Dog name

I Netflix'd this because I heard it influenced some scenes in Star Wars. Although that was evident, I came out really appreciating the film in its own right. It's pacing and plot were far better than many modern Hollywood films. I had one problem though: Was it common in 1940s Britain to name one's dog *beep* ? Perhaps the term is not such a pejorative in that place or at that time. I surmised that was the dog's name because it was a black dog. I can imagine several PC groups going apesh*t over this movie about this.


'N*gg*r' was a common name for dogs - usually black - here in Britain up until the 1950's. Also, the colour 'n*gg*r brown' to describe say, a shade of paint, was frequently expressed without a thought. As we all know this was in the time before political correctness and mass third world immigration thus in those times, no offence was intended nor caused.

This is reinforced by the fact that, in real life Gibson's dog was so coloured and named. As for being chosen as a codeword for the raid - it seemed to be as random as say, 'dinghy'. This was a common ploy by the British to have codewords that usually would not be linked to the target/mission.



That word is Latin for black. Basically it was just a inventive name for calling a dog blacky. However it has been used for offensive terms to someone of african heritage. It isn't meant to be offensive, just the word is now deemed offensive because of the the manor it is used. Like i said its just a different way of calling a black dog black.

But yes, if there was a remake no doubt the dog would be renamed blacky. I would respect it alot if they did use that was actually called that.


A bit of trivia, and a personal opinion, that you may find interesting:

I came across this movie while watching Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (it's the film Pink continually watches on TV). My first reaction to hearing the phrase "...Nig--r's dead, Sir" was to startle and look sharply at the screen. For a moment I couldn't understand what on earth were they talking about.

My husband (who is 61) commented on how strange it seemed seeing those clips again. He first saw "The Dam Busters" many years ago, and it was a common name (for black dogs) that no one much thought about. My own background is quite different, being born and mostly raised in Italy (where the Italian "Negro" - NEH-groh - is the word used for both the colour black and those with dark skin), so I've never come across such a thing before.

I turned on the "Director's Commentary" option on the "Wall" DVD, and, as I suspected, Roger Waters spoke about this for a bit. The part that struck him as particularly funny was how they dubbed over that that part of the film for the American release (I don't know if this dubbing was done just for The Wall or for the entire original film). The dog's name was changed to "Trigger", and Waters mused that it must have been confusing for those audiences, wondering "who ran over Roy Rogers' horse, and what it has to do with this movie?" have to admit, he's got a point!


Miz Verdi



The latin word for 'black' is niger, not *beep* *beep* was a corruption of the latin word and was generally used by colonialists in referring to the natives of the African countries they subjugated. It carried a connotation of inferiority. It was this belief that the black Africans were inferior that allowed the colonizers (Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal) to believe they were doing the natives a favor by subjugating them and exploiting their labor and natural resources. It is this historical context that makes the word inherently offensive.


Well, we're all going to look like racists when and if life is found on other planets aren't we? I mean, all those years assuming space-aliens are slimy and evil. The amount of times we've projected our 'superiority' on them by refering to them as Little Green Men without learning their culture beggers belief!

Men of the time do as of the time but times change. If Gibson had spent the best part of five years of his life running around in a white sheet and burning crosses then I'd agree he was racist. As it was, he sacrificed his whole life towards the destruction of the nazi swastika. He still lies cold in the ground far from home as testiment to his fight against the worst kind of racism. What have any of us here done with our lives to give us the moral high-ground to question that?
The animal's name was a word we used then but don't now and even then it wasn't used in a context of mockery or hatred. Didn't Gibson love the dog?

Slavery was wrong and we can see that from our perspective.Keep that word, perspective, in the forfront of your mind.It was done, still is in Africa and parts of the Middle-East. The Europeans didn't just pitch up and invent it, they just went global with someone elses idea. A lot of Europe was slaved by the Roman Empire for hundreds of years more than European colonists slaved Africans. Modern day Italy owes no-one an apology for hateful graffitti scratched on garrison walls from Africa to Scotland about the peoples she formerly slaved. Calling a much loved pet *beep* in 1943 was acceptable. Calling someone that name as abuse in 2007 isn't. Keep it real, eh?


