Getting divorced?

Joe Jonas has been seen going without his wedding ring multiple times in recent weeks, and he is now reportedly preparing to file for divorce from his wife Sophie Turner.

The 34-year-old Jonas Brothers singer has also reportedly retained a divorce attorney, according to People.

TMZ previously reported that the musician and actor had been meeting with divorce lawyers. Sources close to the situation also claimed that he was preparing to file divorce documents.

Joe and the 27-year-old Game Of Thrones star are said to have been having 'serious problems' for the past half year.

Sources told the publication that Joe has been primarily handling parenting duties in recent months.

They said he had been caring for their two young daughters — Willa, three, and a one-year-old girl whose name has not been publicly revealed — 'pretty much all of the time' for the past three months.

It's unclear where Sophie has been or what has caused the arrangement leaving Joe to reportedly take the lead, though she has continued to act since the end of her HBO series Game Of Thrones.


Everytime she spoke about him, she seemed disrespectful.

That was hit fault though.

Never be that man.


Before she married I used to get the feeling she was gay.


She has two kids with him so now she will never have to ever work again.


There have been a flood of rumors saying HE is gay!

Lavender marriage?


Ah, could be!


Who knows, I don't. All I know is that I've heard gay rumors.

And that his publicist has fired the first shot.


Very sad day. They seemed to have a strong celebrity marriage. I had high hopes for them, thought they'd last at least five years.


Reminds me of Charlie Sheen/ Denise Richard's marriage, they divorced not long after she gave birth to their second kid. Darn that seems like yesterday. Not a fan of Sophie nor Joe, but that is sad. Hopefully his siblings are content with their spouses, I would hate to see a domino effect.


Celebrities should not marry other celebrities. Especially when they marry during some fabulous flashy phase of their careers, then when things slow down they find out how incompatible they are.


yup, it happens way more often than not.


Most celebrities are kind of screwed up anyway. That desperate need for attention is why they became celebrities in many cases. So it's not surprising that their marriages fail.


'then when things slow down they find out how incompatible they are.'

When they actually have to spend time with each other!


Exactly, when they not are posing and preening together on a red carpet, or being surrounded by sycophants at some premiere event party.
