MovieChat Forums > Ben Shapiro Discussion > How can he be a Jewish Nazi?

How can he be a Jewish Nazi?

A lot of folk call him a Nazi but that seems rather insensitive and actually oppressive.

He's clearly a rational, reasonable being (If a little intense).

Why insult him so?


Let me sum up???
Let me 'splain:

The NAZI part:

Crazy leftist freaks call anyone who disagrees with them in the tiniest of minutia, a NAZI.
It doesn't matter that ALL NAZIS ARE D E A D. D.E.A.D.....
Logic doesn't matter.
Facts don't matter.

The Jew part:

He claims to be a Jew.
His last name is a Jewish last name.
Honestly, that's enough for me.
He's Jewish.


All Nazis aren't dead. Plenty of skinheads walking around proving otherwise.

Crazies dump a LOT of people into the Nazi camp that don't belong there, but there are still people who ascribe to the Nazi party's agenda and ideals.


Nazis are dead.

Screaming on the street corner won't bring Nazis back.

It's over. Nazis are dead.

Pick a new name or just get used to being called idiot.


That's like saying pagans are dead. A lot of people have recently picked up the pagan religion and started using it.

Saying Nazis aren't around just because Hitler's particular administration fell strikes me as sticking fingers in ears and covering over eyes, but the problem is still there. I don't think Nazis are a society-wide pandemic, but they are there.

There are literally groups of people who espouse the politics and values of the Nazi party and call themselves Nazis or Neo-Nazis. I struggle to come up with necessary criteria they are failing to reach.

Republicans are still Republicans even though the first Republican administrations are dead and gone.


Nazis are dead and pagans are deader! Wiccans are deluded, nobody knows what pagans were like. Wicca is a 20th century invention, and skinheads were all born after WW 2!


They follow the same ideology, espouse the same values, call themselves Nazis, and hold the same political ideals.

I cannot believe I have to repeat this: what criteria do they miss out on?


But I think today they are called Neo-Nazis.


so basically Neo-Nazis are cultural appropriating real Nazis. Nazi LARPers.




Fritz! You cannot oppress minorities in the name of the Fatherland without rolling to test against your oppression skill!


"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."


90% of people the left calls Nazis aren't Nazis, they're just Whites who are tired of being unfairly blamed for everything, taken advantage of and having their countries destroyed by the left. Most of them don't want to invade other countries or put anyone in a concentration camp.


I agree with you. I was disagreeing with TimMC, who claimed that Nazis weren't around anymore. They are, although (as you say) they aren't as widespread a problem as a lot of crazies claim.


I challenge you to tell of just one skinhead that is a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.


If you're saying the official Nazi party isn't around anymore, yeah, that's true.

If you're saying that skinheads don't adhere to the hateful ideas of that group and espouse its rhetoric and ideology, I will disagree with your assessment of their ethos.

And if you want to get *really* technical about this, there are probably still literal Nazis alive and decrepit:


Stalin killed more people and there plenty of Stalinists in the dem party.


I'm not sure why we're talking about Stalin, since my comment/section of this conversation didn't really have anything to do with him, but yes, Stalin was a monster. I think communism results in evil, albeit a different flavour of evil (not that that matters - splitting hairs on what "type" of evil is happening).

Are there Stalinists in the Democratic Party or Marxists? Or Communists? Or Socialists? Because there are big differences between all of those categories, although I have known people to use the terms basically interchangeably, which makes for really inaccurate and frustrating conversation.


He's very clever. Just like Joe Rogan.


I saw him on Rogan recently and I would in no way label him a Nazi.



Only Muslims and Marxists use Zionist as a slur. That makes you the neo Nazi!



Because Nazis and Zionists have plenty in common.


I believe that there were Jewish people who adopted the "Benny from The Mummy" tactic of "It's better to be at the Devil's right hand than in his path". If a person, regardless of their race, sex, gender, etc., ascribes to Nazi ideology, then they are a Nazi, regardless of what else they may be. That could include a Jewish person. That would be foolish. It would be paradoxical, oxymoronic, and would end only ever in tragedy for that person, but it could happen.

Now, the woke types tend to label *everybody* as Nazis or fascists. Then again, so do the alt-right goons, yelling it right back at the wokes. "Nazi!" is a go-to insult for anybody with no idea of what Godwin's Law is - or who do know of it but have no sense of irony or self-awareness.

But, the question here is: is Ben Shapiro a Nazi? I think Ben is pretty far to the Right. I tend to think of him as being a little further along than I'm comfortable with. I don't think he's necessarily in "fascist" territory. But he's a lot closer than a lot of other people.

It gets messier, because Shaprio would say that Nazis are Left-wingers, but I'm not sure that's true. They *claimed* "socialist", but they didn't really live by socialist principals or aims. Political labeling gets extremely messy because everybody dumps all the bad attributes in the other camp. On the Left? Right wing is bad - fascist, Nazi, authoritarian, liars, whatever. On the Right? You describe the Left in the same way. Then, making everything even muddier, these "sides" don't even do what they claim. Take the Right, for instance. In a lot of cases, Republicans *claim* that they want small government and you make your own choices. No controlling "nanny state" for them! ...until it comes to drugs. Then they're like, "Uh...half are illegal. Coincidentally, it's the half that our pharmaceutical lobbyists aren't making..." I think the Left does this, too. The rhetoric doesn't match the action.


That is common with many now and a ploy he (Ben) specifically calls out and confronts.
When you can't dispute someone with facts or persuade with better just call them a bad person.
Often they do not argue facts and policies and bad ideas, good ideas, great all boils down are a horrible human being, we can just ignore everything you say.




Oh please, the comparisons between Nazism and Zionism, the herding of the Palestinian people into camps, the "chosen people" and the "Master Race" - it's uncanny and undeniable. And it's even more poignant with right wingers like Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu.

You don't need a swastika to be a nazi. Apparently a star of david will do.


The Palestinians are a ethnicity invented by the Arab Muslims to use them to fight a proxy war against Israel.


That make no sense. First, Palestine is a nation. So Palestinian is a nationality, just like Israeli is a nationality. They are ethnic Arabs just like most Israelis are ethnic Jews.

Second, there are many Palestinian Christians. Who do you think maintains the many Christian churches in the West Bank holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem?
