Thank you Oprah!

Her support helped reelect him.


Yes because the sheep will follow whatever that multi billionaire woman says. Like she really cares about inflation, high energy prices, defunding of the police and open borders considering her lifestyle


Republicans have zero chance in Blue states all because of their dumb views on abortion. They only cling to this view because of the Bible and it will continue to cost them dearly come elections.


So very very true...


Most republicans support abortion up to 15 weeks. Thats not good enough? You really think its moral to perform an abortion on the womans day of delivery?


You obviously don’t follow politics dude, those running are preaching about demonic powers, no exceptions for rape, and backwoods redneck nonsense haha.

Then again, why would any sane and rational human being, side with the bigoted Republican Party?


So you support open borders, free healthcare to illegals, all time high inflation, record energy prices, being able to vote without a pic ID, and defunding the police? And you are asking me if I am sane and rational?


What would Republicans do about inflation? I don't think it's in a parties control to stop globe spanning inflation. Wish it was that simple.


How about stopping reckless govt spending. How about using the oil right here within our country instead of buying it from the Saudis. When energy prices go up, everything else goes up too. The biggest reason for global inflation is countries are trying this silly green energy deal, which only favor the elitists and not the working class person


"The biggest reason for global inflation is countries are trying this silly green energy deal"



They would blame the Mexicans and Jews.


There are no abortions the day of delivery


You can in California and NY, and several other states




The article is about abortion after birth. In NY, you can get an abortion anytime before delivery. Same with California and a few other states


Prove it!


I give you New Mexico.

"...The state has no gestational limits or waiting periods for abortions, and it does not require parental consent for minors who want to undergo the procedure."

BTW, "no gestational limits" means abortion right up to the moment of birth.

So, suck on it.


You're being silly!

If Republicans cared about abortion, then you wouldn't support Herschel Walker who FORCED 2 women to have them.


There are issues far more important than abortion anyways like open borders, defunding the police, inflation and record high energy prices


You're only repeating conservative media's talking points.

Notice how Trump and the GOP did nothing to build a wall during the two years in which they controlled both Houses.

Crime is driven by poverty and loose gun laws. Crime and murder are lower in blue states because of policies to lift people out of poverty and get illegal guns off the streets. No police department has been defunded.

The Saudis, OPEC and Putin control oil output. The GOP wants us to depend on them because they donate to their political campaigns. The Democrats believe in green energy so we call finally tell Big Oil to F- off!

You don't care about abortion because it was never important. Neither is Christianity or you'd support a decent Christian minister who wants to help people rather than a guy who beats up women, forces women to have abortions and commits fraud against military veterans.


Immigration was under control with Trump. Refugees remained in Mexico and there was no fetanyol problem compared to today.

A big reason for rising crime rates is liberal cities having a policy of cashless bail, so criminals get released same day. Also these liberal prosecutors are not prosecuting many crimes allowing criminals to get off

We were energy independent under Trump. Biden cancelled pipelines and stopped drilling, so now we have to beg the Saudis and the communists in Venezuela for oil. The democrats believe in green energy because it benefits their special interest elitists financially, and they get people like you to buy into it. Behind closed doors, people like yourself are laughed at by the same people you support. But most of all, by making us non energy independent, it weakens Americas footprint in the world. Fossil fuels have lifted more people out of poverty in this country than any other field. Nations like Russia, Iran and China are so happy to have dolts like yourself who still support the democrat party


And Millsey finally drops his dumb-nobody buys it liberal-persona


You're repeating talking points. The truth:

We're still energy independent and export oil as well as import:

BTW, Republicans wanted consumers to pay high gas and oil prices which is the reason they voted against "House Resolution Act 7866 Consumer Gas Price Gouging Act"

China, Europe and the rest of the world are moving to green energy. China signed a deal to sell their electrics cars in Europe. The EU has legislation to outlaw gas cars by 2035. U.S. car companies are already transitioning to EV cars because they need to stay in business. Oil is stuck in the past.

Trump built no wall paid by Mexico.

Do you have a link to proof that cashless bail increases crime because the research I've seen shows the opposite?

"Remember, changes in the cash bail system is not for all crimes. The changes that are happening are directed towards nonviolent crimes and petty offenses like misdemeanors, so do not buy into the false rhetoric that we are opening all our jails and letting out rapists, child molesters, and murderers. That is simply not true.


millsey's been served.


I give you New Mexico.

"...The state has no gestational limits or waiting periods for abortions, and it does not require parental consent for minors who want to undergo the procedure."

BTW, "no gestational limits" means abortion right up to the moment of birth.

So, suck on it.


Link to someone who had a baby on her delivery day from a credible source.

Why did you support Herschel Walker?


I never supported Walker.

As far as a link to someone who "had" (I assume you meant "aborted") a baby on her delivery day, are you really fucking kidding me? Who would publicly admit to such a heinous murder?

