Was it political?

Say it isn't so!!


Do priests fuck kids?


Priests? Time to check out of the 1980s pal. "Do bears shit in the woods?" is now "Do politicians fuck kids?"


Well, most of the priest/child incidents came out in the 90s, so you missed on that one yourself. I assure you, that issue is still ongoing, and the fact that politicians fuck kids today doesn't change that.


"I assure you, that issue is still ongoing, and the fact that politicians fuck kids today doesn't change that."

Well then, just don't forget to adhere to solid DEI principles and mention all the prominent groups of adults who still fuck kids today. Give proper credit where it's due.


It's "school teachers or administrators" now. I would ask the poster in question that if the churches are empty as the media states then how would clergy take advantage of kids? Most perves went into education and were the ones that had their desk located away from the door of the classroom so nobody could readily see them at the end of the school day.


Nah. Teachers and priests are amateurs compared to politicians, as well as intelligence networks that set them up with young kids for blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein was almost certainly a recent incarnation of this blackmail network. See the recent books (2 volumes) "One Nation Under Blackmail" by Whitney Webb.


Is the bear Catholic? Does the Pope poop in the woods? Oops.... xD


Ode to the old Steve Martin routine from Wild and Crazy Guy


Really? I heard it in a play called "Nunsense," hehe. Sounds like the Reverend Mother knew about him.


I think I saw that play Nunsense too, when it played in Buffalo many years ago.

But it was popularized by Steve Martin :

philosophy you remember just enough to screw you up for the rest of your life. Then you studied the important like ethical questions: is it ok to yell "movie" in a crowed fire house? Uh, religious questions. Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Oh yeah, it was. Russia got their terrorist thug back..still I'm glad Griner is back home before Xmas. She was used by the Russians in a similar way the North Koreans imprison westeners. bargaining chips .


That dumb bitch was too poor and cheap to pay some Russian criminals a couple bucks for weed so she decided to internationally smuggle it and payed the price. She is a laughing stock who was never famous for her career only infamous for her small scale failed drug smuggling operation. We should have let em keep her. She would be more productive operating a sowing machine in the gulags than playing a dumb childrens game back home...


I mean history has shown that the rest of the world knows to start taking hostages when weak democrats are in American Office so all those journalists and what not flaunting their American Privelege abroad better start trying to fit in with their surroundings before they become the news story.


Her imprisonment was political as was her release. Other Americans are in Russian prison. Why isn't the media and our media chasing politicians trying to free them? Rhetorical.


Her imprisonment was political as was her release. Other Americans are in Russian prison. Why isn't the media and our media chasing politicians trying to free them? Rhetorical.


Her imprisonment was political as was her release. Other Americans are in Russian prison. Why isn't the media and our media chasing politicians trying to free them? Rhetorical.


kwestmo. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you.
