The Truth




It's not even a post. it's a link. How lazy and unimpressive. And I won't go to YouBoob for any reason.


but .. but .. what do you do when you want to know how to fix your printer?





I agree with R_Kane. Posters should at least summarize the video and post the link at the end as a citation. I also don't click on links with no explanation.


Yep. It's lazy posting at its laziest.



Had the poster written out the entire quote, he would likely have been accused of prolixity and verbosity.

Right, but no one actually expects a verbatim quote, which is why I said "posters should at least summarize". Before I click on a video, I have to have an idea of what the video is about. For instance, if it's a video about someone explaining why the earth is flat, I won't watch it, which is why I need an idea of what the video is about before I waste my time.


I've said this before although with less grace than you just did.

Does it hurt to type ONE FKN SENTENCE???????????????

DOES IT?????



Opinion? Opinions are often correct, and this guy's definitely is.


Just because you might agree with something it doesn't mean it's correct. Just because I am stating that this is an opinion it doesn't mean that I agree or disagree with it. I'm just trying to point out that when someone posts an opinion piece and all they say is "the truth" it leads to the complete media illiteracy that is happening in the world right now. We have to be able to distinguish facts from ideas.

The truth is that not the media, not this guy, not you, not me, knows why Simone Biles stepped back other than Simone Biles. Maybe it was because she didn't want to fail publicly, maybe it was something else. The point is all these "truths" are completely subjective, and I do not for one second think that masses are able to distinguish between the two.


The video is "The Truth About Simone Biles" by Paul Joseph Watson, a well-known antagonist of whiny leftist douchebags. It's not a trollish link. Watson's take is perfectly reasonable and centers on the theme that certain people seem to be trying to recast failure, quitting, etc. as heroic gestures.


Uh huh. He may have a very well thought out opinion. But that's what it is, an opinion. Not the Truth like the OP insinuated or the title of the video. No one other than Biles knows the truth.



The "truth" in his opinion, obviously. What, every post like the OP's needs to be preceded with "In my opinion..."?


Copying the title of the video is my insinuating something? Fuck outta here


So? This is the problem. This is presented as some sort of truth, when it's just someone's opinion. You title says The Truth. Nothing else. Implying that you think that the video is the truth. You didn't say anything other than posting a video. If you wanted to have a discussion about it, you would have said something. Instead you said two words. The Truth. I'm simply refuting that it is an opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.


The title of the video is "The Truth" and it's about the person we are discussing now. You're an idiot nothing more, nothing less


What is with you guys being rude. I have not been rude to you at all? Why are you so snarky?

Again, the name of the video is The Truth About Simone Biles, not just "the truth". If you wanted to discuss, you would have said that it was the name of the video and the commentators opinion and you felt the same. You were presenting it as the truth.


I felt no need to add "about Simone Biles" when we are IN HER THREAD. Fuck sake you've got the IQ of a lima bean


You care calling me dense?? Yet you do not see the issue in which I'm trying to explain to you? You aren't even disagreeing with the topic I've addressed other than to tell me that I'm dense or stupid and that this is Bile's thread. Yeah, no shit sherlock.

Since it appears that you are oblivious to the issue I have with your post, there really is no point of my wasting any more of my miniscule brain power on this topic.


Bye ✌


Paul Joseph Watson's opinion is like his ass, it stinks. His pussy hurts because a black woman did not live up to his expectations; whatever they were.


The Australian guy (or whatever he is) in the video is totally right. The fact that leftists are enraged by what he says just helps to prove his point.
