MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Mind-numbingly poor choice for POTUS

Mind-numbingly poor choice for POTUS

It's amazing how bad of a candidate Kamala Harris is. Her policies are dangerous, she does not seem genuine, and if you have heard her speak without a script, her words are sometimes bizarre.

Please, please, please do not vote for this woman.


First of all, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and no other Democrats came forward and said they would run after Biden dropped out.

Second of all, Kamala Harris is the Vice President so of course she would be the most ideal to run for president and that's exactly what she is doing. No one else wanted to challenge her.

Third of all, she is becoming more and more popular since Biden dropped out and getting all the voters back that Biden had before.

Fourth of all, her policies are not dangerous. She wants to move forward by turning the page and not going back to the past where Trump wants to go.

Fifth of all, she is one hell of a debater and she destroyed Trump in the debate and he knows it. He says he doesn't want no more debates with her.

Sixth of all, he is 78 years old, being too old to serve a second term. He should be retired playing golf.

Seventh of all, voters want younger people to start running for politics.


"She wants to move forward by turning the page and not going back to the past where Trump wants to go."

Do you even know what that is? I sure as hell dont know what she talking about because she fails to explain anything. She talks in double speak...that should be a RED-flag for you.


What about "Opportunity Economics"? Is that when someone leaves their keys in their car? When a woman leaves her handbag in her shopping cart unguarded?


"Opportunity Economics"

That name is straight out of IDIOCRACY. What a brain-dead say-nothing moniker.


#1 is true, #2 is partly true, #3 is has some technical truth it it by default, #4 is completely false, #5 is not true, #6 is laughable considering Kamala herself supported Biden for POTUS up until about 45 days ago, and #7 is kind of irrelevant.



First try fails Kamala Harris, HillaryClinton, Michelle Obama, JFK jr, Gov. Jerry Brown, NYC Mayor Ed Koch, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. There is only one Republican on the list, Pete Wilson.

All eventually passed, just not on the first try.


she is not qualified for the job she currently holds let alone the top post. it is insane to me people would vote for her, but some people vote the party not the person wth


She is a brilliant choice in regard to appealing to voters.

Many women will vote for just because she's a woman. Women will conclude that she's "Strong and can handle it" and "It's about time" as many women do not care what a woman does or is about, as long as she's a woman.

Women will support men who say they are women but look nothing like a woman.

I have a grad degree in business and advanced marketing for nearly everything it's wise to market toward women. That's because they make almost all major and minor purchase choices for their family. That means the choices of men are highly influenced or overruled by the women in their lives.

So, she is an ultimate candidate to get people to blindly vote for her.


I agree in the sense that some Harris is running on her identity, and at least some people will buy into that. It's just a really just that so many people are so invested in identity politics.



Those who will vote for her have numb minds.
