MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Racial Hypocrisy/Double-Standards

Racial Hypocrisy/Double-Standards

If Disney replace/recast the Phase 5 Big Bad...

Does supposedly 'woke' Disney *really* want to go there...? πŸ€”

EDIT: I'm watching you Disney... 😠 Watch the FUCK how you step.


Brolin happened back in 2002, 20 years ago!
Majors happened two weeks ago.
Huge difference.

It’s not unlikely that Majors have a large lawsuit coming and even have to do time for assault. Imho well deserved. Only based on his history with women!


Oh, so DV is okay, if it happened in the past?

And what history with women? Oh, yeah, you're a racist and distrust Black men (and NO, the fact that you're a WOMAN doesn't give you a cover for your RACISM; stop with that BULLSHIT; HOW DARE YOU use your sex as an excuse to be RACIST; that makes you MORE TOXIC and DANGEROUS than white MALE racists, who don't come up with your BULLSHIT excuses). 😠


Omg, sjw derangement!


Black people are allowed to be dumb and sex addicts.


Armie Hammer is available




Just face it, he did it. He's the stereotype.


Of course he did and now trying to wiggle out of it!


Yeah, you don't get dropped from top PR firms if they believe you're innocent. That's kind of their forte.


LOL at some people constantly trying to white wash this guy’s crime. He did it and he was rightfully cancelled.

If he was stupid enough in year 2023 to hit a woman knowing he my be cancelled for it then its his own fault. He race doesnt matter.

And to this particular Brolin case - woke Hollyowood has weird thing when they dont cancel for past "known" crimes. Like if some crime resurfaces and new allegations for past behavior resurfaces - they will cancel. When its well known crimes like Mel Gibson and Chris Brown - they ignore it.

Lots of black artists have domestic abuse in their past. But dont get cancelled now. Its weird. But it is what it is.

If new woman would show up and claim Brolin beat her up 20 years ago he would probably be cancelled. But since its well known fact - no one cares.


As another poster here pointed out. If he owned it and apologized things might go another way.

He hasn’t. He’s trying to push the blame on her looking more guilty in the process.


I do think contrition counts for something. I'll grant you that.

But occasionally the reason people don't admit they did something wrong is because, hey, *they didn't do something wrong* (i.e. they might be innocent). Unless we have footage of the alleged crime, or eyewitnesses, it's often hard to be certain.


For sure and I agree. I this case we have a bruised woman. I’m leaning against guilty here.


Uh, oh. Watch out, Disney. Some dude on a low-traffic message board is watching you.