My point was simply that the 'n' word is inherently offensive to a lot of people and that its use is indefensible today. At least by white people. I was not arguing for changing the dog's name in the movie. If that was really the dog's name, then leave it. It adds an interesting cultural context to the film. My grandfather who flew for Britain in WWI, used to call Brazil nuts 'n***er's toes'. He came from the same cultural milieu as the fliers in this movie. They lived in countries where there largely were no black people, hence no one to offend. That has all changed. Nobody in his right mind would use that term today.


Not even "black" people were generally offended by merely the word *beep* until the Mid-1900s - caused be a "Snowball effect".
It has nothing to do with the fact there weren't any "Black" people to offend; the fallacy of the word JUST being an offencive one just hadn't evolved yet.

The same goes for words like pinanicky (sp?) - Black people used to call their own children that in the US - they used to call themselves Black, *beep* Negro or whatever, it was just another NOUN!!!

The fallacy that "people made up/used the word *beep* only to degrade" is rubbish, and completely wrong - Like the idea that the White men stole simply stole Black people from Africa to make slaves.
Many were actually bought from Blacks & Arabs.

The whole idea of men being BLACK was the exaggerated characature - which should surely be found offencive if everything else is?...

And please don't call it "the N word", I find THAT offensive... It means the same, but is so disgustingly PC bollocks it's untrue.


Dear Bitbyadeadbee:

I had a lot of Latin in School but that was many years ago.
You have forced me to drag out my Cassel's dictionary and my ancient Bennet's Latin Grammer.

You are entirely correct that the Latin word for black was "niger" but you are overlooking the fact iin classical pronunciation "niger" is pronounced with a hard "g" and sounds exectly like the word in controversy.

You might be confusing the proper classical pronounciation with church Latin or vulgar Latin as used in churches and which is the version often taught in Roman Catholic schools. That version would indeed be pronounced something like "NYE-gher" with a soft "g" but it is this form that is the corruption of proper pronounciation, not the other way around.

By the way, your list of colonizing powers omitted mention of Italy, Spain, Germany and the Dutch.


The dog name issue associated with the non-release of this movie in the U.S has been solved. Dambusters is available on Amazon with a release date in October 2006.



My grandfather moved to the U.S. from Manchester and he had a Dog named Ni&&er. He never gave it a second thought. He never meant it in a racist way.

I think we all forget that the word was co-opted, like Gay, to only be used for one of its meanings.

"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."
- H. G. Wells (1866-1946)



I'm afraid you are attempting to rewrite history if you are seriously saying that the 'N word' was innocent and has been hijacked by some kind of language police. That is just not true as I state above. There may be people, including you apparently, who use the word without understanding its historical significance. That is not so much innocence as ignorance.

I am not arguing that the dog's name should be censored, by the way. I just disagree with the notion that the 'N word' has been unfairly targeted by the forces of political correctness.


So you're saying that calling someone Black is innocent - Yet *beep* isn't??

Of course *beep* was used in a nasty way - just like many other words:

And df course there is historical significance with the word - but when people suggest that it should ONLY be seen in that way, it is they who are ignorant - which is why one can argue it was hijacked - not by the PC police, but first by white supremacists.
Unfortuanly the Snowball Effect of politeness after/during/around the time of US Civil Rights put a death warrent on the word.


'Brit' is nasty? Really? That is PC sensitivity taken to a nearly unimaginable zenith.


I don't mind being called a Brit.People are too sensitive these days.


I think they were wrong to bar Nigger from that briefing. He was hardly likely to give away any secrets.


I can't speak for 1940's britain since i was born in 1956. However i can destinctly remember when i was about 7 or 8 years old there was a guy in my street (

Glasgow in Scotland) who ownd a black labrador or similar called by the name in question. You'd hear him calling the dog in the street and nobody thought anything of it. However, i feel i should mention that everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY, was white. I can still remember the first time i ever saw anybody who wasn't white. It was 3 American sailors presumably visiting Glasgow from the U.S. Navy submarine base in the
Holy Loch. I was at the corner of Argyle Street and Union Street and they were diagonally across from me turning down towards Clyde Street where i discoverd in later years that ladies of a certain profession were to be found in a riverside bar. This again was when i was about 7 or 8, or perhaps alittle older. You could have knocked me over with a feather when i saw them. I could hardly believe my eyes. I hope that you understand that it wasn't anything racist to call the dog by such a name as basically there was nobody to offend so we just didn't give it any thought. In the district where i lived (about 50,000 people) i did hear that there was 1 black guy living somewhere at the other end of the area. Hope this was of some interest to you and yes Gibson's dog was black. I wonder what they'll call it in the new movie?


you can't rewrite history. guy gibson had a dog, the dog's name was *beep* it was called *beep* because it was a black dog.


