MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > Electing this guy is a national embaress...

Electing this guy is a national embaressment for the US

He can't even talk for fuck's sake. And when he does string a sentence together, it's gobbledygook. This is just rubbing the steal in people's faces.


I'm curious if there are any Aubrey Plaza fans in this thread berating Fetterman because of his health problems?




She's a stroke survivor...


Well if Fetterman ever takes up a career in professional dress up and starts making movies I'm sure people won't give him a hard time about that!


Plus, young brain. Older brain. Will he heal as well?...


He’s an embarrassment to the demokkkrats and believe me that’s saying something


You're an embarrassment to humanity, you creep.
That goes w/o saying but I said it anyway.


How so? Because I don’t support a cult of crybaby brats who want to kill anyone who doesn’t think like they do?


So you don't support the MAGA crybabies in the Republican party? Your posting history would disagree with that.


There are no Maga crybabies. There is however a small segment of the Republican Party that is actually willing to stand up to the domestic terrorist demokkkrat cult and call them out on their evil

Also MAGA literally means: Make America Great Again. The fact that you don’t want to make America great is disturbing.


This guy won the rural vote in PA the way no Democratic candidate has been able to do in many years. No wonder the GOP hates him, and is totally pissed off.


I voted for Fetterman but only because hes a simple yes vote in Congress for the democrat agenda of open borders and continuing the war on fossil fuels to promote green energy
