258 people gave this a 1??!

who are you *beep* people?

"Film spectators are quiet vampires."- Jim Morrison


cretins, my friend.
and the worse thing is they're alowed to vote and drive cars



To quote Kent Brockman: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: democracy just doesn't work".



I would not give it a 1... but I don't think my rating would be anywhere near a 10, either. I really appreciated it from a technological standpoint, but other than that, I found the plot kind of, well.. a little dull. I was into it when during the first forty minutes or so, but then my interest started to fade. Definitely not my favorite silent film, but like I said earlier, I would never consider giving it a one.

~I coulda been a contessa!~


I agree, a bit overated if you ask me. I gave it a six.



I'm surprised 258 people have seen the film period. While it may very well be the apex of technical achievement in silent film, I will admit that I probably never would have seen it had I not been a film student. Whenever I bring up this movie to others, even lovers of the silent film era, I usually just get blank stares and then they say "Do you mean Sunset Blvd?"



I've never seen SERENITY or SUNRISE, but such comments are just plain prejudicial.

Visit my webpage - Cinephile Empire: http://imperiocinefilo2.blogspot.com/


The wonderful thing about SUNRISE finally being available on DVD is that other people can finally see it -- and it has paid off. The film continues to climb higher and higher in the esteem of many who love classic film. It is now the highest rated silent film on the SIGHT & SOUND list of best films of all time. This list, compiled once every ten years, invites critics and historians to select their list of ten best -- and SUNRISE is now high on that list. There will always be people who don't respond to a film as subtle and beautiful as SUNRISE -- but many more, if given the opportunity, will be greatly moved and inspired by this allorgical tale of love and redemption. SUNRISE is part of the 12 disc set coming out in December 2008: MURNAU, BORZAGE & FOX. Like Murnau, you will find that Frank Borzage's directing on 7TH HEAVEN, STREET ANGEL and LUCKY STAR is very special. Silent film in the period of 1927-29 came up with some very beautiful and moving material. This set also showcases Murnau's finally Fox film CITY GIRL, which is excellent also.


Of those 258, I'll bet that 258 didn't see the film.



I seriously doubt that those who gave it a 1 even watched it. Maybe they saw the first few minutes, at most. ~shrugs~


People under 18 didn't apreciate the film at all. imho it is a clean 8 on a verry strict scale. Not a notch less (i'm 19 :D). I don't understand how can people not be touched by this, at least a little. It works in so many ways.


Ok I am going to be nice. maybe these folks thought 1 was the best. Believe me I have seen it happened.
Or I can be mean. Maybe these are same people who cannot stand any movie which have subtitles. Be it a silent movie or a non english speaking movie. I seen a lot of people like that. I have known people who like dubbed in movies, I mean badly done dubbed in movies over subtitles. These are usually the same people who like nothing but full screen pan and scan movies and hate black and white films too.



Really? It's on the new AFI list? I'm shocked! Since when do honestly great movies make that rediculous list.

BTW FilmJack, it's understandable that many people gave this a 1. Sure, you and I know its a bonafide masterpiece, but it's very much a relic of it's time, and you can't expect todays generation to embrace such a silent picture. They simple don't know how to invest their thoughts and emotions into such a "lost" art.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!




"you can't expect todays generation to embrace such a silent picture. They simple don't know how to invest their thoughts and emotions into such a "lost" art"

True, but there are a few of us out there who can. I'm an 18 year old female and I absolutely cherish SUNRISE. And I don't do film classes at University either (I actually am doing a Science degree!)- I discovered it on my own.

"I want you to live with me and die with me and everything with me!"


Possible reasons include:

258 people thought 1 was the best score (some of these being the lads n' lasses who watched at the theatre in 1927)

258 homophobes scoured the IMDB for all gay directors and gave all their films a 1 on principle.

258 people scoured the IMDB for directors who abandoned their home countries for the lure of Hollywood and gave their first Hollywood films a 1 on principle.

258 Tarantino worshiping film students were shown this in their first class and told, it's Tarantino's favourite movie. Resented the fact, dropped out of film class and gave the movie a 1 on principle.

258 kids grow up in households where they were forced to watch Sunrise every day until they damn well appreciated it. Then rebelled, giving it a 1 on principle.

258 people mistook Sunrise for some ther movie which isn't very good (or at least, easier to hate) and gave it a 1 by mistake.

258 people saw one of these silly lists of 'greatest American films of all time' and gave them all a 1 on principle for forgetting to include Kill Bill.

All of the above but it was only one guy with too much time on his hands who created 258 IMDB accounts.

Edited to add: 258 anarchists gave everything in the IMDB top 250 a 1 on principle.

Since this thread was started a further 136 people have voted 1. No doubt inspired by posts like this.


Truly great film. I don't know how an above poster said it was "dull".


This gets played fairly often on the Fox Movie Channel (I think it might be the only silent movie they play - I haven't seen any other silents listed on Fox Movie). I think this is a great film, but compared to many films of today, "Sunrise" drags - at least during the beginning.

There are some people who hate silent movies, so unless they are watching this as part of a class, otherwise, I don't know why they would go through the hassle of searching for this and rating it. There were quite a few movies that came up when I searched on "Sunrise", but several that came up (and I overlooked this one and searched on Janet Gaynor's name, so maybe there was some confusion and one of the other "Sunrise"s deserve a 1).


Can't believe no one took the time to thank for your hilarious post.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


its been a while since i registered, but dont you need a credit card/phone verification to vote? or was that only to write rewievs. if so the poor guy must have bought 258 phone cards.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


Welcome to IMDb where "Iron Man" is considered already a "Timeless Classic" and movies like "Sunrise" are barely known and recognized.