The name of the dog has nothing to do with anything - that word was used to call people names; it was used by some people who thought that they were better than another race of people and that word became racist because of that; these days there is a racist word 'paki' for anybody from the subcontinent - India/Pakistan; however, there are some Indians I know in Harrow who use it in a derogatory manner about their Pakistani neighbours.
I don't live in Harrow any more I live in Los Angeles and people here don't know that 'paki' is a racist word in Britain so they use it in a friendly kind of way when talking about Pakistanis so it isn’t offensive here at the moment; it might be eventually.
To accuse people - and I use the word 'accuse' - of being overly politically correct is a lazy, self centred and reactionary thing to do; the word for the dog in Dam Busters is now offensive and shouldn't be used so get over it!


I agree that the name is now offensive and should not be used. Personaly, I *never* use it, unless I am discussing it

However, the word 'niggger' was used then.
And will be used in a movie about then.

You get over that.


lol my dogs name is ni**er

rule brittania brittania rules the waves britain shall never never will be slaves




brilliant. i salute you. is he lazy?


I don't know if he's lazy or not but when I say lazy I mean they can't be bothered to take a stand and change things when they become offensive - with regards to Rule Britania it's 'Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves; Britons never shall be slaves.'
Who cares what the dog's name was - that was then and this is now; it was funny when they pointed it out in 'The Office' but the character that pointed it out, Gareth - was meant to be pathetic! If they do the new movie they will call it something else - K9??


Guess what the name of the dog playing Ni##er in the film was?

Yep, you've got it.



Oh dear somebody having a go at me; somebody who doesn’t know me is presuming what I am and giving an opinion; tell me are those large CAPS to try to offend me or is that how you shout in print? Let me tell you it’s okay I can read whether it’s in upper or lower case.
All those dear old words and phrases went out at about the same time as pounds shillings and pence; they were and are offensive.
The slave owners in the south used the word (which I won’t use) when referring to their slaves; it was used during the Jim Crow days and it was always offensive. It wasn’t offensive in Britain because there were few blacks living there but when they did start to live there the word became offensive.
So why would you want to offend people by using it?
I am not one of the PC Brigade as you call it, and I don’t know what you mean when you say I am typical of this society; what society; where do you live?
Again you don’t know me and you don’t know what I am typical of and I miss your point completely: are you saying you would like people to use that word that the dictionary describes as ‘probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War?’ If so why? – are you trying to cause trouble?
If you are so fond of the word maybe you should go to Brixton or Notting Hill and use it loudly and freely there – I take it you are not black – let’s see how far you will get; you’ll probably get arrested; and what overpaid moron are you talking about – I presume you meant moron – the one who likes to upset people; you are the person who likes to upset people because if you had your way, according to your writing, you would have these offensive words reintroduced into common usage.
If you like using puff, handicapped, dumb, spastic, taff, coloured or half-caste use them. Handicapped is quite acceptable, by the way, by the PC Brigade, but when you use them don’t be surprised if people give you a wide birth or snigger behind your back.
It is time to move on.


Brixton or Notting Hill...
wow! talk about stereotyping!
i bet you haven't been to London for some time? THEY are every where, not just in Brixton or Notting Hill





The last time I was in London was last Christmas; it's still a multicultural delight with a sense of occasion. It’s when you get to places outside London that you meet small minded people who think that people of a different culture and colour are there to take their jobs or their women; nothing could be further from the truth. That is why the foreign office actively recruits immigrants in their own countries so they can go to Britain and pay taxes and that is what they do in abundance; the stereotype of the immigrant on welfare is a misnomer – they pay more in taxes than benefit.
They also spend their cash (even those on benefit) which puts money into the economy which creates employment.
I used Notting Hill or Brixton as an example so you would know exactly what I meant.
As I said previously it’s time to move on – I now live in Los Angeles, after many years in London, and all cultures, races and creeds have gathered here and we get on; it’s about time that happened in Britain and that THEY, as you describe them, didn’t feel that they had to gather in unofficially designated neighbourhoods.
To say that THEY are everywhere sounds stereotypical to me in any case.


