MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1953) Discussion > Rate the three Titanic films

Rate the three Titanic films

Of the three most recent Titanic films, Titanic(1997), Titanic AKA A Night to Remember(1958), Titanic(1953) which did you like best and why? Although I liked them all my ratings are: 1. 1953, 2.1958, 3.1997.




I prefer the older movies. The 1997 version was too drawn out,and I didn't care for the nude scene,even though it was brief,I still don't think it was necessary



The 1997 version was too graphic. We didn't need to see everyone dying and bodies floating around or the moms reading to their children as the ship was going down. It was very disturbing and not needed at all. They left nothing to the imagination as the older ones did. Those scenes were totally gratuitous. I'm sorry it received so many awards. It was really sick.

They werent gratuitous at all. The scene where the mother was reading their children (as well as all of the tragic moments playing during that montage) were very touching in a sad way. We are suppossed to expirience the despair, suffering, and tradgedy of the situation when watching this movie, not just assume what happened. Seeing the dead bodies frozen in the water is much more impactful then just being told it happened.

Maybe you all should be glad that there are multiple versions of the film, so that you can watch which one you like best.

If you like implied deaths and an easier to watch version, see this. If you want to see a more detailed disaster watch the 1997.

As for the fictional romances, the one in 1997 is way better. It was developed more, the characters are more entertaining to watch, there are some iconic scenes (like the flying scene), and the way Jack died was a good example of the tradgedy of the people who froze to death. I assume the people liking the 1953 version are all adults, because they seem to be labeling the whole Jack/Rose thing a stupid teenage plot.

I havent seen "A Night to Remember".


I love the 1953, so it's number 1. I'm going have to find that 1958 version and watch it.. it sounds good. And the 97 version.. isn't good. It's a stupid love story. lol Ugh, I only watch the begining of it.. then they start getting into the Jack/Rose plot.. and I'm out. haha


Considering how many errors and inaccuracies this version has, I cannot bring myself to say anything favorable about it.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)



That would be a gasser of a joke: that Di Caprio and Winslet turned out to be gay, too!

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)



I know. Gossip about the sex lives of the stars has always been popular in Puerto Rico.
How many movie stars of both the past and the present are NOT gay? Often I wonder if there are any at all who can truly be described as straight.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)



Watching how Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor sizzle in GIANT, who would ever believe that Hudson was actually gay?
As for this particular version of the Titanic story, I still remember my bemused disbelief at everybody taking the time to sing while the ship was sinking fast--VERY FAST. If there was one thing that was obvious from A NIGHT TO REMEMBER--which I had watched before I watched Negulesco's flick--, it was that everybody was too busy desperately trying to survive to even think about stopping to sing anything.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)



why do people hate the 1997 verson so much? I watch it last night for the first time and i was blown away by this movie. I am a guy and i can't stand "chick flicks" and love stories. I mean i just don't like them, but this is the only exception to this rule. I loved it, however i have not seen (but i really want to see them) the other two. But where can i find those movie by the way?




"Of the three most recent Titanic films..."

The Titanic starring Barbara Stanwyck & A Nigh To Remember, are not recent Titanic films. There have been quite a few made between the '50s, & James Cameron's version.

But to answer: My favourite is 'A Night To Remember.' My second of the 3 listed, is James Cameron. The last one is the one starring Barbara Stanwyck.

However, if you were to add all the others which had been made over the years, since the disaster itself, I'd rate the Barbara Stanwyck version above the one which came out on TV, in '96, just a few months prior to the release of James Cameron's movie.

Update: I would also place SOS Titanic second after ANTR, but, above James Cameron's one.


First of all everyone's entitled their own opinion but i can't understand
how not all of you think that Titanic from 1997 is the best one?
Some of you said that Cameron didn't focus on the ship, what?
The ship is the heart and soul of that movie and never before has Titanic
looked so alive. One of Cameron's intentions with the film was to
tell the story of Titanic before people knew they were on "THE TITANIC"
He does an excellent job an it is very accurate aswell.
Hey there's photage of the real ship in that one!
Best one by´a zillion! Hands down mr Cameron.

2. a night to remember
3. titanic 1953 (Gif is absolutely gorgeous though ;)

(And I just have to say that James Cameron probably knows more about the Titanic disaster than some of you are willing to admit, the film couldn't be more accurate as far as we are concerned. He almost build the exact replica of the ship for crying out loud. Stop hating and and embrace it! Best movie ever, and yes I have been inlove with Jack Dawson since 1997 no shame at all:P)

"If I could change one thing in life, I'd make time for us"


A Night To Remember is by far and away the best version as it was based on interviews with survivors.

Yes, James Cameron made a very pretty film with some nice special effects, but he sacrificed facts and reality.

I found the 1953 Titanic very moving, especially the last scene between Clifton Webb and his son on the deck of the doomed ship.

The Long Walk stops every year, just once.


Concur with your rankings.

Kevin Costner's; "The Postman" was a better film than '97's "Titanic"; in my opinion.