Yup. And "Rocky" is better than, "Network," and, "Taladega Nights" is better than, "Some Like It Hot."

The Apocalypse is not coming. It already happened.


I gave it a 1, and I'll tell you why. It was one of the most boring and ridiculous movies I have ever seen. First, this guy gets convinced to kill his wife very easily and then attempts to. Then, after a little chase, the wife forgives him and they enjoy a day together. All I can say is that if somebody tried to kill me, I wouldn't spend the whole day with them, totally forgetting what they tried to do. And the activities I found boring and pointless. They're rediscovering their love? Give me a break. I just thought it was totally lame, pointless, unrealistic, and boring.


I gave it a 6, probably higher than I wanted to, but after reading your post (which I think nails the movie on the head), I'm changing my vote to a 4. Thanks for the enlightenment.


Maybe you have never been in love?!?! If my wife tried to kill me, it would be easy to forgive because she is smoking hot. Plus, for all the things she has done for me in my life it would be easy to forget her trying to kill me. Finally, for all the crap I've put her through, I'd understand if she tried to kill me. Heck, I'd want to kill me...

"You paid for parking? For me?"


Most people don't forgive adultery and lies, but you forgive murder? You, my friend, are a miraculously forgiving person - and a better man than I.

"I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."


No, I forgive ATTEMPTED murder.

"You paid for parking? For me?"


Boring? That's your fault for failing to be able to stay awake while watching a 90 minute film.
The guy was seeing the woman from the city for a while, he wanted out of his loveless marriage and wanted to go to the City with her. Over time his love for his wife had dropped to the point where he's even considering killing her, the fact that he doesn't go through with it shows that he wasn't convinced "very easily": Before he's just about to leave on the boat with her the shot of water projected around him shows he's not 100% certain about it. Did you need a small expositionary scene of him punching a dog in anger just to show you he was unhappily married + had some evil thoughts in him?
She was scared and frightened and ran off into a big wide city she had never seen before, she felt she was alone + needed a friendly face to keep her company (regardless of what he tried to do, he's still the only person she knows in the city at the time) and after much pleading and seeing that he's genuinely remorseful for what he did, only then does she forgive him.
Just because someone in a movie doesn't react to a situation the same way you would in real life, doesn't make a film unrealistic.

Marie got her ass kicked in "Au Hasard Balthazar"


Boring? That's your fault for failing to be able to stay awake while watching a 90 minute film.

Well that's just an idiotic statement and proves to me right off the start that you're a retard who gets offended when someone disagrees with you. You act as if because I didn't like the movie that I'm personally attacking you.

The guy was seeing the woman from the city for a while, he wanted out of his loveless marriage and wanted to go to the City with her. Over time his love for his wife had dropped to the point where he's even considering killing her, the fact that he doesn't go through with it shows that he wasn't convinced "very easily": Before he's just about to leave on the boat with her the shot of water projected around him shows he's not 100% certain about it. Did you need a small expositionary scene of him punching a dog in anger just to show you he was unhappily married + had some evil thoughts in him?

Yeah, yeah I do. For something as big as murder, I need to see the motivation for the character. Being told within the first 5 minutes of the film that he doesn't love her anymore, without reasons as to why, isn't enough development to justify why he would kill her. Then, to have him change his mind and go back to loving her is such an unrealistic change of emotions that I can't possibly take the movie at its word. We're given no real reasons as to why he hates her enough to kill her and to why he loves her, let alone any reasons as to why he could change his mind from one extreme to the other in under 10 minutes.

She was scared and frightened and ran off into a big wide city she had never seen before, she felt she was alone + needed a friendly face to keep her company (regardless of what he tried to do, he's still the only person she knows in the city at the time) and after much pleading and seeing that he's genuinely remorseful for what he did, only then does she forgive him.

Forgiving someone is different than loving them, trusting them, and deciding to live together again. "Needed a friendly face" - Any sane person would take their chances with strangers than with a person who just tried to kill her. Especially with a person she thought she could trust that just completely betrayed her. Which, by the way, constitutes a not friendly face. And again, to forgive someone in a couple of hours to what people consider to be one of the world's worst crimes, is plain ludicrous.

Just because someone in a movie doesn't react to a situation the same way you would in real life, doesn't make a film unrealistic.

But if a person doesn't react the way that the majority of the population would react, then it is. Again, especially because we're given no background or development for these characters. Characters are assumed to be normal unless shown otherwise. This movie failed to do so in a major way.

"I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."


You act as if because I didn't like the movie that I'm personally attacking you.

I'm just questioning your reasoning. "Boring" isn't much of an excuse when criticising a movie, unless it's a film that's deliberately paced slowly that would try the patience of anyone. But to each their own I suppose.

We're given no real reasons as to why he hates her enough to kill her and to why he loves her, let alone any reasons as to why he could change his mind from one extreme to the other in under 10 minutes.

If "Sunrise" showed the woman sleeping with his brother, father and mother at the same time don't you think some people would have wanted him to drown her? I like the fact that you don't get their full background information, it gives the film a universal appeal. Their characters are deliberately thin to match the opening title cards claim that "this story can be told anywhere at anytime". End of the day whatever happened between this couple is between them (and the woman from the city), and if you want a detailed explanation as to why a guy would want to kill his wife you should ask a criminologist or someone like that.

Marie got her ass kicked in "Au Hasard Balthazar"


I get the feeling a certain group of posters gives all the movies they have never seen or just are not favorites on the Top 250 list a one rating, trying to get some of their favorites on it....

I think I have only given 2 or 3 "ones"....One clue is when the remote turns the TV off on its own.

How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb????


welcome to IMDb-- the website where most people on it know nothing about film