"If you like using puff, handicapped, dumb, spastic, taff, coloured or half-caste use them."

For the record, male homosexuals are poofs. "Puff" is what you do with a cigarette, or the name of a magic dragon in a folk song.

And the word "handicapped" has never been offensive. In fact, it's a polite euphemism for "crippled," "lame" or "gimp."

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


You can talk about tearing up the race card or whatever but calling people names because of their race - no matter what they are - is racist; people who do use the race card are being racist too.
It’s not against the law to dislike anybody or even hate them; it’s against the law in civilized countries to let race affect your judgment in things like employment and housing etc but if you don’t like the blacks there’s no need to try to think they are inferior to you with their use of English - we's just as good as YOU is – because it just doesn’t work.
All this talk on here about reintroducing racial epithets can only stir up hatred and you know where that leads; it’s becoming offensive and boring at the same time so if that’s what you are trying to do you’ve succeeded – but neither of you are very funny, entertaining or even clever so just grow up.


well said Bongo. I was just going to reply but you took the words out of my mouth. they're probably nasty old men living in somewhere like Mansfield or snotty nosed kids lving with their parents


went to Mansfield last year and it was ok - but I know what you mean about the racists on this thread and I agree with Bongo 6 saying that it's time to move on; we do know where racial intolerance leads to it leads to ethnic cleansing and the gas chambers. This thread started about the name of the dog in the dam busters and it was bound to come to talk of racism but did you know that those very poplular four letter words *beep* and *beep* are old english words - one of them coming from Chaucer. Back in those days the words were used but they, like the 'N' word became the 'F' word and the 'C' word so it is time to realise this and as Bongo 6 says it is time to grow up whether they are in Mansfield, old or young or living in front of their computers in a room in their parent's house.



and you say you're not a racist?


Of course pandkduke is a racist and if he thinks what he is saying is not racist he is delusional. He also says he’s a Christian – Christ taught compassion, love and tolerance not hate.

It’s a myth that the so called asylum seekers are scroungers or spongers – anybody who says that they are knows nothing, absolutely nothing, about economics.

Pandkduke is just an idiot and he is very offensive and abusive. Wherever he is he sits with hate in his heart for people he knows nothing about – ok he will probably come back and say he works with Pakistanis, blacks and lives near the so called asylum seekers. He will tell you a story about someone on benefit that gets loads of money from the state and all the other apocryphal stories that circulate about them. None of them ever standing up to scrutiny and put about by the ‘hang ‘em’ ‘flog ‘em’ send them home brigade.

He hates people he doesn’t know because he reads the The Daily Mail, The Express, The Sun or one of the other tabloid rags that permeate Britain with their pornography.

The more he writes on this thread the more he buries himself – he has no argument left except for name calling etc. I too am a member of the so called PC Brigade, as he calls us, when it comes to offensive racist name calling. It’s good he writes on here so people can know that his – or her (you never know) – type of people exist; that's why I won't report his abuse.




Well I have to answer 3 posts here but I will start with pandkduke.

First of all I’m not your old boy. You used that decrepit phrase before in an earlier post of yours.

You are as predictable as I said you would be. You read The Daily Mail (the paper that supported Hitler) and you gave an apocryphal story about so called asylum seekers. Some story you no doubt found in The Daily Mail together with the story about the man with loads of children collecting benefit. This is coupled with another story with no proof of somebody living with a one bar electric fire – give me a break you boring old racist.

Your worst phrase was put a turban on your head, a bit of gravy browning on your face and talk in a funny accent and the government will fall over itself trying to do things for you. Very original – you missed the bit about wearing a shamrock in your turban and I wonder what funny accent you have?

I was right on all my points you have no arguments left.



I read The Guardian even though I am working in the USA at the moment - so laugh at that!



