on her sex or ethnicity. The only question at this time is will she be elected in 2024 or 2028?


The only question at this time is will she be elected in 2024 or 2028?

She was flatly rejected by Democrat voters in the primary. Even they aren't sufficiently braindead to fall for her act.


Most of the "attacks" are too mild. She is a monster and a POS who needs to disappear.


Lol! That's what I'm talking about!


Oh, Please... She only got the job because she is a WOMAN of COLOR. She's useless and incompetent. What has she done for the last 9 months but sit on her ass?


I wonder if she ever sits down and thinks that the only reason she has this job is she ticked a couple of boxes. Has a vagina and brown. Man, that must be pretty demoralizing when you think about it. Her entire life, achievements etc boiled down to two tick marks.


I wonder if she ever sits down and thinks that the only reason she has this job is she ticked a couple of boxes. Has a vagina and brown.

That's all she amounts to.

But, my guess is that she's oblivious. Like most Libs, she lives in a dream world. 😕


Well, she did imply that Joe Biden was a racist, and then decided to campaign with him for her own personal gains. So whatever qualifier you want to apply to her that makes her a piece of shit, just know she is indeed a piece of shit.


Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with her sheer incompetence or the fact that everyone hates her.


The only question at this time is will she be elected in 2024 or 2028?

Elected to what?

The odds of her even *being* on the ballot for VP in 2024 are small. Best guess is that they will "replace" Harris as VP in the next two years with whoever it is that the DNC wants to run as next Democratic nominee for president, then Joe Biden will resign before the election for "medical" reasons. This is the Dems only chance for getting a presidential nominee with a chance to win.

I would be money right now that neither Harris nor Biden will be on the ticket in 2024.


She was involved in setting up and contributing to the bail out funds for rioters in the Summer of 2020. That's was helping fund domestic terrorism.


Where did you see the reporting on that?


She openly supported the organization that did bail out these 'peaceful' protesters. They were truly terrorists, using terror and fear to advance their own agenda.


And many of the terrorists she bailed out went out into the world and murdered innocent people. KKKamala has blood on her hands and she is a murderer.


Lol, I'm still waiting for legitimate news sources for these accusations. Without that it's just right-wing trash-talking. With 12,000 posts (!) I'm guessing that is the world (right-wing trash talk) you live in.


Kamala is responsible for this, she is a murderer. It's not even Fox News saying this and I know how you libtards hate Fox News so much because they don't cater to your fragile little feelings in your liberal little bubble.

reply It was called the Minnesota Freedom fund and they raised $35 million dollars to free domestic terrorists.


Still trolling and losing after 7 months. You must be watching CNN.


NYPost and Washington Examiner. SMH.


She makes Joe look like a rocket scientist. And that's just sad!