Based on the fact that a woman *can* legally abort their baby right up until the moment of birth in New Mexico, it's reasonable to believe it has actually happened.


You're the one saying aborted babies on delivery day is normal. Link or admit you're lying!



I never said it was "normal."

Go fuck yourself.


Yes, YOU are a LIAR!
It's good that you admitted it.


You are living proof that's not true, you wandering abortion.


If Republicans cared about abortion, they wouldn't be supporting Herschel Walker who FORCED two former girlfriends to have abortions that they didn't want. Furthermore, they're supporting Walker instead of a Christian minister! They're hypocrites and liars.


Republicans have zero chance in Blue states all because of their dumb views on abortion

We need more people to say this out loud. I agree with banning late-term abortions. But denying a woman the ability to suck or flush out some immature cells out of her body in the first trimester is just plain silly.

I'm a conservative but I cannot stand bible-thumpers. I'm actually Christian. But all I have to do is read Genesis to realize that the Bible is simply a work of fiction from 2000 years ago, and it's no longer relevant. Sure let's all obey the 10 commandments and do good onto each other. That's all good stuff. But we have the means now for early abortion before a heartbeat, and it's just ludicrous to deny a woman this basic right.

Despite being a conservative, I laugh at some of the Far Right hypocrisy that says the government CAN force you to keep your baby, but CANNOT force you (or even suggest) to get a vaccine. They shout "My Body!", but yet don't let the pro-Choice crowd carry that sign?


Democrats would vote for a box of macaroni and cheese if it had a D beside it. Thanks a lot PA, now he's the whole country's problem.


Spoken like a butt hurt republican


Well, should I link some videos of this guy with his scrambled brain-damaged musings or are you just happy to have a guy in there who you know will vote the way you'd prefer?


I hope you have people talking shit about you when you have a stroke...


He was an idiot before he had the stroke.


And you were one when you were conceived


Fetterman sounds fine although he's still recovering:

Your party is violent, cruel,and hateful as your comment shows. I'd hope people around you would show more compassion if you suffer an accident or illness in the future.


Who are you saying is my party? You don't know me.

I don't think there is any harm in saying this guy is not fit to serve. He needed to take time off to recuperate, then come back later and run when he had his shit together. His people and his wife should be ashamed for egging him on.


Yes, people who have had a stroke need to take time off and recover. And now he's back at work.

You have zero compassion. You had better hope your future medical issues aren't met with the same hostility you have shown by your boss, family or friends.


Thanks a lot PA, now he's the whole country's problem.

Please don't blame Pennsylvania as a whole, my friend. There are 67 counties in Pennsylvania and a mere 3 of the largest Dem cesspool counties handed Fetterman his bogus win. Hopefully, the brazen voting fraud will be caught and fixed, the sooner the better, as was done in Florida with its wise reforms (e.g. requiring voter rolls to be annually reviewed and updated, strengthening ID requirements, establishing the Office of Election Crimes and Security to investigate election law violations, and increasing penalties for violations of election laws).


GQP delusional fraud accusation lies aren't working this time. Nobody wanted the puppy-killing carpetbagger except you and other MAGA extremists.


52% of Fetterman's votes were mail-in ballots.

We understand how he "won."


Mail-in ballots were used successfully by Republicans for years including by Trump. Democrats copied your strategy! Great that he turned his weak-minded cult against it and hurt your party.


I don't give heed to a word you say, Keelai, because practically everything you say is Far Left drivel, no offense. Evidently, you took what your LIEberal college professors taught seriously. (LOL)


Here we go with the election denial. Typical


Like Dems aren't known for gross voting fraud. (rolling my eyes)


Only by republican cry baby sore losers. But keep looking for that brain.


And did you vote for #45? If anybody resembles Macaroni and Cheese, it's that idiot.


Good for him. He is the consummate Democrat - brain damaged.


I’m not so sure Oprah is the one to thank. I think Fetterman won this wo her on his own. She just wanted to say - although Oz was on her show and they had a working relationship, she didn’t endorse him. So if people were voting for Oz because of her, then don’t. And that could have also had a backlash.


Oprah created Oz popularity which is a type of endorsement. She removed her endorsement when she asked people to support Fetterman. Some of her acolytes in the suburbs and rural areas were likely influenced since they practically worship Oprah.


Fair point. The public disconnect was necessary to separate herself from Oz should anybody be confused. It most likely did help. It was understated and at the last minute as it was going to be close. I think Fetterman’s health will only get better with time. He lost a fair amount of weight and he’s probably on a regimen. And he’s qualified. Harvard grad master in public policy.


She likes to flash her eyes, that trojan horse!


yeah, thanks for creating the likes of Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. thank you so much for entertainment disguised as help.


I agree. They're quacks.


He will be put in a home before he even gets to see his office.