You remind me of those hysterical Victorians going on about "the fatal glass of beer ...First step on the road to perdition. "



As I said before – this post was supposed to be about the dog’s name in The Dam Busters but now we are in to affirmative action; it may interest you to know that the people in Britain won’t know what you are talking about.
I agree affirmative action can look as if it’s directed against whites but it really is – or should I say was as it no longer exists – it was really there to help minorities including women. It didn’t prevent very clever people from getting into Harvard or Yale or any other Ivy League College. They will always get on but it did help blacks get into colleges where they couldn’t before. And why couldn’t they before - because America ill-treated blacks from, and especially at, the beginning.
Affirmative action was to try to make amends but even that wouldn’t be enough if you think about it. The terrible experiments they did with black people – giving a group of them syphilis to experiment medical treatment, the Jim Crow laws that followed slavery, slavery itself – segregation. Not to mention the alleged CIA planting of crack cocane in south central LA!
Can you blame anybody wanting to make amends?
Who cares what you think of Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like – Farrakhan is a member of the Nation of Islam and the other two are ministers in the church the same as Martin Luther King.
They have been accused of anti-Semitism and not without good cause but can you blame them when they are fighting such a tradition of intolerance here in the USA.
From talking about the name of the dog you go on about illegal immigration and that usually means the Mexicans - the hardest workers in the USA. They come here to work and you very rarely see them begging.
At the moment with the Minuteman Project Mexicans are frightened to make the trip across the border and in some parts of Northern California, because they can’t get the illegal workers, fruit is going rotten and is being thrown away. The farms are losing money all because the administration won’t make some kind of law to help the Latinos work here legally – don’t forget we are all immigrants here. It’s a land of immigrants. Where I live used to be Mexico until the USA purchased it from Mexico – just a year before gold was discovered here.
Do you know I am willing to bet that if the border was open and it was a free for all the same people would stay south of the border that live there now.
Enough said now change the name of the dog in the new film The Dam Busters and let it go at that.


I agree - racism at any level be it name calling or whatever should be stamped out; it's only ignorance after all. The so called Asylum Seekers in Britain are refugees and when they are set up with a life there they will pay taxes etc.
The money they are being given at the moment goes into the economy and the stores where they spend pay taxes on it - if they spend their welfare cheques on booze, cigarettes and petrol they will pay even more tax. Work it out - most of the time they come from civilizations older then Britain and they were exploited by the British Empire in the past in any case.
The British Government build recruiting offices in places like Pakistan to encourage immigrants because they need them - to pay taxes and for their children eventually to pay taxes - without them Britain is sunk.



What would I like you to do about it or - as you put it - - And just what the heck do YOU want ME to do about THAT?????
I wouldn’t like you to do anything because there is nothing you can do. You are just a little man with no power and you try and fill this thread with your hate.
The only thing you can do is write in big caps as if that makes things bigger and better. You are an idiot - a prize nut. You have demonstrated by your writing skills just how big an idiot you are; no doubt you will write again in your big caps (CAPS) and we will laugh at you again. This is a film site – go and find yourself another web site – a web site for the idiot fringe where you should feel at home.
Maybe go back to school where they might teach you tolerance and maybe how to write – loser.



I asked for nothing except for you to get off this film site and leave it for film criticism and discussions; they were talking about the name of the dog until you and the other Daily Mail reading idiot with the 6 bed roomed house, two kids at private school and no doubt ‘room for a pony’ jumped in with your hate spreading diatribes – go and blog somewhere else if you hate so much.
You and the aforementioned are very easy to manipulate – go away you nutter!



I didn't go to a comprehensive although I have nothing against them; before comprehensives there were grammar schools and the secondary modern schools and they were terrible so unless you have any better ideas – and I’m sure there are better ideas – you will have to put up with them – but there again you said you send your children to private schools so I’m glad you can afford it.

You do a lot of assuming, don’t you; you assume because I read one of the best newspapers in the world that I am a Labour Supporter. (I also read The Irsih Times and The New York Times) How would you know that; how do you know that I’m not a communist or even a fascist. I know a few Daily Telegraph journalists who are way to the left of me; so it doesn’t really matter what newspaper you read does it – or even write for.

When I was working at the BBC some years ago there suddenly seemed to be an influx of Worker’s Revolutionary Party members selling their newspaper The Worker’s Press at the gate but they liked to read The Telegraph; so don’t make the mistake of assuming anything.

I’m not in any quagmire and I am certainly not jealous of anybody especially you – how could I be jealous of a racist which is what your writing tells me you are. I don’t know who you are apart from the fact that in your writing you use old fashioned phrases, seem to be at least 50 years of age; also from your writing you seem to be narrow minded, reactionary and you probably speak with a regional British accent that you will deny; you’re certainly not an economist.

Here are a few of your offensive comments: how eloquent are these?

Hitler had the best idea for you homos
Burn you.

And we all know that you are the bottom of the social pile

A deceased ridden homo....

I just think that all homosexual people have a mental illness and should try and change from their ways. After all you lot brought AIDS into the world and that's a fact.
You all just disgust me.

I suppose I could have searched back to older comments and I’m sure there will be further people that you try and insult; maybe this is good therapy for you; you can insult people anonymously, get it all off your chest and then go into your exciting job. Do you ever wonder why you are right and everybody else is in the wrong?

By the way the word is blog and that is what this is – a blog. Every time you write on these boards you are making a blog; if you were an etymologist you would know that this word is derived from web-log; you may not like it but it is quite acceptable; if you read more than The Daily Mail or your odd dip into the Telegraph you might have seen it and as far as me being part of the great unwashed (another word from the past as well as balderdash) I shower twice a day – once when I get up and again after the gym.

You are as vile as the other gentleman, as you call him, the one who writes in block capitals when he gets excited. I say to you what I said to him. This is a web site for film criticism and discussion; not for your violently bitter verbal attacks.





You really shouldn't be on this site at all (pandkduke) - you are offensive; you have demonstrated what kind of person you are with the quotes I have pointed out that you made about Hitler etc.
I don't care about the other guy; he might not be clear in his ideas and may want to talk about illegal immigrants and affirmative action when we were discussing the dog's name but you are an evil pustule.
I wouldn't let my children anywhere near you or let them read what you have written - I am very liberal minded with them but I never let them see pornography which is what you write.
You sound like some kind of hospital orderly or a doorman at the social security office who lives in one room in Croyden and in his imagination.
I bet I'm not the only one who thinks you are offensive either - show your friends (if you have any) or your family (again if you have any) what you have been writing on this and on the other sites and see what they say.
Anybody else reading this click in to Pandkduke's page and see how offensive he really is and tell him.


He is offensive - I too looked at his other postings and his comments about Hitler; what a loser.


How strange. I find YOU offensive.



Let me first address your comments: there are people who are up in arms about people getting a free ride, as you call it, and there will always be people who take advantage of any system but the system is there for the unfortunate people who can’t help their situation and if there are a few hundred being dishonest that is a price we all have to pay. The people who rip-off the system and won’t work are few and far between but there are a lot more people who swindle their taxes than fiddle social security.
At the end of the day it doesn’t cost you any more income tax than you would pay if there was no fiddling.
If you were to send ‘them’ all back home – whoever you want to label as ‘them’ – be they Pakistanis, Blacks, Refugees or anybody else you would pay more income tax because they pay a lot of tax, they work in industries where you, with your six bed roomed house, two children and room for a pony, wouldn’t work.
If that happened, and it never will so get used to ‘them’, the country would have to import more goods – even food. But it won’t happen.

With regards to your pornography: pornography is not just the sexual kind and the nude photos you see in The Sun and other tabloid newspapers you have in Britain.

This is pornography – all written by you:

September 14th 2006

Oh dear another bleating gay person

September 17th 2006-09-17
Perhaps this is because she is some kind of prostitute and sex is her living.

Or perhaps she loves to see children being murdered .
I really hope she has not got any children ( which I doubt ) or has any contact with any as she obviously cannot be trusted around them as she believes in child murder.

September 14th 2006
Hitler had the best idea for you homos
Burn you all

September 14th 2006

And we all know that you are the bottom of the social pile

A deceased ridden homo....

September 14th 2006

I just think that all homosexual people have a mental illness and should try and change from their ways. After all you lot brought AIDS into the world and that's a fact.
You all just disgust me.

September 10th 2006

What a strange reaction from someone who I can only presume to be a 'puff'.

You need help and should turn away from your ways. Personally I believe it to be a brain chemical imbalance that makes you people do the things you do.

You also think by breaking words up that they don’t count as curses the same as you do with the 'N' word – this from July 10th 2006

She's a crackin' little actress
Lovely to look at
Smashin' Tits
Fit as Fu ck

So quit moanin' and go and av a wa nk or something

You also appear to be a misogynist – this on June 1st 2006 when referring to a film:


You sir are a prize prat; but thankfully you are in the minority. This particular site – the IMDb - has millions of hits per day but, believe me, more people have never heard of it than use it and of those people that do use it only a few come to this particular movie – I came because I heard Peter Jackson was doing a re-make of it and I just happened on the ‘name of the dog’ thread so, as I say, thankfully you are in the minority.

Judging by your writing - and thank goodness I don’t know you personally, you seem to be a lot older than 34. There are lots of things about how people write, the words they use and what they say that gives their ages away – either that or you really are some kind of dinosaur.

This is my last post on this subject – I’ll leave you to rant and rave like a little Hitler in the bunker.



Never been to Britain have you burrell_dale - never been to Ireland or Sweden; Norway or even Canada. You've never seen the welfare state at work have you - never known universal health care where you never have to pay at source - they say the Canadian version is the best in the world. Britain's was when it first started till the Conservatives messed it up and tried to get each department to show a profit instead of looking after the sick. So that’s the bad news you have for us do you - I think bobbydelderfield went away, according to his last posting, but I am sure he is as shocked as I am with your bad news – you have no news – we know what socialism is – at least I do!


Yeah Burrell_Dale the word you're searching for is comunism.



" Frankly, I would rather have FREEDOM than have so-called "free health care"! "

-Right and we all know countries with free health care are so opressive;)



Talking nonsense again burrell dale; you don't know what you are talking about; people go to Britain for health care too - they go to Harley Street in London; from the royalty of Kuwait to General Pinochet - that's why he was arrested there.
There are also American Citizens going to Thailand for health treatment because it is cheaper and one or two of the health care plans here in the USA are sending people to India where the doctors and nurses are American and British trained. But you stand very little chance of having Universal Health Care here because even the people that advocate it don't trust it; for some reason they think this is the best country in the world and that goes for health care too - well they are wrong; there is no such place.
The richest people in America - and I live in Beverly Hills where there are many rich people, some great hospitals close by and I have full medical insurance - we have it easy but poor people don’t get the treatment we do; in Britain and Canada it doesn't matter how much money you have you will never have to pay for that emergency appendix operation the way you do here.


Yeah totally agree with you. Its a crime that we here in America don't get free health care. The right to live should not be restricted to those who have deep pockets. No one should be forced to die because they don't have the money, even people like burrel dale.



Yup and don't forget Scandinavia those damn Swedes, so opressive. LOL. Or Canada either with their Canadian Gestapo officers. ;)

And for the record I was NOT born YESTERDAY either:)



"And there are OTHER reasons American citizens are going to Thailand, I am sad to say...!"
-A bit off subject, my friend.

"I am inclined to think that food and shelter are at least as important as health care...!"

-Well here in this case I must agree with you. America's welfare and housing for the poor are quite insufficient and they are just as important as health care. Food, Reliable Healthcare, and Housing should be a guarenteed in the US.

And it is true that one can't get the healthcare without the taxes, but if the time comes when I'll need medical attention I don't think I'll mind them.



Wow calling me a communist! Poor guy, now he's paranoid.
I never said I owned teh US, or that it is my place to make the decision for the entire nation. As it is, I believe in democracy and the fredom of speech. I'm simply voicing my opinion, burrel dale, and arguing for it, and no I don't think I'm infallible, but when reading your posts I've come to the conclusion you think you are.

As to me being a complete fool, that really doesn't mean much seeming as 99.9% of the people on the IMDb boards consider that you are.



'You are using a typical leftist tactic: "If you can't REFUTE what a person SAYS, then attack the PERSON!"'

-you fail to realize we have been refuting your poor arguments from the very beginning. lol.

"And "name-calling" is a low-down form of attack."

-so you admit that calling me a fool was pretty pathetic.

"And "Dale Burrell" is my real name, by the way. "
-Wow fun random fact of the day which bears no real to this discussion. here I'll add one too. On September 21, 1937 The hobbit was published. Happy Hobbit day everyone:)

"Poor guy, now he's paranoid. Why is that? Just because I don't see things YOUR way?"
-no actually because you're branding me a commy just because I simply voiced my opinion: that it would be nice to aid our fellow man in thier times of troubles.

"You are "arguing for" SOCIALISM, and socialism is a PROVEN FAILURE!"
-open your eyes and look around you there are several thriving nations that are socialist. The Laissez-faire capitalism you seem to preach was a faliure.

"At least I am not trying to shove MY ideas down everybody ELSES throat!"
-I'm not, I'm simply fighting back against a man who is.

"If you are intelligent enough to KNOW BETTER, then you are WORSE than a fool! "
-This statement doesn't seem to really make sense, and I confess I'm not too sure what you're trying to tell me. You seem to be using some lack of judgement to draw the conclusion that you are not considered a fool and that I am. Other than that I have no real idea. Please explain your thoughts more completely.

"And even if "99.9% of the people on the IMDb boards" think I am a fool, MY CONSCIENCE IS CLEAR!"
-Yeah thats cause you're too ignorant to read what your typing.



First of all Dale, go back to highschool. Laissez-faire capitalism drove the working class into the ground, if it weren't for restrictions imposed by the government America would be in tatters. Laissez-faire capitalism failed!

Now now, I fail to see how free-health care is stealing. Sure the people must pay more taxes, but its for the interest of everybody that includes you! Perhaps when you're in dire need of expensive med-care you'll see how it truly is. If I have to pay more money every year for med-care knowing that it will keep someone alive, that otherwise couldn't afford the treatments then I'll be happy.

As a man who believed every innocent child who died in the firebombings in Dresden, and in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, diserved their fate for being America's enemy, I very much doubt that you could ever feel any sypathy or empathy for another.

I've tried to open your ignorant and selfish eyes Burrel Dale to the world, but I see that you are too stubborn and too intolerant to do so. Perhaps this explains why you're 54 and single, but it clearly exemplifies the fact that you are beneath me, and yes the fool that you make yourself out to be.

May God help you, you'll need it!


You are an idiot Mister Burrell Dale and no matter what we tell you it goes in one ear and out of the other.
It's interesting - there is one idiot in Britain writing on this thread - the guy with six bedrooms and no sense - who has been nicknamed 'the count' by another blogger and you 'the idiot' as I will call you living here in the good old USA.
Now what part of this particular posting will you copy and paste?



Do you know I've never heard that expression before - 'put that in your pipe and smoke it!' I must remember that - I'll have to write it down. Oh! I just did.
Now let us have some more of your Oscar Wilde witticisms.
By the way what does it have to do with anything what your real name is?



"Actually, no. I only mentioned it because I am NOT afraid to show my identity."

Is that so? Is that why you conviently excluded your name. lol. For that matter, why did you even bring the subject up? Is hiding behind an internet nickname bismirching your honor and self-esteem somehow?

"YOU probably know more about that particular subject than I do- I am not into literature."

That would explain alot, lol.

Also judging by your views on government, I take it that you're some sort of anarchist, who wants to tear down the senate house, butcher the congressmen, wipe out the presidency forever, and shoot the grand jurors.

I can't believe you're worried about me inciting a revolt! But then again I don't think we have much to worry about from you. The overwhelming majority believes you're a fool.



So you'e against government are you? Where do you live - Ruby Ridge?



"That is a cheap shot, and you KNOW it!"
-So I bring up a valid point which you can't refute, so now I must pulling a cheap shot, aye?

"All I have against the government is the barrel of my GUN!"
-and you say you aren't militant anarchist oposed to government.



What's the matter Burrell Dale with the real name - why aren't you funny any more?
What you are saying – to paraphrase Noel Coward – is a meaningless jumble of poppycock; it bears no relation to the cinema, to life, to the dam busters, to politics or anything. There is no syntax to your sentences, no meaning to your points or ideas and you must be living in some kind of fantasy world if you think you would be even able to give the government any trouble.



What are you saying?




Why? - RichEyles I am asking - why am I offensive?



"change the name of the dog in the new film The Dam Busters and let it go at that. "

Sorry, I can't agree. Attempting to rewrite history is a well-known tactic employed by some of the most evil people the world has ever seen. It's a dangerous road to go down and not one I wish to follow. If we forget the mistakes of the past, we are condemned to repeat them.

The dog's name was N****r and the code word for breaching the Möhne dam was N****r. It was a different time with different values. Let it go at that.


Who's talking about calling people names in the movie. It is about a historical fact. It was the dogs name. And as for the offensiveness of the word in question, why is it only offensive if a caucasion person uses it. People of color have been using it for as long as caucasions have and not many of them seem to find it offensive in that case. It all comes down to perception. Sure, there are racists that give the word a bad connotation, but when you get down to it, it is just a word. Shall we take it even farther than PC now, will we have to come up with new words for fat or lard, lest some overweight people take offense. The solution is not removing said words from the language, but removing the negative connotations of the words. And, lastly, to quote Voltaire, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to the death, your right to say it."


snikt91 has made the exact point i was going to make.

i agree with everything he/she/it/them/they/us/we/you/you says

